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中职英语第二册测试题Unit 10

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Unit 10 of Book 2


1.导游 2.电 3.重建 4.坐落于v. 5.旅行者 6.设计 7.设计师 8.革命n. 9.金字塔 10.专家 11.(使)留在外面

12.收集 13.国会 14.包含 15.多于 16.描述v. 17.发明

18.工程师 19.完成 20.因…而出名 二.语法

( ) 1 The People's Republic of China __ on October 1, 1949.

A. found B. was founded C. is founded D. was found ( ) 2 English ____ in Canada.

A. speaks B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is spoken ( ) 3 This English song___ by the girls after class.

A. often sings B. often sang C. is often sang D. is often sung ( ) 4 This kind of car ___ in Japan.

A, makes B. made C. is making D. is made ( ) 5 New computers ___ all over the world.

A. is used B. are using C. are used D. have used ( ) 6. Why ___ to talk about it yesterday?

A. didn't a meeting hold B. wasn't a meeting held C. wasn't held a meeting D. a meeting wasn't held ( ) 7. Who was the book___?

A. write B. wrote C. written D. written by ( ) 8. Where ___ these boxes made?

A. was B. were C. is D. am ( )9.The pot ___ for ___ hot water

. A. used; keeping B. was used; keeping C. is used; to keep D. are used; keep ( ) 10. Tea ___ in the south of China.

A. grows B. is grown C. were grown D. will grow ( )11. The bridges___ two years ago.

A. is built B. built C. were built D. was built ( )12. Wet clothes are often ___ up near a fire in rainy weather

.A. hang B. hanged C. hanging D. hung ( ) 13. Newly-born babies ___in hospital.

A. are taken good care B. are taken good care of C. take good care of D. take good care ( ) 14. They were___ at the sudden noise.

A. frightening B. frightened C. frighten D. frightens

( ) 15. These walls ___ stone.

A. are made of B. made of. C. are made into D. made into ( ) 16 Jane ___ to sing us an American song last Saturday.

A. called B. was asked C. told D. was said ( ) 17. The teacher made him___ his homework.

A. to do B. do C. did D. done ( ) 18 The boy _- streets without pay in the old days.

A. was made to clean B. made clean C. made to clean D. was made clean ( ) 19 These children ____ dance.

A. were seen to B. were seen for C. were seen D. saw to ( )20.Great changes ___ in our country during the past 20 years.

A. have happened B. happened C. have been happened D. were happened 三.完型填空

阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Whitney didn’t have many friends. She was shy and 1 . She never wanted to be popular, but she did want to have someone to share 2 and laugh with.

Then it was time for her to go to college in another town. And she had to 3 with someone she didn’t know. She had no idea whether she could make friends in that new environment.

But something happened during the first class. And it 4 Whitney’s life. The teacher asked everyone to 5 a little about themselves. Whitney told everyone where she came from and some simple information. The last 6 for each student was- “What is your goal for this term?” 7 of the students said it was to get good grades, pass the tests or something similar! But Whitney said something 8 . She said that her goal was to make just one good friend.

When most of the students sat quietly, one student came to Whitney. She reached out her hand and introduced herself. She asked 9 she could be Whitney’s friend. Whitney was surprised and happy. She 10 and reached her hand out, too. Their friendship lasted all through the college. 1. A. careless B. quiet C. noisy D. weak 2. A. marks B. friends C. tests D. secrets 3. A. quarrel B. debate C. live D. discuss 4. A. changed B. controlled C. destroyed D. blocked 5.A. remember B. share C. recite D. write 6.A. require B. decision C. competition D. question 7.A. Most B. Few C. All D. None 8. A. interesting B. different C. similar D. strange 9.A. how B. why C. whether D. where 10.A. smiled B. watched C. rushed D. turned 四.阅读理解


Mr Brown first went to look at the underground - fire when he was seven.

\(洞)in the earth you could see the orange fire, but you had to look fast because it was so hot,\(再一次).

Now, we can only see the smoke. The fire Mr Brown saw is not the underground - fire. In fact, there are 260 coal(煤)fires in the world. They are harmful(有害)and dangerous. Then how to put them out?

Scientists have tried to set(放置)fire to underground coal to speed up(加速)

the fires. In this way, the burning(燃烧)of underground coal would be soon finished.(被烧完)。

1. Mr Brown first saw the underground - fire ________. A. at the age of seven C. in the year of 1898

B. seven years old

D. more than(超过)80 years ago

2. Mr Brown said that we had to take a fast look at the fire because ________. A. it was in the hole B. it was very hot C. it was orange D. it was harmful 3. How many coal fires are there in the world? A. There's only one. B. It's hard to say.

C. There are 260. D. The article(文章)doesn't tell us.

4. What’s one of the best ways to put out(扑灭)the underground fire? A. To cover(覆盖)the holes with stones(石块). B. To speed up the fires. C. To see the fires burning. D. To do some experiments(试验). 5. What is the best title(标题)for the article? A. Watching the Underground - Fire. B. A Way to Put Out the Coal Fires. C. The Burning Earth. D. Coal and Coal Fires.


Fred telephoned his wife. “I’ve got two free tickets for the theatre tonight,” he told her. “Meet me outside the office. We’ll have something to eat and then go on to the theatre.”

中职英语第二册测试题Unit 10


