【期刊名称】《工矿自动化》 【年(卷),期】2012(038)008
【摘要】The paper analyzed problems of common data integration modes, and put forward a design scheme of adapter component for multiple data integration interfaces. The scheme uses middleware to achieve acquisition adapter, and uses unified adapter to achieve integration and processing of multiple heterogeneous data sources and publishing capabilities of system integration platform, which improves data processing speed, reduces execution time of business process, and provide convenient scheme for data integration and application of system platform.%分析了目前常见的几种数据集成方式存在的问题,提出了一种建立多种数据集成接口适配组件的设计方案.该方案以中间件方式实现采集适配器,通过统一适配器实现对多种异构数据源的集成与处理及对系统集成平台的统一发布功能,提高了数据处理速度,减少了业务流程执行时间,为系统平台数据集成与应用提供了便利. 【总页数】4页(124-127)
【关键词】煤矿自动化;数据集成;集成接口;驱动模型;数据规范;适配器 【作者】宋璟玥
【作者单位】宁夏煤业集团公司,宁夏银川 750011 【正文语种】中文