8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
Audiences expect messages to be delivered in clear, easy-to-understand, _____ ways. A.VisualB.visuallyC.visually-stimulatedD.visually-stimulating 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
Software often includes ___ charting programs. A.Built-in,B.build-inC.buildingD.built 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题 What four parts do graphics contain?
A. Anumber,atitle,B.Anumber,thegraphic,thesourcelineC.Anumber,thegraphicD.Anumber,at
8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
A table is an arrangement of information that is organized in ___ and ____. A.RowsB.columns.C.rowsandcolumns.D.rowandlevel 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
An organization chart is used to illustrate the relationships and _____ and communication among employees and departments of an organization.
A.OfficiallineB.officiallinesofauthorityC.officiallevelsD.officiallevelsofauthority 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
A flow chart is a step-by-step diagram of a ____.
A.Procedureorprocess.B.ProcessandpolicyC.ProcedureofallpartsD.Processorwhole 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
A pie chart shows how the parts of a whole ___ and how the parts relate to one another. A.DeliverB.distributeC.aredistributedD.aredistributing 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
A line graph is useful for showing changes in ____ or _____ over time. A.Quality,valueB.Quantity,qualityC.Quantity,valueD.Quality,data 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
______ shows the movement of two or more quantities or values over time.
A.Asingle-linegraphB.Adouble-linegraphC.Adifferent-linegraphD.Amultiple-linegraph 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题 ____ compares only one set of data.
A.Asimple-bargraphB.Amultiple-bargraphC.AlinegraphD.Adiagram 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
_____ divides each bar into the parts that contributed to each total bar.
A.Amultiple-bargraphB.Asimple-bargraphC.Abroken-bargraphD.Astackedbargraph 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
A screenshot is an image of a computer screen that is saved as a text or _____. A.LinesB.videosC.transparencyD.graphicsfile 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
What does the word portrait orientation mean in Chinese? A.刻像B.导向C.竖排格式D.横向 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
Manuals are ____ instructions combined with explanation, descriptions, definitions, and other
related information.
A.SetsofB.columnsofC.lotsofD.plentyof 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
A manual must have a clear title and must be well-organized and appropriate for ___. A.Objects.B.intendedreadersC.demographicsD.subjects 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
There are ___ types of description writing, they are _____, ____, ____.
8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
a process is a series of events that _____ and result in a change or a product. A.happenatonceB.happenallofasuddenC.takeplaceovertimeD.takeplace 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
what are components of a formal object or mechanism description? A.clearandlimitingtitle,part-by-partdescriptionB.clearandlimitingtitle,introductionandoverviewC.clearandlimitingtitle,introductionandoverview,part-by-partdescriptionD.clearandlimitingtitle,introductionandoverview,part-by-partdescription,conclusion
8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
what is the feature of American economy?
A.itisfastandfreeB.itissteadyC.itisservice-orientedD.itisfor-profit. 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
customers include ___ customers and ____customers.
A.external,loyalB.internal,newC.old,externalD.internal,external 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
an internal customer is a supervisor or fellow employee who ____.
A.worksforthesamecompanyyoudo.B.comefromdifferentcompaniesC.worksindifferentindustrieD.worksindifferentorganizations. 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
____ is the ease with which customers can contact you. A.professionalismB.procedureC.verificationD.accessibility 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
to be a good customer service provider, you need ____. A.professionalismB.procedureC.verificationD.accessibility 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
never ____ the customer when you communicate with him or her. A.talktoB.talkdowntoC.followupD.lookinto 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
a salesperson can’t offer a free replacement for a ___ product. A.perfectB.lightC.ready-madeD.defective 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
some organizations __ their employees to do whatever it takes to attract and keep customers.
A.forceB.forbidC.empowerD.ask 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
organizations ____ serving customers are said to have a strong service culture. A.resultedfromB.devotedtoC.devotingtoD.resultingfrom 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题 first impressions ____.
A.arenotimportantB.areuselessC.arecomplicatedD.count 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
pay attention to good ____ and dress appropriately for work. A.groomingB.impressionsC.interviewsD.interviewee 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
be ready to make ____ arrangements for those customers who can’t wait. A.noB.postponedC.alternativeD.important 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
customer service providers have the ability to ___ of their customer contact. A.setthetoneB.setthebaseC.setthepolicyD.canceltheways 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
what does observe mean in the sentence “the best policy is to observe a higher level of formality than you would ordinarily use”: A.watchB.understandC.lookatD.follow 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
____ or do your best to block out barriers to communication. A.maintainB.eliminateC.createD.follow 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
her fluent oral English makes an impression_____ that customer. A.withB.toC.downD.on
8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
he always talks down to all his relatives, in other words, he ___ them. A.looksupatB.patronizesC.respectsD.speaksloudlyto 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
a message that is sent without words or in addition to words is called a ___. A.verbalmessageB.messageC.photoD.nonverbalmessage 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
spoken or written symbols___ nonverbal symbols.
