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牛津译林版八年级下册英语 Unit 1 -Unit 8 全套共8个单元测试卷(含答案)

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牛津译林版八年级下册英语 Unit 1 单元测试卷


( )1. Mr White used to play violin after supper. but now he is used to playing chess with his best friend. Mr Johnson. A. ther; the B./; the C. ther;/ D. the; a

( )2. -Kids often feel better in happy family.

-That's true. A happy family provides a loving for its children.

A. expression B. environment C. encourageme D. development

( )3. -Why is Mike so excited? Did he win the competition?

-Yes. He had 30 mimutes to finish the tough task. no more and no Less. A. especially B.probably C. exactly D. hardly

( )4.The79- -year old woman lived in a wooden house. but she didn'tfeel . A. alone: lonelyi alone B. lonely: lonely: alone

C. alone; lonely: lonely D. lonely: alone: lonely

( )5. -It's useful for deaf people to learn sign language. -Yes, it's major way of for them.

A. suggestion B.vacation C. production D. communication

( )6.-I you for a long timne.

-Oh.I in Japan. I've just come back.

A. didn't see; am B. haven't seen: was C. didn't see; was D. haven't seen; am

( )7. Pick up your pen and draw your own invention. Maybe it can a realproduct one day!

A. turn on B. turn down C. turn off D. turn into

()8.(2020·泰州) More and more teenagers have poor eyesight, so parents and teachers should take action the situation from getting worse.

A. stop B. stopping C. stopped D. to stop

( )9. -How long haven't you written to your father?

-It has been three months he received my last one. A.when B.after C. before D.since

( ) 10. Mr White was searching for his passport , but he couldn't' find it . A. everywhere;anywhere B. everywhere; somewhere

C.somewhere; everywhere D. anywhere;everywhere

第 1 页 共 72 页

( )11.(2020·南京) What terrible experience! ,lucky us, we are safe now.

A. Anyway B. Otherwise C. For example D. As a result

()12.The2022 Winter Olympics will in Beijing, making it the first city to host both

Summer and Winter Olympic Games.

A. take up B. take place C. take part D. take on ()13.(2020·安徽)-The air here is much fresher than before

-Exactly!We a lot of trees in the past few years. A. planted B. were planting C. have planted D. will plant

()14. On May Day, there are people in the supermarket, so it is noisy.

A. too much; much too B. too many; too much C. too many; much too D. too much; too many ()15. -The changes are good for people.

- . I like the present transport but can't stand the pollution. A. Yes, I agree with you B. No, you are welcome C. In some ways, agree with you D. No, I agree with you


Tracey was a little pig with big dreams. Her greatest dream was to 1 .All her life she had watched the birds flying in the sky and wondered what it might be like. She even 2 flying

herself. She ran and jumped into the wind, but that didn't 3 . When Tracey was just about ready to 4 an old sheep said to her, "If you want to fly, why not visit the Spirit of the Woods?" "But 5 can I find him?”

"Oh, there is a forest just outside the farm Over there, see?” Tracey looked around and found a big forest. It was 6 that she'd never noticed it before. Anyway, she went into the 7 and soon met the Spirit of the Woods.

"Mr Spirit, I'm here 8 I want to fly, said Tracey.

"Fly? Well, that's a gift. Each animal is 9 a few gifts. Some have great speed, and

some have thick fur. I can help you, but there will be a 10 . Every time you fly,you 'll 11 one of your original(原来的) gifts”

As far as Tracey could tell, she didn't have any good gifts, so she 12 . Then she flew home excitedly. But when she landed, Tracey found her big nose missing and she could no longer 13 the way as she used to. The next night, she flew again and this time there was something wrong with her 14 . It was difficult for her to walk as usual. As time went by, she didn't look like a pig any more. Tracey began to feel 15 . She ran back into the woods quickly and begged (乞求)Mr Spirit to change her back.

( )1. A. dance B. draw C.fly D.travel ( )2. A. enjoyed B. continued C. avoided D. tried ( )3.A.work B.fail C.arrive D.follow

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( )4. A. take off B. give up C. get up D. get off ( )5.A. what B.when C. where D.why

( )6. A. cool B. exciting C. important D. strange ( )7.A.farm B. house C. forest D. garden ( )8.A.if B. because C. though D. until

( )9. A. good at B. born with C. interested in D. known for ( )10.A. plan B. relief C.mistake D. price ( )11.A. change B. discover C.lose D. improve ( )12.A. cried B. agreed C.argued D.refused ( )13. A. smell B. hear C.speak D. walk ( )14. A. mouth B.ears C.feet D. tail

( )15.A. excited B. angry C. relaxed D. worried

三、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分) A

People say that the real culture of Beijing is "the culture of hutong". How true that is! Often, Beijing's hutongs attract tourists from home and abroad rather than the tall buildings. Hutong is a small street in Beijing that originated (起源) during Yuan dynasty (1271-1368). "Hutong"is a Mongolian word, meaning "water well". During that time, water well was around where people lived. There are thousands of hutongs in the city. In the past, Beijing had lots of courtyards. Hutongs were the small streets to enter them more conveniently.

Where there is a hutong, there is a story. As the symbol of Beijing city, a hutong has its own structure(结构), which makes it wonder in the world

Among the hutongs in Beijing Beixingiao Hutong has the most turns. There are more than 20 in which you can easily get lost. The narrowest is Qianshi Hutong, measuring about 30 to 40 metres. The narrowest part is merely 32 inches wide, so when two people meet, they must turn sideways to pass each other. The longest one is Dongxijiaominxiang Hutong, it's about 6. 5 kilometres long. The shortest one is Yichidajie Hutong measuring about15.2 metres. Come and see it, and you’ll have a true taste of Bejing.

( )1. From the passage we know hutongs are . A. the small streets B. water wells C. the tall buildings D. the courtyards

( )2. Hutong becomes a wonder in the world because of its . Along history B. strange name C. wonderful story D. own structure8

( )3. is the narrowest one of all the hutongs in Beijing.

A. Beixingiao Hutong B Qianshi Hutong C. Dongxijiaominxiang Hutong D. Guantong Hutong

( )4. Which is NOT true about Beijing hutong?

第 3 页 共 72 页

牛津译林版八年级下册英语 Unit 1 -Unit 8 全套共8个单元测试卷(含答案)


