Bob: But in many large cities where dogs can be walked, the streets are a mess.
I heard Paris is the worst.
Laura: Couldn?t people just clean up after their dogs? Bob: Would they?
Now Your Turn
A: Have you heard the city has passes a law against walking dogs in the streets? B: Sure, it?s published in the newspapers.
A: It means that dogs have to be kept inside all the time.
B: It?s rather cruel, isn?t it? We shouldn?t be so cruel to dumb animals. A: But dogs often leave a mess from their dogs.
B: But owners can clean up the mess from their dogs. A: Would they?
B: Perhaps the best solution is to build a dog park. Then people can walk their dogs there.
A: Sounds too good to be realistic. The city is already too crowed without the dogs.
Model 3 What does having a few fish do for you?
Philip: Wow! I see you?ve bought an aquarium. Nice! Peter: You should get one too. I highly recommend it. Philip: Why? What does having a few fish do for you?
Peter: I find it relaxing just to sit down and watch tropical fish at the end of
a tiring day.
Philip: I can understand. I like to take it easy after work , too.
Peter: There?s more than that. They?re really fascinating. They give you hours of
entertainment, believe me.
Philip: Perhaps I should give it a try.
Peter: OK, I can lend you a couple of good reference books. Philip: Great! Any other tips on getting started?
Now Your Turn
A: Wow! You?ve bought a discman! It does look nice!
B: You?d better buy one as well. I strongly recommend it. A: Why? What can it do for you?
B: I find it relaxing to listen to music on it.
A: I can understand. After a day?s work I like to relax a bit myself.
B: Not only that. Some music cheers you up and makes you forget all your troubles. A: Maybe I should have a try, but I don?t know how to use the diskman. B: OK, I can lend you this manual.
A: Wonderful! Any other tips on getting starded?
V. Let?s Talk
An Intelligent Dog
A black dog walked into a butcher?s shop with a five-dollar bill in his mouth. He spent several minutes looking at the meat on display. He finally fixed his eyes on the lamb chops and barked, showing that he wanted to buy some of them. The butcher, thinking the dog wouldn?t know the difference, picked out the worst chops. The dog barked angrily and continued to bark until the butcher selected the finest chops. After the butcher took the money from the dog?s mouth, the dog picked up the chops and left the shop.
The butcher was deeply impressed and decided that he would like to own a clever dog like that. He closed up shop and followed the dog to see where it went. The dog entered
an apartment house, climbed to the third floor, and began to scratch on the door. With that, the door opened and an angry man started yelling at the dog. As he did so, the butcher stepped forward to ask the man to stop. “What are you doing?” That?s the smartest animal I?ve ever seen! Surely it doesn?t deserve this kind of treatment.” The butcher then went on to explain how the dog had bought the best lamb chops in the shop. The man looked at the butcher from the corner of his eye and said, “I don?t think he?s so intelligent. You see, this is third time this week he?s forgotten his key.” Characters Actions and Words A dog The butcher The dog The butcher The dog The butcher The dog walked into a butcher?s shop with five dollars; fixed eyes on the lamb chops and barked—wanted some. picked up the worst/lowest quality chops. barked angrily and continuously selected the finest chops; took the money. left. wanted to own/have such a dog; followed the dog. entered an apartment house climbed to the third floor; scratched on the door. opened the door; yelled at the dog. asked him to stop, saying it was the smartest/cleverest animal; explained how the dog had got the best lamb chops. looked at him sideways; said it was the third time this week the dog had forgotten his key. A man The butcher The man VI. Furthering Listening and Speaking
Task 1: A Birthday Present
Mary: David, how did your mom like the dog you gave her for a birthday gift? David: Oh, Mary, she was delighted. It licked her hand and wagged its tail and she was hooked.
Mary: What did she call it?
David: She?s calling it “Brian”, after a friend of hers. Mary: Your mom always did have a sense of humor. I read somewhere that dogs can become
very close to their owners.
David: I?ve heard that. I saw an interview on TV with a man who had epileptic attacks,
and his dog would warn him before he would have an attack.
Mary: Really? I wonder how they can do that1
David: It ahs something to do with the dog?s sense of smell. It?s very keen.
Mary: Do you think Brian will be able to foretell when your mom is going to roast
a chicken?
After David gave his mom a dog as a birthday present, she was very pleased, for the dog licked her hand and wagged its tail. She called it Brian after one of her friends. Mary read an article which says that dogs can be faithful to their owners/masters. David agreed, for he saw a TV interview which introduced a dog that could warn its master of an epileptic attack. He explained that this ability of the dog?s has something to do with its keen sense of smell. Jokingly, Mary said she wounded whether the dog Brian can foretell/predict when David?s mom is going to roast a chicken.
Task 2: 100 Percent Polar Bear
One afternoon in the Arctic, a father polar bear and his son polar bear were sitting in the snow. The son turned to his father and asked, “Dad, am I 100 percent polar bear?” “Of course, son, you?re 100 percent polar bear.”
A few minutes passed, and the bear turned to his father again and said, “Dad, tell me the truth. I can take it. Am I 100 percent polar bear? No brown bear or panda bear?” “Son, I?m 100 percent polar bear and your mother is 100 percent polar bear, so you?re certainly 100 percent polar bear.”
