美国出入境I-94表和海关申报表内容如下: 美国入境I-94表
Arrival Record 到达报告
1. Family Name 姓 2. First (Gicen) Name 名 3. Birth Date (day/mo/yr) 出生日期(日/月/年) 4. Country of Citizenship 国籍 5.Sex (Male or Female) 性别(男或女) 7.Airline and Flight Number 6.Passport Number 护照号 航班号NumberHANG航班号 8.Country Where You Live居住的国家 9.City Where You Boarded居住的城市 10.City Where Visa Was Issued获得签证的城市 11.Date Issued (day/mo/yr) 签证日期(日/月/年) 12.Address While in the United States (Number and Street)在美地址(含街道和门牌号) 13.City and State(上述地址所在)城市和州
Departure Record 离境报告
1. Family Name 姓 2. First (Gicen) Name 名 3. Birth Date (day/mo/yr) 出生日期(日/月/年) 4. Country of Citizenship 国籍
1. Family Name 姓 First (Given) 名 Middle中间 名 2. Birth date 出生日期 Day Month Year年 日 月 3. Number of Family Members traveling with you. 和你同行 的家人人数 4. ?U.S. Street Address(hotel name/destination).在美国的地址(酒店名/目的地) ?City城 ?State 市 州 5. Passport issued by (country)护照 颁发国 6. Passport number护照号 7. Country of Residence居住国 8. Countries visited on this Trip prior to U.S. arrival 此次到美国之前访问的国家 9. Airline/Flight No. or Vessel Name 航班或 船班号 10. The primary purpose of thip is business:这次旅行主要Yes No 的目的是工作 11. I am (We are) bringing我(我们)携带了 ? fruits, plants, food, insects:水果,农产品,食品,昆虫 Yes No ? meats, animals, animal/wildlife products:肉类,动物,动Yes No 物/野生动物制品 ? disease agents, cell cultures, snails: 蜜蜂制品,生物制Yes No 品 ?soil or have been on a farm/ranch/pasture:来自农场/牧场/Yes No 草原的土壤 12. I have(we have) been in close proximity of (such as touching or handing) livestock: 我(我们)最近接近过牲畜。 Yes No 13. I am (We are) carrying currency or monetary instruments over $10,000 U.S.or foreign equivalents (see definition of mone tary instruments on reverse) 我(我们)携带了超过10000美元或等值外币。 Yes No 14. I have (We have) commercial merchandise:((articles for sale, samples used for soliciting orders, or goods that are not considered personal effects) 我(我们)有商务货品(商品、样品或非个人使用的物品) Yes No 15. Residents – the total value of all goods, including commercial merchandise I/we have purchased or acquired abroad, (including gifts for someone else, but not items mailed to the U.S.) and am/are bringing to the U.S. is: 美国公民——从国外购买或获得的商品(包括礼品)的总价 值: $ Visitors – the total value of all articles that will remain in the U.S., including commercial merchandise is:访问者——所有将留在美国的商品总价 值: $ Read the instructions on the back of this form. Space is provided to list all the items you must declare. 参见本表背面的说明,并在空白出列出物品的清单。 IHAVE READ THE IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM AND HAVE MADE A TRUTHFUL DECLARATION. 我已阅读了本表背面的注意事项,并已如实申报。 (Signature)签名 Date (day/month/year)日期(日/月/年)