Passage One
When Tony Wagner, the Harvard education specialist, describes his job today, he says he’s \translator between two hostile tribes—the education world and the business world, the people who teach our kids and the people who give them jobs. Wagner’s argument in his book Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World is that our K-12 and college tracks are not consistently \ 【本节高频词汇】
hostile adj.敌对的
K12---kindergarten through twelfth grade的简写,是指从幼儿园(Kindergarten,通常5-6岁)到十二年级(Grade Twelve,通常17-18岁),这两个年纪是美国、澳大利亚及英国、加拿大的免费教育头尾的两个年级,K-12是国际上对基础教育的统称。
Track:n、v 轨道,追踪,走。 【本节翻译】
61.In his book, Wagner argues that . A.the education world are hostile to our kids
B.the business world are hostile to those seeking jobs
C.the business world are too demanding on the education world D.the education world should teach what the marketplace demands
详解:【D】细节题。题目问的是华格纳在书中论述了。回归原文:K12和大学教育并没有相应\增加价值,并教授在市场上最重要的技巧”。A项“教育界同儿童敌对”;B项“市场同找工作的人敌对”;C项“市场对教育界的要求极高”;D项“教育界应该教授市场所需内容”。 根据题意,D项符合,故选D。
This is dangerous at a time when there is increasingly no such things as a high-wage, middle-skilled job—the thing that sustained the middle class in the last generation. Now, there is only a high-wage, high- skilled job. Every middle-class job
today is being pulled up, out or down faster than ever. That is, it either requires more skill or can be done by more people around the world or is being buried——made obsolete- faster than ever. Which is why the goal of education today, argues Wagner, should not be to make every child “ college ready\add value to whatever they do. 【本节高频词汇】
Pull up拔起;停下来;阻止
Pull down 摧毁,推翻;拉下来;使……下跌
Pull out 离开,撤离;拔出;渡过难关;恢复健康 Obsolete adj.废弃的;老式的;n.废词;陈腐的人 【本节翻译】
这是十分危险的,尤其是高薪、中等技能工作越来越少了一这是维持上一代中产阶级的工作。如今,只有高薪、高技能的工作。每个中产阶级的工作正以比以往任何时候都快的速度停止、消失或降低。 也就是说,它要么要求更多的技能,要么世界上更多的人能够完成它,要么被埋葬、被淘汰,这是比以往任何时候都发展迅速的事情。这也就是为什么华格纳 认为现在教育的目标不应该是使孩子都\准备好上大 学\,而是''准备好革新\,也就是为他们将来要做的事情增添价值。
That is a tall task. I tracked Wagner down and asked him to elaborate. “Today,\he said via e-mail, \knowledge is available on every Internet-connected device, what you know matters far less than what you can do with what you know. The capacity to innovate—the ability to solve problems creatively or bring new possibilities to life—and skills like critical thinking, communication and collaboration are far more important than academic knowledge. As one executive told me, 'We can teach new hires the content. And we will have to because it continues to change, but we cann’t teach them how to think——to ask the right questions—and to take initiative. ” 【本节高频词汇】
track down跟踪到,追查到
elaborate adj.精细阐述的,详细描述的
executive adj. 经营管理的;有执行权的;n. 主管;行政领导; 【本节翻译】
上你能为自己所知道的事做什么重要。创新的能力,也就是创造性地解决问题或为生活提供新可能的能力和技巧,如批判性思维、沟通和合作远比学术知识重要。就像一位高管告诉我的,'我们能教新员工知识。我们也会这么做,因为知识总在不断变化。但是我们无法教他们如何思考,如何提出正确的问题, 如何主动行动'”
62.What does the “ tall task” refer to in the third paragraph? A.Sustaining the middle class.
B.Saving high-wage, middle-skilled jobs.
C.Shifting from “college ready” to \
D.Preventing middle-class jobs from becoming obsolete fast. 详解:【C】细节题。题目问的是第三段中\艰难的任务\指什么。回归原文:That is a tall task,that指的是文中第二段结尾(Which is why the goal of education today, argues Wagner, should not be to make every child “ college ready\but “ innovation ready”—ready to add value to whatever they do.)提到教育目标要从'‘准 备好上大学”到''准备好创新”转变。接着第三段开始说这是一项\艰难的任务”。随后,文章围绕 这“艰难的任务'‘讲述职场对人们能力的要求。C 项符合题意,故选C。
63.What is mainly expressed in Wagner's e-mail?
