【期刊名称】《矿业工程》 【年(卷),期】2016(014)001
【摘要】介绍了烧结活性焦烟气净化工艺温度控制的必要性及4种烟气降温措施的优缺点,提出烟气温度控制的最合理方式为烧结机机尾部余热利用或烟气内循环与活性焦烟气净化工序兑冷风相搭配,运行时以余热利用或烟气内循环为主,兑冷风措施对烟气温度进行微调。%The paper introduces the necessity of temperature control for flue gas purification process by active coke in sintering, and the advantage and disadvantage of 4 kinds of flue gas temperature reducing methods. It puts forward that the most reasonable method to control flue gas temperature is that the waste heat utilization from the tail of sintering machine, or internal recycle of flue gas matching the active coke flue gas purification process adding cool air. During operation, the primary is waste heat utilization or flue gas internal recycle. Cool air adding measures is to slightly adjust the flue gas temperature. 【总页数】3页(48-50) 【关键词】活性焦;烧结;吸附塔 【作者】丁志伟;万利远;张奇;郑绥旭
【作者单位】中冶北方工程技术有限公司,辽宁 大连116600;中冶北方工程技术有限公司,辽宁 大连116600;中冶北方工程技术有限公司,辽宁 大连