A.areoppositetoB.arenotequaltoC.areaccompaniedbyD.alwaysagreewith 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
people’s opinions are based on ____ they observe and how they interpret them. A.verbalsymbolsB.symbolsC.facialexpressionsD.nonverbalsymbols 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
a ___ is the use of arms and hands to express an idea or a feeling. A.facialexpressionB.touchingC.gestureD.smile 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
the two types of listening ____ and ____ have different uses.
8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
when you listen actively, your mind is ___ and absorbs what the speaker says. A.alertB.relaxedC.absentD.narrow 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
however, a nonverbal message may not have a verbal __. A.contactB.counterpartC.harassmentD.communication 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
a briefing is a short presentation to ____ on business activities or procedures, etc. A.bringpeopleuptodateB.bringpeopleoutofdateC.bringpeopleupD.bringpeopleout 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
analyze the expected audience ___ size, knowledge level, and demographics. A.intermsB.intermsofC.inwaysofD.informalwaysof 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
___ is the most effective mode of delivery.
A.extemporaneousspeakingB.memorizationC.textualpresentationD.speaking 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
__ are the official record of the proceedings of a meeting. A.agendaB.introductionsC.additionalinformation\\D.minutes 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题 \ \
8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
teamwork skills is a(an) __ term for a set of interpersonal skills. A.old-fashionedB.complicatedC.umbrellaD.easy 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
a virtual team is one whose members don’t share a ___ work space but who work together using communications technologies. A.virtualB.physicalC.bigD.small
8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
school placement offices also may have access to computerized ___ that enable you to search for openings..
A.proceduresB.programsC.advertisementsD.jobbanks 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
knowing the ___ of your audience can help you adjust your speech for better understanding and reception.
A.deliveryB.ageC.professionsD.demographics 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
_____ is another deterrent to effective listening. Worrying about a personal problem or daydreaming about more interesting ideas can cause your mind to wander. A.openmindB.fastreadingC.mindwanderingD.narrowmind
8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
attorneys who interview potential jurors know that responses in a___, however unbiased the words sound, can indicate negative feelings toward the party he or she represents. A.coolorna?veB.na?veorsensitiveC.coolordistantD.na?veordistant 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
what if your customers are angry and dissatisfied?
8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
who can notice and interpret the nonverbal cues of the message? A.angrycustomersB.activelistenersC.casuallecturersD.casualaudiences 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
people can reveal their ___ through various facial expressions. A.handshakeB.gestureC.problemsD.feelings 8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
when a coworker stand too ___ or too far from you, he or she probably thinks your relationship is on a different level. A.highB.lowC.closeD.closer
8153商务交际英语(2) 单选题
the ___ of that space ___ the activity and the relationship with the other people involved. A.zone,resultfromB.space,dependingonC.space,dependonD.zone,dependingon 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
If an apology is necessary, it is best to make one without blaming any specific person 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
When you leave a voice mail message, you should talk quickly so you don’t get cut off 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
The internet is a great source of information, but it has little to do with customer service 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
As long as you speak clearly, the qualities of your voice don’t matter to listeners 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Speaking to a customer in person is the easiest way to communicate 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Addressing customers by name creates a favorable impression 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Clear enunciation is important when talking on the telephone because the other person can’t see your face
8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Touching is a type of nonverbal communication that can be used to reinforce 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Paralanguage is the study of how something is said 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
The nonverbal symbol of eye contact often is used to regulate communication 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Speakers may use nonverbal symbols to contradict a verbal message
8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
When determining a person’s attitude, people base more of their opinions on words than on nonverbal symbols
8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
When a hitchhiker raises an arm and fist, and extends a thumb, the hitchhiker is using nonverbal communication that substitutes 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Staying calm and professional will help even an irate customer maintain control of his or her emotion
8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
When making seating arrangements for a meeting, separate potential troublemakers 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Volunteer activities can be listed in the work experience section of your resume 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Effective meetings generally have only one objective 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Effective leaders know productive meetings must be long 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Active participants seldom accept ownership of a meeting 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Because meetings are inexpensive, they often are used by organizations to make decision 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Providing excellent customer service is a way for a company to distinguish itself from its competitors
8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Internal customers are not as important as external customers 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
It is acceptable to say “I’m not sure” to a customer’s inquiry as long as you reassure the customer that you will find the answer as quickly as possible 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
If a doctor is running late because she got stuck in traffic, her receptionist should let patients wait rather than let them know that the doctor isn’t in the office yet 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
