授课单元 全体英语 教师 教材 授课班级 知识目标 1. know about how to talk about project speed. 教学 目标 《土木工程应用英语》P78-86 土木工程类专业各班级 能力目标 素质目标 improve cognitive strategy, in other 行业英语阅读翻译实践4 (Bridge) 主讲教师 分院(部) 基础部 教研室 英语教研室 课时 2 1. be able to communicate with words, they are expected to know how to consult and make use of study 2. know about components, others fluently classification and historical 2. be able to read more materials resources? development of bridge about bridge by consulting some professional books 3. be able to translate professional materials 教学 内容 教学 重点 教学 难点 教学 方法 听说、讲授、讨论、练习 与手段 多媒体课件演示与板书相结合 The translation of professional expressions about bridge? Section II Maintaining a Sharp Eye Passage I Bridge Engineering Passage II Piers and Abutments Useful expressions about components, classification and historical development of bridge 工具与 材料 多媒体教室 Section II Maintaining a sharp eye Passage 1 Bridge Engineering Step 1: Lead in 教学 过程 Topic: Bridge a) Ask students to discuss in groups about bridge? b) List as many knowledge about bridge as they can. c) Give presentation to the whole class. Introduction Bridge is very important for a country's development. They can keep a normally flow of some important necessity during the society development. They connect the whole nation through the road and railway. Step 2: Explanation of language points 1 passage n I) the action of going across itfi 彳亍, 通过 ex: The old bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of heavy vehicle? 这古老的桥不够坚固,无法让重型的车辆通过 2) (oftime) course (时间)经过 3) a narrow way through 狭窄的通道 ex: He forced a passage throgh the crowd 他从人群中挤岀一条通路来。 4) bird of passage 候鸟 rough passage 遇上暴风雨的航程 2. consist of 包括(无被动)consist in 在于,基于 3. truss v l)to tie up firmly with a rope 束紧,捆紧 2) to prepared (a chicken,duckxtc?)for cooking by tying the legs and wings in place把鸡,鹅的脚,翅膀绑好以便烹 烤。 n 3) framework of beans or bars built to support a roof,bridgc,ctc.(支撑屋顶,桥等的)构架,架 4. approach v 1) to come near ex: Tlic approach of winter brings cold winter 冬天带来了寒冷的天气 2) a way of entering 通路,入口 ex: All approaches to the town were blocked? 所有通往城镇的道路都阻塞了 3) a method of doing sth 方法 ex: His book presents a new approach to the difficulty? 他的书对于这项难题提出新的处理方法 5. credit n. 1 )failh?bclicf 信任,信用 2) publicattention,praise 名誉,光荣 ex: Alouthgh the invention was minej was given no credit for it. 虽然这是我发明的,我并没有得到应有的荣誉。 3) the quality of being likely to repay debts 信用 ex: His credit is good.You can trust him? 他的信用很好,你可以信赖。 4) a measure of a student's work 学分 ex: French 101 is a 3-credit course 法文101是三学分的课程 V. to believe 相信 do sb credit to 为… 增光 6. result in 造成 from 起因于 7. formulate to invent 设讣成规划 8. feasible to be carried out or done ex:Ifs not feasible to dismiss him 开除他是不可能的 Step 3: Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1 The components above the level of bearings are grouped as superstructure, while the parts below the bearing level are classed as substructure? 分析:这个句中的above the level of bearings是介词短语作为定语修饰主语The components, while引导的表转折 译文:这些支座以及其上的构件组成的部分就叫做上部结构,反之,在支座平面下的就 称之为下部结构 2 This structure, because of its inherent contour, utilized masonry as its material ? 分析:这是一个简单句,because of its inherent contour表示原因 译文:由于它的固有外形,利用石工技术作为材料。 3 The adaptability of reinforced concrete to any architectural form and the increased efficiency. in concrete constniction resulted in its widespread use in bridge building? 分析:?这是一个简单句.The adaptability and the increased efficiency 为主语,resulted in 是谓语, 译文:钢筋混凝丄对于任何建筑形式的适应性以及混凝上施工日益增加的有效性,导致 了钢筋混凝土在桥梁建筑方而的广泛使用。 4 It was not until 1926-1928 when Freyssinet was able to control these losses with high-strength steel that prestressing was considered feasible? 分析:此句的It was not until........... that是强调句,而when引导的句子是个定语从句修饰 时间 译文:直到1926-1928年,Freyssinet利用钢铁的抗压来控制损失,预应力技术才认为 是可行的。 Step 4: Explanation of exercises Exercises 1: I providing 2 development 3 proper 4 inherent 5 considered 6 reinforced 7 adaptability efficiency widespread 8 prestressing 9 successfully 10 come to Exercises 2: 1 linked 2 such as 3 according to 4 were connected 5 foundation 6 consider 7 consist of 8 erection 9 provide 10 result in Exercises 3: Translate the following into Chinese: 1这些支座以及其上的构件组成的部分就叫做上部结构。 2根据结构体系划分为:刚架,拱桥,斜拉桥,或者悬索桥 3 1874年在路易斯,密苏里街兴建的Eads桥是世界上首次广泛使用钢铁的一座大桥。 4由于预应力混凝土的损耗和徐变所造成的巨大损失,他们的应用没有成功。 5悬索桥的跨径范囤最好是500米到3000米之间 Exercises 4: Translate the following into English 1 A bridge is a structure providing passage over an obstacle to be crossing a river,a road.railway or a valley? 2 According to the Expected Utility of Service as permanent and twmporary bridge 3 The history of development of bridge construction is closely linked with human civilization 4 The use of concrete as a building material was not considered until late in the nineteenth ccnlury 5 Japan's Okashi kaiko bridge is the world's longest suspension bridge with a span of 2m Passage