ST BlueNRG-MS低功耗蓝牙(BLE)单模式网络处理方案
ST公司的BlueNRG-MS是低功耗蓝牙(BLE)单模式网络处理器,嵌入Cortex M0核,和蓝牙v4.1标准兼容,嵌入了低功耗蓝牙协议堆栈GAP, GATT, SM, L2CAP, LL和RF-PHY,工作电压1.7v-3.6v,最大发送电流8.2Ma(@0 dBm, 3.0 V),主要用在手表,健身,健美和运动,消费类医疗设备,遥控,家庭和工业自动化,手机外设,PC外设,安防和资产管理.本文介绍了BlueNRG-MS主要特性,功能框图和多种应用电路,以及低功耗蓝牙评估板X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1主要特性,电路图和材料清单.
The BlueNRG-MS is a very low power Bluetooth low energy (BLE) single-mode networkprocessor, compliant with Bluetooth specification v4.1. The BlueNRG-MS supports multipleroles simultaneously, and can act at the same time as Bluetooth Smart sensor and hubdevice.
The entire Bluetooth low energy stack runs on the embedded Cortex M0 core. The nonvolatile Flash memory allows on-field stack upgrading. The BlueNRG-MS
allowsapplications to meet of the tight advisable peak current requirements imposed with the useof standard coin cell batteries. The maximum peak current is only 10 mA at 1 dBm of outputpower. Ultra low-power sleep modes and very short transition times between operatingmodes allow very low average current consumption, resulting in longer battery life. TheBlueNRG-MS offers the option of interfacing with external microcontrollers using SPItransport layer.
The BlueNRG-MS is a single-mode Bluetooth low energy master/slave network processor,compliant with the Bluetooth specification v4.1.
It integrates a 2.4 GHz RF transceiver and a powerful Cortex-M0 microcontroller, on which a complete power-optimized stack for Bluetooth single mode protocol runs, providing: Master, slave role support?
GAP: central, peripheral, observer or broadcaster roles? ATT/GATT: client and server?
SM: privacy, authentication and authorization? L2CAP?
Link Layer: AES-128 encryption and decryption?
An on-chip non-volatile Flash memory allows on-field Bluetooth low energy stack
upgrade.In addition, according the Bluetooth specification v4.1 the BlueNRG-MS provides: Multiple roles simultaneously support?
Support simultaneous advertising and scanning?
Support being Slave of up to two Masters simultaneously? Privacy V1.1?
Low Duty Cycle Directed Advertising? Connection parameters request procedure? LE Ping? 32 bits UUIDs?
L2CAP Connection Oriented Channels?
The BlueNRG-MS is equipped with Bluetooth low energy profiles in C source code.
The device allows applications to meet of the tight advisable peak current
requirementsimposed with the use of standard coin cell batteries. If the high efficiency embedded DC-DCstep-down converter is used, the maximum input current is only 15 mA at the highest outputpower (+8 dBm). Even if the DC-DC converter is not used, the maximum input current isonly 29 mA at the highest output power, still preserving battery life.
Ultra low-power sleep modes and very short transition time between operating modes resultin very low average current consumption during real operating conditions, providing verylong battery life.
Two different external matching networks are suggested: standard mode (TX output powerup to +5 dBm) and high power mode (TX output power up to +8 dBm).The external host application processor, where the application resides, is interfaced with the BlueNRG-MS through an application controller interface protocol which is based on astandard SPI interface.
Bluetooth specification v4.1 compliant masterand slave single-mode Bluetooth low energy?
network processor
Embedded Bluetooth low energy protocolstack: GAP,GATT,SM,L2CAP,LL,RF-PHY? Bluetooth low energy profiles providedseparately? Operating supply voltage: from 1.7 to 3.6 V? 8.2 mA maximum TX current (@0 dBm, 3.0 V)?
Down to 1.7 μA current consumption withactive BLE stack? Integrated linear regulator and DC-DC stepdownconverter? Up to +8 dBm available output power (atantenna connector)? Excellent RF link budget (up to 96 dB)? Accurate RSSI to allow power control?
Proprietary application controller interface(ACI), SPI based, allows interfacing with anexternal host application microcontroller? Full link controller and host security?
High performance, ultra-low power Cortex-M032-bit based architecture core? On-chip non-volatile Flash memory? AES security co-processor? Low power modes?
16 or 32 MHz crystal oscillator? 12 MHz ring oscillator? 32 kHz crystal oscillator? 32 kHz ring oscillator?
Battery voltage monitor and temperaturesensor?
Compliant with the following radio frequencyregulations: ETSI EN300 328, EN 300 440,? FCC CFR47 Part 15, ARIB STD-T66
Available in QFN32 (5 x 5 mm) and WLCSP34(2.66 x 2.56 mm) packages? Operating temperature range: -40 ℃ to 85 ℃?
Fitness, wellness and sports? Consumer medical? Security/proximity? Remote control?
Home and industrial automation? Assisted living?
Mobile phone peripherals? PC peripherals?
ST BlueNRG-MS低功耗蓝牙(BLE)单模式网络处理方案