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一.易混淆的单词: 1

see 看见(动词)sea 大海例句:I see a panda.I can swim in the sea. 2

rabbit 兔子rubber 橡皮ruler 尺子例句:I am a rabbit.Give me a rubber, please?May I have a ruler, please? 3 bear 狗熊

pear 梨例句:I see a bear.Pear is sweet. 4 cat 小猫

kite 风筝cut 剪(动词)例句:I hear a cat.A kite is flying in the sky.Cut the paper. 5 ball 球

doll 洋娃娃例句:I like the ball.I like dolls. fine 好的(形容词)

five 5(数字)例句:-How are you? Fine, thank you.-How old are you? I am five. 7 jelly 果冻

juice 果汁例句:-What do you like? -I like jelly.Have(喝) some juice. 8 cola 可乐



cold 冷的(形容词)例句:I like to drink some cola in summer.Winter is cold. 9 water 水

what 什么(特殊疑问词)例句:Drink some water, Mum. Thank you.What can you do? 10 shorts 短裤

shirt 男士衬衫/汗衫例句:I need a pair of shorts.Father needs a shirt in spring. 11

firecracker 爆竹(两声)

firework 烟花例句:I hear the firecrackers.I see the firework. It s nice. 12 boy 男孩

toy 玩具例句:Danny is a boy.I am in the toy shop. 13 read 阅读

ride 骑red 红色例句:I can read a book.I can ride a bicycle.The flower is red. 14 write 写

white 白色例句:I can write letter A-B-C.I like the white dress. 二.常见分类

1. 动物类(动物园): tiger/monkey/panda/wolf/bear(农场): hen/duck/chick/rabbit/sheep/dog/cat/pig/cow/frog(其他): bird/butterfly/bee 2.




的):rice/egg/noodles/cake/pizza/hamburger/bread/biscuit/soup(饮料): cola/milk/water/juice/yoghourt(酸奶)(甜点):jelly/ice cream/sweet/biscuit 3.玩具类bicycle/kite/ball/doll/balloon(气球)/football/basketball 4.季节类(名词)spring/summer/autumn/winter 5.天气类(形容词)sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy/snowy 6.服饰类T-shirt/dress/blouse/shorts

7.动词(本领)ride/skip/play/fly/draw/write/sing/dance/read/fold(折叠) 8.感官动词:mell/touch/taste 9.新年物品gift/card/firecracker/firework

10.颜色red/yellow/green/blue/black/white/purple(紫色)/pink(粉红色) 11.地点restaurant、toy/fruit shop、supermarket、zoo、farm、school、classroom

12.职业farmer/teacher(教师)/doctor(医生)/nurse(护士) 13.parents = father + mother 三.句型

1.-What do you see?-I see an apple/ a pear.2. What do you hear?-I hear a hen.3. -What colour is it?-It s red.4. One, two, three. I am a bee.5. I am the narrator/farmer/wolf.6. Smell the soup. It s nice.7. Taste the noodles. Yummy, yummy.8. Touch your face/nose/eye/9. -Can I help you?-Soup,please./May I have some...?/Give me some...?-Here you are.-Thank you.-Taste the soup, please.-It s yummy.10. -Can I help you?-I like the bicycle/doll/ball/kite.-Here you are.-Thank you.-I like my bicycle doll/ball/kite. It s super/nice/good.11.-Do you like the dress?-Yes, I do./I like the dress. /No, I don t./I like the blouse.12.-Is this a tiger?-Yes, it is./No, it isn t.13.-Can you skip rope?-Yes, I can./No, I can t.14.-What do you like?- I like the doll/dolls.15.-What can you do in summer?-I can drink some cola in summer.16. -What can she/he do in winter?-She/He can make a snowman in winter.17.-How is the weather?-It s sunny/rainy/cloudy/snowy/windy.18.-What weather do you like?-I like sunny days.19.-What season do you like?-I like spring/summer/autumn/winter.20.-What do you need?-I need a pair of shorts.21.-Where is the wolf?-Here comes the wolf.22.- Where are the farmers?- Here come the farmers.23.-Happy birthday.-Thank you.24.-Happy new year!-Happy new year!25.Let s sing a song. = Let us sing a song.26.-How many pencils?-One pencil. 二、试题



1、默写26个字母。 2、抄写单词。 hot spring play songtiger 3、根据情境选择正确的答句。 1、新年的时候拜访亲戚朋友,你要说: A、Happy New Year. B、Happy christmas. 2、介绍周末活动: A、I like football.

B、I play football at the weekend. 3、介绍冬天的天气情况: A、It is winter. B、It is cold in winter. 4、向别人询问时间:

A、What do you do at the weekend? B、Whats the time,please? 5、询问别人喜欢吃什么吗? A、Do you like meat? B、I like meat.

4、根据句子意思完成对话,选出正确的答句。 1、Do you like meat? A、Yes, I do。 B、Yes, she does. 2、What is the time, please?



A、It is nine o clock. B、It is a clock.

3、What do you do at the weekend? A、I like basketball.

B、I play basketball at the weekend. 4 Happy New Year. A、Thank you B、Happy New Year. 5 Does he like fish? A、Yes, I do B、No, he doesn t 三、自我介绍 初次见面:

A:How are you?(你好吗?)

B: I am fine, thank you!(我很好,谢谢)

A: Nice to meet you! B: Nice to meet you!(很高兴认识你) A:What is your name? B: My name is ---- A:How old are you? B:I am 8 years old A:what sports do you like? B:football/basketball 介绍物品或人物:

This /that is my new classmate




