序 号:1
课程编码:16001020、16001030、16001040 课程名称:金融学
学 分:4 周 学 时:3
开课系部:金融学系 预修课程:微观经济学 修读对象:本科生
拟用教材:《金融学》,杨长江编著,复旦大学出版社,2005年1月第1版 参考教材:《金融学原理》,彭兴韵著,生活?读书?新知 三联书店,2003年9月第1版
Course Code: 16001020、16001030、16001040 Course Name: Money & Finance Department: Finance Department Credit: 3
Periods Per Course: 3 Students: Undergraduates
Prerequisite Course: Microeconomics
Contents: The framework of this course starts with the analysis of financial operation objects,
such as currency, funds, financial tools and assets. Also the course explains the principles of the currency time value, introduces the concrete classification and business of financial instruments and markets, and then points out its significance to the contemporary economy. It discusses the monetary policy and theories. From the course students will get the basic concepts and fundamental knowledge of finance, and be acquainted with financial principle and analysis methods. Those will help them to improve their consequent study of specialized courses.
Course book:《Finance》, Yangchangjiang, Fudan University Press, first edition, Jan,2005 Reference book:《Fundamentals of Finance》, Pengxingyun, Sanlian Press, first edition, Sep.2003
序 号:2
课程编码:16002020、16002030 课程名称:国际金融学
International Finance
学 分:3 周 学 时:3
预修课程:金融学、宏观经济学 修读对象:本科生 课程简介:“国际金融”作为金融专业的一门学科基础课,是专门研究国与国之间的货币金
拟用教材:《国际金融》,刘思跃主编,武汉大学出版社,2002年5月第2版 参考教材:《国际金融教程》,胡云祥主编,立信会计出版社,2004年版
Course Code: 16002020、16002030 Course Name: International Finance Department: Finance Department Credit: 3
Periods Per Course: 3 Students: Undergraduates
Prerequisite Course: Money & Finance,Macroeconomics
Contents: International Finance, a fundamental course in the major of Finance, is designed to
study the relationship of currencies and finance between different countries. It includes: 1. International Balance of Payment; 2. Foreign Exchange Supply & Demand and Exchange Rate; 3. Reform of Foreign Exchange Control and Foreign Exchange Management; 4. International Reserve and International Liquidity; 5. International Currency System and International Currency Reform; 6. Operation and Monitoring of International Financial Market; 7. International Capital Flow and the Lessons of Asian Financial Crisis; 8. Process of International Financial Integration and European Currency Union; 9. International Debts and so on.. After studying the course, students can have knowledge about the primary theories of international finance, understand the basis for the policies of foreign exchange, international reserve, absorbing foreign investment and financial openness, have a rough idea about the operation of international financial market and its trading skills so as to lay a concrete foundation for taking foreign economic and managerial work.
Course book:《International Finance》, Liusiyue, Wuhan University Press, Second edition, May,
Reference book:《A course of International Finance》,Huyunxiang,Lixin Accounting Press,
序 号:3
课程编码:16003020 课程名称:金融市场学
Financial Market
学 分:3 周 学 时:3
开课系部:金融学系 预修课程:金融学 修读对象:本科生
Course Code: 16003020
Course Name: Financial Market Department: Finance Department Credit: 3
Periods Per Course: 3 Students: Undergraduates
Prerequisite Course: Money & Finance
Contents: Financial market is one of the basic core courses of the major of finance. It includes
money markets for short-term debt instruments and capital markets for longer-maturity financial assets. The price of financial asset is equal to the present value of the cash flow expected. The course is to describe the financial markets and instruments, and to help the students to understand financial assets and liabilities in a world of constantly changing interest rates, assets prices, regulatory constraints, exchanging mechanism, and international competition and opportunities. And also it is asked the students to learn about the financial market regulation and the integration of financial market.
Course book: 《Financial Market》,Zhangyichun,zhengzhenglong, High Education Press, First
Reference book: 《Financial Market》,Wangzaoxing、Wguoxiang、Chenshihe,Renmin University
of China Press,Feb.2004
序 号:4
课程编码:16005030、16005020 课程名称:商业银行经营管理
Commercial Bank Operation & Management
学 分:3 周 学 时:3
开课系部:金融学系 预修课程:金融学 修读对象:本科生 课程简介:商业银行经营管理是金融学专业的核心课程。本课程以现代商业银行经营管理理
拟用教材:《商业银行经营学》,戴国强主编,高等教育出版社,2003年5月第1版 参考教材:《商业银行业务与经营》,庄毓敏主编,中国人民大学出版社,1999年11月第1
Course Code: 16005030、16005020
Course Name: Commercial Bank Operation & Management Department: Finance Department Credit: 3
Periods Per Course: 3