A few minutes passed, and the son polar bear again turned to his father and asked, “Dad, don?t worry. But it?ll hurt my feelings if it?s not true. I really need to know…am I really 100 percent polar bear?”
Somewhat angered by this continued questioning, the father polar bear yelled at his son, “Why on earth do you keep asking is you?re 100 percent polar bear?” “Because I?m freezing to death out here!” 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F
Task 3: An Introduction to Advertising
“Are you ready to go to work?” a woman asks her dog Sydney. The dog was her tail. Then she starts sniffing around inside the house. Sydney is hunting for mold. When she sits down, that means she smells mold nearby. Usually mold is found within three or four feet. A boy who lives in this house has epileptic attacks. It could be from mold. His mother wanted to find the mold. She tried other ways to find it, but they didn?t work. She said she trusted the dog more than the other ways. Workers found mold near where Sydney sat. Nobody had thought to look for mold there before. Now it can be cleaned out and the boy will feel much better.
Sydney is very special. Only about ten animals in the U.S. can do this. She spent hundreds of hours with a police dog trainer in Florida to learn how. In the U.S., people have used dogs to find drugs and bombs for a long time, but dogs that find mold are something new.
People in Europe have used mold-sniffing dogs for many years. Dogs are cheaper to use than human trackers and can find exactly where the mold is. They also do it quickly and for less than P0. Other methods may cost thousands of dollars and take many weeks.
1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D
A Funeral for a Dead Fish
Nancy: Westerners often take pets as their friends, even their family members.
Especially dogs They think dogs are man?s best friends.
Michael: What pets do people usually keep?
Nancy: A lot. Fish, cats, horses… anything could be a pet. Michael: Do you have a pet?
Nancy: I have three fish. One day, the fish called Susan died. We even had a funeral
for her.
Michael: A funeral?
Nancy: Yes, usually it?s a ceremony for dead people. But we had a funeral for the
dead fish.
Michael: Sounds interesting.
Nancy: Well, I need to go back to feed my fish. Talk to you later. Michael: OK, bye.
II. Listening Skills
Dialog 1
Girl 1: What do you think of this miniskirt, Amy? Pretty hot stuff, eh?
Girl 2: Wow…it?s pretty short. My mom would never let me wear something like that. Girl 1: My mom?s cool. She lets me make my own decisions about clothes. Girl 2: Not my mom. She?d be mad if I came home in a skirt like that.
Girl 1: Let?s both got one; then maybe your mom wouldn?t be so upset if we both wore
the same skirt. Girl 2: Well…maybe.
1.D 2. The first girl(The girl who suggests wearing the short skirt.)
Dialog 2
Mother: Lily, where did you get that skirt? You can?t wear that. It?s much too short!
What will others think?
Lily: You don?t understand fashion. It?s what everyone is wearing. I think it looks
very attractive.
Mother: Nonsense, it?s only suitable for a supermodel on the catwalk. It?s not meant
for ordinary people like us. Your dad is sure to say the skirt is far too revealing!
Lily: But it?s really in high fashion; everyone is wearing clothes like this. Mother: Not everyone. Your friend Amy would never wear a skirt like that!
[Amy comes in, wearing the same style of short skirt!] Lily: Look, Amy has come. She?s wearing the same skirt! Mother: My God, I give up. 1. B 2. No, she hasn?t.
III. Listening In
Task 1: A Woman?s Funny Dress
Lily: Mom, look at that woman. Her dress looks funny. Mother: I wouldn?t say that, Lily. It looks fine to me.
Lily: Are you kidding? She?s out of fashion. That?s last year?s style. Mother: Oh, come one, as long as it looks good on her. Lily: Wow, you?re really as out-dated as she is.
Mother: You?re right. I?m out of date. So what? What?s the point of following the
Lily: No wonder you never buy me new dresses. 1. looks funny
2. looks fine to her 3. is behind the times 4. went out
5. looks good on her 6. out-dated
7. keeping herself in style 8. no wonder
Task 2: How is fashion decided?
Fashion designers design and make fashionable clothes for men and women. They deign trends and create new styles. Paris has been the traditional center of world fashion, though recently British designers have had great influence in setting new styles, and so have certain designers in the United States and Italy. French designers guard the secrets of their new designs until their collections are shown to the public. Then pictures of the styles are published in newspapers and magazines all over the world. People from many countries travel to Paris to buy the clothes and copy the newest ideas. In January they go to see the spring clothes; and in July, to see the autumn designs. Many dress manufacturers from other countries buy the original clothes of the famous French designers. They then take them back to their own sewing rooms, where the clothes are copied and made up in great numbers. That?s why you may be able to buy in your town the clothing that is in the latest style without paying a very high price for it. Other manufacturers use the Paris styles simply as a starting point for their own ideas. Still others may adapt only a part of the French design into their own styles. 1. F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F
Fashion designers design fashionable clothes, begin trends and new styles,
and their work is copied all over the world.
Paris is the center of the world fashion, where the secrets
of the new designs are guarded until they are shown to the public
People and manufacturers come to Paris to buy and copy new clothes, in January
and July. Then the clothes are copied and made up in large numbers, for which one does not have to pay a high price.
Other manufacturers use Paris styles simply as a
starting point for their own ideas.
Still others adapt only a part of the French design
Task 3: Dreaming of Being a Fashion Model