A.New hires should be taught the content rather than the ways of thinking. B.Knowledge is more readily available on Internet-connected devices. C.Academic knowledge is still the most important to teach. D.Creativity and skills matter more than knowledge. 详解:【D]主旨题。题目问的是华格纳邮件中主要表达了什么。回归原文:第三段的邮件中即双引号的中内容:提到创新能力比学术知识重要,论述也是围绕这一观点展开,故选D。
My generation had it easy. We got to “find\will have to “ invent\given the pace of change today, even they will have to reinvent, re-engineer and reimagine that job much often than their parents if they want to advance in it. 【本节高频词汇】
given adj. 赠予的;沉溺的;规定的prep. 考虑到v. 给予 advance in 进步;改进
我们这一代比较容易。我们是\找”一份工作。 但是,我们的孩子比以往任何时候都需要''创造”工作。当然,幸运的孩子会找到他们的第一份工作,但是考虑到当今变化的速度,且如果想有所作为,他们就不得不重新开发、重新规划和重新思考这份工作。
64.What is implied in the fourth paragraph? A.Jobs favor the lucky ones in every generation. B.Jobs changed slowly in the author’s generation.
C.The author’s generation led an easier life than their kids. D.It was easy for the author’s generation to find their first jobs.
详解:[D]推断题。题目问的是第四段表明了下列哪一项。回归原文:幸运的人会找到第一份工作,而不是工作青睐幸运儿。A项不正确;B项与文中表述相悖,不正 确;C项为易错项,文中所说的容易是指工作而不是生活,C项不正确;D项符合题意,故选D。
“Finland is one of the most innovative economies in the world,\and it is the only country where students leave high school ' innovation-ready'. They learn concepts and creativity more than facts, and have a choice of many electives——all with a shorter school day, little homework, and almost no testing. There are a growing number of 'reinvented' colleges like the Olin College of Engineering, the M. I. T. Media Lab and the ‘D-school’ Stanford where students learn to innovate.
65.What is the purpose of the last paragraph? A.To orient future education.
B.To exemplify the necessary shift in education. C.To draw a conclusion about the shift in education.
D.To criticize some colleges for their practices in education.
详解:【B]推断题。题目问的是最后一段的目的是什么。回归原文:芬兰为例, 最后提到越来越多的学院在教育上注重创新。因此是说明教育转变的必要。B项符合题意,故选B。
hostile adj.敌对的
K12---kindergarten through twelfth grade的简写,是指从幼儿园(Kindergarten,通常5-6岁)到十二年级(Grade Twelve,通常17-18岁),这两个年纪是美国、澳大利亚及英国、加拿大的免费教育头尾的两个年级,K-12是国际上对基础教育的统称。
Track:n、v 轨道,追踪,走。 Pull up拔起;停下来;阻止
Pull down 摧毁,推翻;拉下来;使……下跌
Pull out 离开,撤离;拔出;渡过难关;恢复健康 Obsolete adj.废弃的;老式的;n.废词;陈腐的人 track down跟踪到,追查到
elaborate adj.精细阐述的,详细描述的
executive adj. 经营管理的;有执行权的;n. 主管;行政领导; given adj. 赠予的;沉溺的;规定的prep. 考虑到v. 给予 advance in 进步;改进
exemplify v,举例说明,例证
Passage Two
For 150 years scientists have tried to determine the solar constant, the amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth. Yet, even in the most cloud-free regions of the planet, the solar constant cannot be measured precisely. Gas molecules and dust particles in the atmosphere absorb and scatter sunlight and prevent some wavelengths of the light from ever reaching the ground. 【本节词汇】
constant adj. 不变的;恒定的;经常的n. [数] 常数;恒量 absorb 吸收,吸取
Scatter v. 撒播;散开;(棒球)有效投(球)n. 零星散布的东西;离差;散射