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2021年高二英语艺术班英语周考 缺答案

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12.10号高二艺术班英语周考 总分:____

一. 汉译英(每题2分共40分)

1.在...压力下_________ 2.禁止某人做某事_________ 3.归因于某事/某人_________ 4.沉溺于某物_________ 5.专心做某事;上了…..的瘾_________ 6.习惯于..._________ 7.停止做..._________ 8.对...有影响_________ 9.想要做..._________ 10.因(做)某事而感到羞愧_________ 11. It’s so hot today. I_________ going swimming. 今天好热啊, 我想去游泳。 12. The girl has_________ the habit of playing with her hair while reading. 那个女孩养成了阅读时玩弄头发的习惯。

13. She __________smoking when she got pregnant. 她一怀孕就戒了烟。 14. Her worldwide fame is ________his support. 她名扬四海应归功于他的支持 15. She found it necessary to________ her child ______getting up early. 她觉得有必要让孩子养成早起的好习惯

16. She can’t see very well_________her glasses. 尽管戴着眼镜她还是不能看得很清楚。

17.He was ___________________(desperate) work to provide food for his children.

18.---Why did he turn down their help?

---Maybe he is ______________(shame) of his former dishourable action. 19. It seems ________________(amaze) that my mother is able to climb to the top of the mountain in her late eighties.

20.The English teacher_____________________(强调重要性)reading aloud. 阅读理解答题处:

1-5 __________________________6-10_______________________ 10-15_________________________




2021年高二英语艺术班英语周考 缺答案

A Bite of China (舌尖上的中国) has bee a hot topic on the Internet in China. It is a seven-episode(集) program. It is about traditional Chinese food.

The documentary has attracted over 100,000,000 Chinese audiences(观众). Most of them don’t see this program as a

mon food show, because it shows them the value of Chinese food and the changes in China today. The audiences can see how hard the cooks and farmers work to make such wonderful Chinese food.

Chen Xiaoqing, the lead director of the program, says that the program is not only about eating, but also about Chinese culture. His friend Liu Wen said, “We also wanted to show international audiences what China is like today.”

“A Bite of China will be out of English version(版本), ” said Chen Xiaoqing. “We should be thankful to the people who make so much delicious food.” added a reporter Wang Lu.

1. How many episodes are there in “A bite of China”?

A. 4. B. 5. C. 6. D. 7. 2. What kind of program is “A Bite of China”?

A. A soap opera. B. A edy. C. A documentary. D. A sports show. 3. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “attracted”?

A. 描述. B. 吸引. C. 产生. D. 改变. 4. Who works hard to make such wonderful Chinese food according to the passage?

A. Farmers and reporters. B. Reporters and cooks.

C. Cooks and farmers. D. Farmers and audiences. 5. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The lead director of the program is Wang Lu.

B. Most people regard this program as a show about reporters.

C. “A bite of China” talks about not only food but also Chinese culture. D. About 100,000 Chinese audiences are interested in this program.


Jane Austen(1775-1817), an English novelist, started writing young and pleted six novels in her life. Today Austen’s books are more popular than ever. In the last 10 years, five of her six novels have been made into Hollywood films, while her books continue to be best-sellers.

Richard Jenkyns, a professor of English at Oxford University, says that her novels are about marriage, friendships and the family, which are still with us today. “The stories are timeless,”Jenkyns said.

Pride and Prejudice(偏见)(1813) is Austen’s most famous work. It is a love story about Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. At first, these two dislike each other.



Elizabeth is pretty, smart and lively. She is proud because Darcy doesn’t know about her family. Mr. Darcy is handsome, rich and has a better family

background. So, he is proud as well. At the same time, Darcy has a prejudice against the Bennet family. He has no understanding of why the family, especially its mother and daughters should try so hard to find wealthy and powerful

husbands. He thinks they are vulgar. Anyway, Elizabeth and Darcy finally fall in love and bee a romantic couple but their families don’t want them to.

In Pride and Prejudice, some of the main things that Jane Austen wants to teach people are as follows. Opposites can attract each other. Lovers should not only make each other feel relaxed or fortable, but also educate and improve each other.

Austen was often called the greatest romanti writer, so it is surprising she remained unmarried. “Maybe she was too romantic, waiting for the perfect man,” Jenkyns says.

6. From Paragraph 1and Paragraph 2, we can know . A. Jane Austen passed away in her fifties B. Austen’s works remain popular today

C. all of Austen’s works have been made into Hollywood films. D. Austen’s works are mostly about war and the family. 7. Which of the following sentences is True?

A. Elizabeth and Darcy fall in love at first sight.

B. Elizabeth has a better family background than Darcy. C. Darcy has a first good impression of Elizabeth’s family. D. Elizabeth and Darcy bee a romantic couple in the end.

8. What does the underlined word”vulgar” in Paragraph 3 mean? A.粗俗的 B.鲁莽的 C.吝啬的 D.伪善的 9. From what Jenkyns says,we can learn __________. A. opposites can attract each other B. lovers should improve each other. C. Austen’s works go beyond her times D.Austen married a perfect man at last 10.Who is the hero in the Pride and Prejudice?

A. Jane Austen B. Richard Jenkyns

C. Elizabeth Bennet D. Hollywood


Have you ever heard of e-waste(electric waste,电子垃圾), which can be

produced every day? How do you deal with your puters, MP4 players and mobile phones when they’re broken or you want a new one?

Most people just throw them away. With the development of electric

industry, e-waste pollution has bee a serious problem. According to the United Nations, in xx, people around the world produced 41.8 million tons of e-waste and only recycled 6.5 million tons. The US was the biggest waster, producing 7.1 million tons. China came second, with 6 million tons.


2021年高二英语艺术班英语周考 缺答案


