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Java Parallel Secure Stream for Grid Computing

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Java Parallel Secure Stream for Grid Computing


【期刊名称】《高能物理与核物理计算国际会议公报:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2001(000)001

【摘要】The emergence of high speed wide area networks makes grid computing a reality.However grid applications that need reliable data transfer still have difficulties to achieve optimal TCP performance due to metwork tuning of TCP window size to imporvethe bandwidth and to reduce latency on a high speed wide area network.This paper presents a pure Java package called JPARSS(java Parallel Secure Stream) that divides data into partitions that are sent over several parallel Java Streams simultaneously and allows Java or Web applications to achieve optimal TCP performance in a gird environment without the necessity of tuning the TCP window size.Several experimental results are provided to show that using parallel stream is more effective than tuning TCP window size.In addition X.509 certificate based single sign-on mechanism and SSL based connection establishment are integrated into this package ,Finally a few applications using this package will be discussed.


【关键词】广域网;网格计算;高性能网络技术 【作者】JieChen;WaltAkers;等

Java Parallel Secure Stream for Grid Computing


