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[knock knock knock knock]

Twilight Sparkle: Oh! Hi, Pinkie Pie... [Pinkie Pie]

This is your singing telegram I hope it finds you well You're invited to a party

'Cause we think you're really swell Gummy's turning one year old So help us celebrate The cake will be delicious The festivities first-rate

There will be games and dancing Bob for apples, cut a rug [pop] And when the party's over We'll gather 'round for a group hug [Slowing down] No need to bring a gift Being there will be enough

Birthdays mean having fun with friends Not getting lots of stuff [Breathing heavily]

It won't be the same without you So we hope that you say yes So, please, oh please R.S.V.P. And come, and be our guest!

Pinkie Pie: [rasping voice] Next time, I think I'll just pass out written invitations. [theme song] [music]

Rainbow Dash: Nice one! Now, let me show you how it's really done. Pinkie Pie: Hey, girls!

Rainbow Dash: Hey, Pinkie Pie! Applejack: Howdy!

Pinkie Pie: [squeal] Just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you could make it to Gummy's party.

Applejack: Are you kiddin'? I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Rainbow Dash: Me neither. When Pinkie Pie throws a party, I am there! Ta-da! Pinkie Pie: Aw! It's just a boring old apple. Don't worry, there are plenty of other surprises in there.



Rainbow Dash: [spits] What kind of surprises?

Pinkie Pie: I can't tell you that, silly. Then it wouldn't be a surprise. Applejack: [laughs]

Rarity: This punch is simply divine. Is this the same recipe you used for your \Pinkie Pie: Nope! Something new. Rarity: [spits]

Pinkie Pie: It's Gummy's favorite. Rarity: [gulp]

Pinkie Pie: Ooh, this is my jam! Rarity: [spits]

Pinkie Pie: Having fun? Twilight Sparkle: A blast!

Fluttershy: You always throw the best parties, Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie: They're always the best parties 'cause my best friends are always there!

Twilight Sparkle: Yah! Fluttershy: [yelp]

Pinkie Pie: C'mon, everypony! Gummy wants to dance! Go, Gummy! It's your birthday! Go, Gummy! It's your birthday!

Applejack: Hoo-wee! I am beat! I haven't danced that much since... Well, since your last party. Thanks again for the invite! Rainbow Dash: See ya later, birthday alligator! Rarity: Bravo for hosting yet another delightful soiree. Fluttershy: It's been lovely.

Pinkie Pie: You sure you don't wanna stay? There's still some cake left. Twilight Sparkle: Uh, I think I'm gonna pass. Great party though. We should do this again soon.

Pinkie Pie: [gasp] We should do this again soon! [knock knock knock knock] Twilight Sparkle: Oh! Hi, Pinki- Pinkie Pie: It's soon!

Twilight Sparkle: Pardon me?

Pinkie Pie: You said we should have another party soon, and... it's soon! Here's your invitation!

Twilight Sparkle: \at 3 o'clock.\

Pinkie Pie: All our bestest friends are invited, and there's gonna be dancing, and games, and cake, and ice-cream, and punch!

Twilight Sparkle: This afternoon? As in, \Pinkie Pie: Yes, indeedy!



Twilight Sparkle: Oh, gosh. I wish I could make it, but I've gotten a bit behind in my studies. I've really gotta hit the books.

Pinkie Pie: I understand. Your studies come first. But don't worry, we'll be sure to save you some cake. Twilight Sparkle: Please do.

Pinkie Pie: Oh! And Twilight, you shouldn't hit the books. You should really just read them.

Twilight Sparkle: I'll keep that in mind.

Applejack: Huh? Oh, hi, Pinkie Pie! What brings you 'round these parts? Pinkie Pie: Who's ready to shake their hoof-thang?! It's an invitation to Gummy's \cake, and ice-cream, and punch!

Applejack: This afternoon? A-as in, \

Pinkie Pie: That's funny. That's just what Twilight said, and the answer is, \It's this afternoon!\

Applejack: Uh, well, I... I... uh... I don't think I can make it 'cause... uh... I have to... uh... uh, you know what? I... uh... pick apples! Yep, apples! 'Cause that's what we do! With the... apples. We, uh... pick 'em! [gulp]

Pinkie Pie: Okey-dokey-lokey! A party is still a party, even if there are only three guests.

Applejack: [sigh]

Spike: [grunts] Anything else I can do for you, most beautiful one?

Rarity: [sniff] [whimper] Hmm... perhaps you could take a bath. How do I put this delicately? You smell like a rotten apple core that's been wrapped in moldy hay and dipped in dragon perspiration. Spike: [sigh]

Rarity: Ooh! Love the new hat. Very modern. What's the occasion?

Pinkie Pie: Gummy's \invitations.

