Grandpn My Hero
My grandfather had only one child and that was my mother. He always wonted a son but it never happened. 26 When my mom goi pregnanthe thought he ftnally had a boy in the family* but it turned out that her first child wpa my older sister. When [ was bom Grandpa was vciy happy.
lie was the ficst person to give me a baseball glove and ta play bu£et>ali with me. My first glove was as small as my whole hand is now. When Grandpa gave me that glove, I wafi very excited, T1 It was my pride and joy. When I was five, I played on my first baseball team and Grandj>a was the coach. He wanted me to play one position, but I wanted to play another. 2 __ I tried so hard that I made good progress. Grandpa was very proud of me. Ever since then, he ha& worked with xne to make me a bener player.
Grandpa ha£ helped me become not only a better player, but a better person.
之9 Today Grandpa does not play bstscball with uie so often, but he Still cojnes to every
practice and lie sits and watches my pr&ctic?s through rain and shine, 30 I love him end hope he will be around for many more years to support me aixl baseball. A I was so happy I even slept with it at my side, B, He wanted a son because he wanted to reach him to play baseball. C. 1 owe him all my success in baseball and in my life. E>, In order to make me happy, he let me play wW I wanted. E. He was named QUI baseball team's number one fan by xny coach. F. My grandpa is still working at a store. 五、填词冲文《第31?40J&,每题1.5分,共15分)
下而的短女有1。处空白.短文后列出\个词,箕中2个取身短文,靖福据短文 内容将其分别放回除有位童,以恢复文童原嘛,将正神选项写剽衣卡上。
Protecting the Few
Huw we live our lives affects the environment. The environmer< is all the things
around you. All across Earth* hunians arc 31 一 the mviiomncni in small and large ways,
阪 cut down trees to buUd houses. We plow fields to 32 crops. Wfe pour waste into rivers,
lakes end oceans, Vfc uac larger nets aod bagger boats to catch 33 numbers of fish. Activities like these affect plants and animals. They 34 一 affect things Like the soil and water
Sometimes our actions make the number of a 35 plant or animal get leirger. For example* if you planted roses in your yard, there would be more roses in your aica_
Our activities can also 3Q to a smaller mimber of plants and If
a park were turned mto an apartment building, what wouki happen to the plants and animals there? Well, they would 37 die or move to oilier 38 - There would be fewer plaiUs and animnR一
PoJlution and other activities sometimes cause the number of a apccics (物州) to become so 3。 that it cannot survive. A species 小时 is in 40 of dying out is called an endangered (嵌危的)species.
A. cliar^ging B. grow C, lead
E. huge F places G certain H. also
[.increase J. small
K一 survival L* danger
D. either
六.完形补立(第41—50 He每愿1 5分,共15分)
下面的旭文有10处空白.街处空白后的括号内有一个词,请粮!6始女内容将其正 确的形式填入文中,以族以文章原貌,井捋答案写在答题卡相应的位置上*
Th< Power of L^angua^c
Language is something that 式知MS (define) os as humari^- When language is 41 (UM) well, it caa bring out very deep fc^lu^ga in others, and encourage others to lake 42 (丧ct)? Sonnetirnes tn poetry a certain phrase can bring 43 (tear) to th毕 eyta and mov* u£ deeply. When wt use language tu express our true feelings to someone、it can open and 44_ _ (deep) the conoe^ion between us. is a very 45 . (power) tooL How we use language shapes our world. How we Lise self-talk _ _4@_ (direct〉shapes our experience of both ourselves and the world. How we dejivtr 也
(ernnmunIcate^ whapes
the w?y the world 4& (respond) to us. We gn use language more ..一一 一 (Eflevtire). And this clearly influences the health tmd power of our 一 SO (pemoti) relationshtps and business relationships.
七.短文与作《第51 Hr 30分)
谓旅爆所提供都*4中的菱求充成一篇100词左右的英文写作任务.将你的害案写在 答卡相应的位董上.
慕英文报戒正在举办魁为'*My F^voriifi Job\的征竟活劫*晴就比 慝日写一筒英文短支成征.内容包括以卞两个方面K ?你最喜欢的工作是什些? ?你为什么喜欢它? 英麝(二)忒卷第&页(共8页)
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