In an apology, a customer service provider need not accept personal blame 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Studies confirm that the design of a web site has an impact on whether customers decide to make a purchase
8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
The United States has a service-oriented economy 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Company policies usually do not limit what employees can do to help customers 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
When saying no to a customer’s request, a customer service provider will find the customer to be particularly receptive to the reason “it’s company policy”
8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Companies view legitimate complaints as ways to improve their products 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
All your working experience can be listed in education part in your resume 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Functional order means you can present your accomplishments or skills in order of their importance in your curriculum vitae 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
In order to develop or improve procedures, products, meeting to delegate work need to be held
8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Ad hoc committee means a permanent group meeting for a specific purpose 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Impromptu speech is an ill-advised choice for delivery 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Listening carefully, using appropriate body language, and interpreting other people’s body language are less important to good communication than speaking clearly and using appropriate words
8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
You may be empathetic with the speaker by trying to understand the speaker’s perspective and emotions when you listen actively 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Nonverbal symbols may not agree with verbal messages in some cases 8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
Knowing your product or service adequately makes it easy to offer prompt answer to customer inquiries
8153商务交际英语(2) 判断题
A set of instructions explains how something happens, while a process description explains how to perform a task
8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
Face the audience when ___ your visual aids. 8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
Audience members prefer to see the ____ of you. Also, when you speak, the audience can hear you better when you are facing them rather than a screen. 8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
When using a pointer, hold the pointer in the hand____ the visual aid. 8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
By____ the pointer in that hand, you avoid turning your back to the audience. 8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
Likewise, when giving a computer presentation, read from your computer monitor _____ turning toward the projected image. 8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
_____ a customer service provider, you are likely to ____ customers from different cultural backgrounds.
8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
If you deal often with customers from a particular culture, make an effort to learn about that ___.
8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
____ occasional encounters with people from different backgrounds, the best policy is to be especially courteous and to observe a higher level of ___ than you would ordinarily use. 8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
Most of the time, people’s opinions ___ the nonverbal symbols they ___ and how they interpret them, studies have found that when judging attitudes, people base 93 percent of their judgments on nonverbal symbols and 7 percent on spoken words. 8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
Nevertheless, verbal and nonverbal symbols should be interpreted ____ each other. 8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
People ___ those symbols to ___, contradict, substitute for, or regulate the verbal part of a message.
8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
Formal oral presentations ____ more planning and preparation than short oral presentations. 8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
To prepare a formal oral presentation, you need to identify the___ of your speech, analyze the audience, determine the time___ for the speech, gather information, and ___ an appropriate ___ of delivery.
8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
To 1_e___ actual job openings, go to school______,___ personal contacts, look in newspapers and professional magazines, use employment agencies or temp agencies, or ___ the internet. 8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
If you ever worked as an intern with a company, check with your contacts there about the possibility of ____.
8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
Eyes provide a most __ facial expression and often are called the windows of the soul. 8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
Eyes reveal ____ such as excitement, boredom, and concentration. 8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题 Eyebrows send ___ messages. 8153商务交际英语(2) 简答题
___ eyebrows may mean nervousness, surprise, or __. 8153商务交际英语(2) 多选题
Every company has policies and procedures that 1 ___ how employees serve their customers. Remember that your responsibility 2___ an employee is to 3___ your organization’s policies and procedures and to follow them. In some cases, a company’s policies may 4____ what an employee can do for a customer. For example, a salesperson may not have the authority to offer a free replacement for a defective product, or an account representative may need a supervisor’s signature before he or she can carry out a large cash transaction5 __ a customer. A.AsB.ForC.LimitD.GovernE.Be aware of 8153商务交际英语(2) 多选题
Spend at least a few minutes1 ___. Gather any needed tools, equipment, and materials. If possible, perform the procedure you are2 ___ several times before you deliver your instructions. 3___ you practice, try to imagine what questions your listeners will have. Make a note to address those questions in your instructions. Prepare a handout 4____ you think it will help listeners5 ___ or remember your instructions. A.TeachingB.PreparingC.IfD.AsE.Understand 8153商务交际英语(2) 多选题
The handshake is the most _1__ form of touching _2__ a business environment. The gesture __3__ used to greet someone and to close a discussion. A person who extends a firm handshake and simultaneously __4__ eye contact projects a cordial and confident image. However, a weak, soft handshake suggests listlessness __5_ mental dullness. A cold, wet handshake may indicate nervousness or a feeling of inferiority. A.InB.AcceptableC.OrD.IsE.Establishes 8153商务交际英语(2) 多选题
another important aspect of an __1__ image is friendliness. _2__ is defined as supporting, helping or kindly. _3__ you send a nonverbal message that you are supportive, helpful, or kind, you are considered to be friendly. When you are congenial, cordial, pleasant, or kind to others, they are drawn to you. You send ___4__ messages that say friend when you smile; when you have a relaxed approach; and when you desire honest, open __5__. A.FeedbackB.NonverbalC.WhenD.FriendlyE.Effective
8153商务交际英语(2) - 图文