教材内容 Unit 1 what ' s your favourite seas on 课 次 1 课型 新授 课 Key points 1.单词及短语: 教学重点 Spring n.春季 summer n.夏季 picnic n.野餐 autu mn n.秋季 enjoy v.喜爱,享受 sledge n.雪橇 winter n.冬季 n.阳光 sun shi ne forest n.森林 swallow n燕子 wing n.翅膀 wire n.电线,电报 smell the flowers 闻花儿 have a picnic 野餐 have a swim 游泳 enjoy the sunshine 享受阳光 pick up leaves 捡树叶(leaf-leaves n.树叶;花瓣(leaf 的复数) snowballs 玩雪球 重点句子: ) make a snowman 堆雪人 ride on a sledge 滑雪橇 play with What' s your favourite season 你最喜欢的季节是什么 我最喜欢的季节 I like summer. 我喜欢夏季。/ My favourite seas on is summer. 是夏季。 Why do you like summer 你为什么喜欢夏季 Because I like swimmi ng. 1 ca n swim a lot. 因为我喜欢游泳。我能常游泳 Difficult 1.短语的固定搭配 poi nts 教学2.阐述自己喜欢的季节及原因 难点 Teach ing 1.课堂上让孩子会识读新授单词及词组 aims 2.掌握基本句型和对话 教学目标 3.简单阐述自己喜欢某一季节的原因 Teach ing 教学挂图 materials 教学用具 Teach ing 1. Greet in gs (问候): procedure Good after noon boys and girls, We have n 教学过程 you so much, did you ever miss me ' t see n each other for a long tim ,I miss
2. Class rules:① the course schedule ② classroom cleaning ④ security issues 2. 教学①导入presentation: discipline ③ classroom Now let me ask you some questions. What' gour favouite colour What' 鸟our favourite food What' s your favorite subject 然后问, What' s your favourite seas on How many seas ons are there in a year What are they (引出主题) What' s your favourite season(引出主要句型) ②操练practice : (1)Spring
( 2)What s your favourite seas on
Summer ---- I like summer. / My favourite seas on is summer. Autumn ----- (fall 美式英语) Win ter ------
(3) Why do you like xxx (让学生尝试回答)
E. g.: I like autu mn or My favourite seas on is autu mn , because autu mn is a mature seas on, I can eat all kinds of fruits in this time, such as apple, oran ge, and strawberry.
Part5 let ' see What are the two classmates thinking And practice with your partner. (page 5) smell the flowers 闻花儿
(4) now let ' s look abeautiful picture ,first what can you see in the part
③输出 production :
Spring ---- picnic, swallow, butterfly,wing
----- have a picnic 野餐 fly a kite 放风筝
This is spri ng. It is beautiful. It
' s warm. Trees tur n gree n, birds beg in to sing in the
trees. Look at these childre n, they are play ing outside
Summer ------ enjoy , sunshine
----- have a swim 游泳
enjoy the sunshine 享受阳光
Autumn ------- forest ------go to the forest 去森林
---- pick up leaves 捡树叶
pick up捡起;获得;收拾
Please pick up those books.请把这些书收拾好。 Where do I pick up the
leaf-leaves n.树叶;花瓣(leaf的复数)
Win ter sno wball sno wma n sledge play with sno wballs 玩雪球 make a sno wma n 堆雪人儿 wear a fur coat穿件皮毛大衣 ride on a sledge 滑雪橇 fur [f]n.皮子;毛皮 ④ 课文上的练习(书面或口头): (1)part 1听力,练习课文 (2)part 3练习四季单词 (3) part 7 听力 (4) part 6 listen a song 放松环节 (5) part 2 阅读 ⑤ 总结、复习 conclusion and revision : 重点单词,句型和短语 ⑥ 布置作业homework : 3 月 2 日剑桥三级 B Un it 1 what' s your favourite seas on 姓名: 家长签字: 每个单词抄写3遍,写中文一遍,背诵(1)单词,下节课听写。 (1) spri ng n.春季 n.冬季 阳光 forest summer n.夏季 autu mn n.秋季 win ter pic nic n.野餐 n.森林 enjoy v.喜爱,享受 sledge n.雪橇 n.翅膀 wire n.电线,电报 swan n.天鹅 sunshine n. (2) swallow n 燕子 wing 每个句子抄写二遍,中文一遍,下节课听写。 What' s your favourite season 喜欢的季节是夏季。 Why do you like summer 你为什么喜欢夏季 因为我喜欢游泳。 我能常 Because I like swim min g. I can swim a lot. 你最喜欢的季节是什么 我最 I like summer. 我喜欢夏季。 / My favourite seas on is summer. 游泳。 下列短语每天朗读一遍,能够中英互译,下次课前抽查提问 smell the flowers 闻花儿 pick up leaves 捡树叶 snowman 堆雪人儿 穿件皮毛大衣 重点为part 1和part 7。 请从第二次课开始准备两个本(一个笔记本,一个作业本)。 请家长监督孩子完成作业条上的作业并签字,谢谢。 have a picnic 野餐 ride on a sledge 滑雪橇 have a swim 游泳 make a wear a fur coat play with snowballs 玩雪球 教学反思 1. 单词和短语操练上, 运用了三个游戏, 效果尚可,但是下次在短语上应 该给学生时间自己造句,这样可能会更好。 2. 在阅读方面,着重练习学生的做题技巧和方法了, 但是一些词组的讲解 上不够细化,如:it 'time to+动词原形 这个句式的讲解不够到位,还 好之后有课程还会提到。 3. 除了在part5,7环节上练习的学生的口语外,别的没有太涉及,所以以 后要在口语练习方面加强,毕竟英语是语言学科,不要太应试