Rarity: The party is this afternoon? As in, \Pinkie Pie: It's so strange. Everypony keeps saying that. Rarity: Oh... do they?

Pinkie Pie: I know it's short notice, but we had such a great time at his birthday party, I thought we could have even more fun at his after-birthday party. Rarity: And I'm sure that we would, but I'm going to have to decline. I have to... wash my hair!

Pinkie Pie: Don't be silly, your hair doesn't look dirty. Rarity: It doesn't? Pinkie Pie: Nope!

Rarity: See? [gag] Dirty! I have to go!

Pinkie Pie: Huh... No Twilight, no Applejack, no Rarity. Oh well, a party is still a party even with only two guests.



Rainbow Dash: This afternoon? Fluttershy: As in...?

Pinkie Pie: Yes! As in, \

Rainbow Dash: Oh, man! We'd love to, but... we're... house-sitting this afternoon. Pinkie Pie: [sigh] Both of you? Fluttershy: It's... uh... a big house.

Rainbow Dash: Uh, look at the time! We'd really better get going.

Pinkie Pie: Wait! Maybe I could bring you some after-birthday cake and ice-cream. Who're you house-sitting for? Rainbow Dash: Harry. Pinkie Pie: Harry?

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I don't think you know him.

Pinkie Pie: That's strange. I know just about everypony around here. Fluttershy: He's... a bear. Pinkie Pie: A bear?

Rainbow Dash: Yup! He's a bear all right, and he'll be pretty upset if we don't get over to his house soon.

Pinkie Pie: Wait! There's a bear around here who lives in a house? Fluttershy: It's, uh, really more of a cave.

Rainbow Dash: But he's fixed up the place so much, it feels like a house. Fluttershy: And, uh, he wants us to look after his house... uh, cave... while he's, uh...

Rainbow Dash: A-at the beach!

Pinkie Pie: He's vacationing at the beach? Rainbow Dash: Yup! He loves to...

Fluttershy: [over Rainbow Dash] Collect sea shells! ...Play beach volleyball! ...Collect volleyballs!

Rainbow Dash: [over Fluttershy] Play beach volleyball! ...Collect sea shells! ...Play sea shells! Rainbow Dash: Gotta go!

Pinkie Pie: Something strange is definitely going on around here, Gummy. Sure Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had to house-sit for that vacationing bear, but what are the chances all my other friends would have plans this afternoon too? Rarity has to wash her hair? Applejack has to pick apples? Twilight is behind on her studies and has to hit the books? The more I think about it, the more those are starting to sound like... [gasp] excuses! [door closes]

Pinkie Pie: That doesn't look like studying... or hitting! [ding!]

Mrs. Cake: Ooh! You must be here for... Twilight Sparkle: Shh! Is Pinkie Pie around? Mrs. Cake: Oh, I don't think so.



Twilight Sparkle: Good. I don't wanna her to know anything about this. Mrs. Cake: Yes, of course. I'll be right back.

Pinkie Pie: But... we're friends. What wouldn't Twilight want me to know anything about? [gasp] She's coming back. Mrs. Cake: There you go.

Twilight Sparkle: Thanks, and remember, not a word to Pinkie Pie. Hey! What's with the tin can? [yelp]

Pinkie Pie: Time to get to the bottom of things! [gasp] I think our cover's been blown! We'll need a new disguise. [doorbell rings]

Rarity: She didn't see you at the sweet shop, did she? Twilight Sparkle: I don't think so.

Rarity: Oh, good. I'd hate for her to ruin everything. Twilight Sparkle: Me too. Gummy: [sneeze]

Rarity: Have you seen her? Fluttershy: Not since this morning.

Rarity: Me neither. Can you believe she was planning on throwing an after-birthday party today?

Fluttershy: I'm just glad I was able to come up with an excuse for why I couldn't be there.

Rarity: Me too! This is obviously going to be so much better. Fluttershy: As long as we keep her from finding out about it, it will. Rarity: [whispering] See you later! Fluttershy: [gasp] [scream]

Pinkie Pie: I thought everypony loved my parties. Rainbow Dash: Hi, Pinkie Pie! Uh-oh! Pinkie Pie: Rainbow Dash! Wait! Rainbow Dash: Phew... Pinkie Pie: Where're you going?! Rainbow Dash: Ah! [shriek]

Pinkie Pie: What's the real reason you didn't want to come to Gummy's party?! Rainbow Dash: [grunt]

Pinkie Pie: What's in those bags?!

Rainbow Dash: Applejack! We have a problem! Applejack: [gasp]

[bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk] Pinkie Pie: I know you're IN THERE! Applejack: Oh! Howdy, pardner!

Pinkie Pie: Mind if I... take a look inside the barn?

Applejack: No! Uh, I mean, yes, I mean... you can't come in here!




