摘要: 当今,城市化进程加快,我国房地产产业也随着蓬勃发展。日益激烈的市场竞争, 越来越多
样的客户需求及居高不下的客户投诉使得房地产开发商们面临的问题也日益多起 来。形成良好的资金运转状况、 解决产品的滞销及回款缓慢问题, 是目前中国房地产行业健 康发展的迫切需要。 随着产品模式的不断创新和行业竞争的日益加剧, 客户对住宅开发及服 务的重视程度, 已远远超过产品本身, 服务正逐渐成为下一轮住宅产业发展的重点。 有鉴于 此,新城房产正着力从单纯的产品模式向服务模式转变, 从一个科技企业向一个人本企业转 变,并提出“以客户为中心”的服务理念,将客户价值作为行为指南,时刻保持对客户需求 的敏锐观察与迅速反应, 回归客户导向的基本命题。 只有改变企业本身机制、 改善企业与及 市场的关系, 才能维系房地产企业的可持续发展。 基于此, 房地产企业急需建立一个与客户 形成有效互动, 销售与服务一体化的系统管理。 它不仅可以帮助企业进行更精确的客户细分, 为企业维系与客户之间的关系, 而且可以实现企业内部流程的优化和改进, 为企业节省交易 成本, 为企业和客户创造共赢。 从产品的关注到客户的尊重, 从内部管理的规范到客户关系 的维护, 从新客户的吸引到客户全生命周期的呵护, 新城用实际行动诠释着对客户关系理念 的理解。 客户需求是影响企业长期战略的重要因素, 客户满意才是检验新城产品与服务质量 好坏的唯一标准。新城懂得并超越客户期望, 为客户创造价值,让客户的幸福变得简单,是 新城房产永远追求的目标。 本文系统的分析了房地产企业客户关系管理涉及的理论, 主要目 的是为新城房产实施客户关系管理提供理论支持, 缺乏理论的支持, 客户关系管理的实施将 会成为无源之水、无本之木。
关键词: 房地产、客户关系管理、市场竞争
Research Of Customer Relationship Management
Abstract:Today, the urbanization process is accelerated, the real estate industry in China also along with the vigorous development of increasingly fierce market competition, more and more diverse customer needs and high customer complaints make property developers are faced with the problem are also increasingly Form a good capital operation condition to solve the unmarketable products and the receivable slow problem, is the healthy development of China's real estate industry are urgently needed Therefore, With the model of product innovation and industry competition intensifying, importance of residential development and customer service, has been far more than the product itself,
service is becoming the focus of the next round of housing industry development Because of this, new housing is emphatically from pure product mode to service mode, from a shift towards a people-oriented enterprise science and technology enterprises, and put forward the customer-focused service concept, the customer value as behavior guide, keep the keen observation and rapid response to customer's requirement, return customer oriented basic proposition.Only change the mechanism of enterprise itself Improve the relationship between the enterprise and market, to maintain the sustainable development of real estate enterprises Based on this, the real estate enterprises urgently need to
establish an effective interaction with customers, sales and service integration system of management It not only can help enterprises to carry out more accurate customer segmentation, for the enterprise to maintain the relationship between with customers, and can reach the company internal process optimization and change.Attention from the product to the customer's respect, from the internal management of the specification to the maintenance of customer relationships, from the new customers attracted to the whole life cycle of customer care, new town with practical action in the understanding of the concept of customer relationship Customer demand is the important factors that affect enterprise long-term strategy, customer satisfaction is the sole criterion for testing new products and services quality Xincheng understand and exceed customer
expectations, create value for customers, make customers happy is simple, is the goal of the new city real estate forever.Theory of customer relationship was analyzed systematically in this dissertation. The aim of this dissertation is to provide support in theory for implemention of customer relationship management. Without the theory,apply of CRM will be similarity to water no source and tree no root.
Key Words: real estate enterprise, customer relationship management,Market competition
目前网络信息化已越来越成为主流,与此同时,房地产产品的品质也在成长 中逐渐成熟,现在很多房地产企业已经开始重视客户关系管理与服务对企业的重 要性。房地产企业的经营模式也开始转变, 传统的营销策略和运作模式已跟不上 时代的潮流,
而客户关系这一从前被忽视的部分, 现今已与销售与物业一样被开 发商看的同等重要。
所以在当前情况下, 房地产企业必须着眼于长期发展利益去整合客户资源、 研 究客户切实所需的要求并并深入去挖掘客户的潜在价值, 去大胆的对客户关系去 探索和实施, 只有真正将用户的体验当做一个房地产品牌的核心, 才能有效的提 高产品口碑, 提升品牌的影响力, 从而提高企业的综合实力。 客户关系管理在房 地产行业中就发挥了至关重要的作用, 它不但能够解决产品的销售问题, 提升客 户满意度;同时对于提升企业的服务品质和能力, 提升品牌形象也有很大的帮助。
1. 客户关系管理的概述
1.1 客户关系管理产生的发展背景
自人类有商务时代以来, 科技时代就是一个以客户为导向的时代, 客户关系也 一直是人类商务活动中的一个关键问题,也是商务活动能否成功的重要条件之 一。而是否能深入了解并满足客户所需并提供相应的高质量产品及服务, 对客户 实际需求的重视程度,是一个企业能否吸引客户的关键。
如今,越来越多的企业已经着手去实施客户关系管理, 它是一个可以帮助企业 了解客户真实需求的有效途径, 它可以及时、 有效地反馈给客户, 并为企业重要 客户提供更加个性化及人性化的服务。
1.2 什么是客户关系管理
客户关系管理的思想是于 90 年代末跟随电子商务的大潮涌进中国的,时间 并不长,因此实战经验还有很多空白, 仍需要学习并吸收国外那些实施企业客户 关系管理大有收益的企业成果
房地产企业在客户关系管理上首先要对比自己以前的管理模式, 其次要多找 找和同行业中企业客户关系实施成功的那些企业的差距, 多分析自己做的不到位 的地方。
客户关系管理理论是优化管理思想和先进技术手段,从一个角度来看,企业 可以降低成本,提高效率,满足客户的需求, 使企业能够获得更大的顾客满意度 和忠诚