unit 1
一、 单选
1、 We guarantee prompt A of goods. A. delivery B. arrival C. carriage D. service
2、 Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a __B _ A. scarcity B. mi nority
C. minimum D. shortage
3、 At least 76 people died when a Sibir Airlines Tu-154 __ C__ into the sea about 180 kilometers from the Russian resort of Sochi on Thursday. A. dropped B. jumped C. plun ged D. decli ned
4、 In the very height of the after noon blaze they saw a horsema n on the crest of a hill, watch ing them A through glasses.
A. i nte ntly
B. i nten tio nally
C. i nte nsively
D. exte nsively
5、 In today's bus in ess world, havi ng a solid Internet A A. prese nee B. abse nee C. prese nt D. acce nt
6、 A __ D __ to this problem is expected to be found before long. A. result
B. resp onse
C. settleme nt
D. soluti on
7、 Online courses require students to make decisions ___ C__ on facts as well as experienee. A. to base B. bas ing C. based D. being based
8、 A group of sharks were A off the coast earlier this mon th. A. spotted B. sported C. spouted D. spoofed 9、 No sooner had we set out __B __ a storm began. A. then B. than C. whe n A. that B. which C. what D. as
11、 _________ As he C the conclusion, he lost the good chanee to earn more money. A. came to B. arrived at C. leaped to D. reached
12、 Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply A . A. decli ned
B. lesse ned
C. desce nded
D. slipped
13、 Are there any __C__on the farm? A. horse B. chick C. chicke n D. duck
二、 多选
is critical to success.
D. and
10、 It's probably that awful music A wakes me up every morning.
1、 How many _AB_are there in the international village? A. Chin ese
B. America ns
C. America n
D. Chin eses
2、 Look, there are so many __CD__here. A. food B. dish C. waiters D. people E. water
3、 Look! The kites in the sky are in differe nt __AB__. A. sizes B. colors C. price D. n ame
unit 2
1、 The travel company had __C_ three aircraft for their holiday flights. A. rented B. leased C. chartered D. let 2、 He was knocked down by a car and badly A . A. injured B. damaged C. harmed D. ruined 3、 John left his hometown ten years ago, never A . A. to return B. returned
C. returning
D. will return
4、 Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply A . A. declined B. lessened rescuers with in 10 days to clear a path for the __B__ ship to leave. A. tramped B. trapped C. wrapped D. sn apped 6、 They all objected _ C _ the meeting off.
A. to put
B. putting
C. descended D. slipped
5、 The Argentine icebreaker Almirante Irizar, which left Buenos Aires on Tuesday, is expected to join the South African
C. to putting D. put
7、 As he _ C ____ the conclusion, he lost the good chanee to earn more money.
A. came to B. arrived at C. leaped to D. reached
8、It's probably that awful music A wakes me up every morning.
A. that B. which C. what D. as 9、In the smoke and dust and darkness, people __D__ to one another grabbing hands and
linking arms, they formed a huma n cha in that made its way dow n stairwells and corridors and out into the sun light of an unthin kable day.
A. reach ing up B. reach ing dow n before last week's terrorist attacks.
1、Do you know the woman __ABC__?
C. reach ing for D. reachi ng out
D. steep
E. at here
10、U.S. stocks pared back __D __ losses Wednesday after the Federal Reserve said the economy was \
A. desce nding B. abrupt C. dow nhill A. over there
B. there
C. here D. at there
2、After playing football for a long time, the students took __BC __ rest. A. a few minute ' s B. a few minutes ' C. several minutes' D. 3、 Would you like to give me__AD__, please ? A. a cup of tea B. two cup of tea C. two cup
D. two cups of tea
A. arrived in
E. cup of tea
B. got C. reach out D. reached
4、 When she__AD__ America, she suddenly felt lonely.
little minute ' s E. a little minutes '
unit 3
1、rve never been to Paris, but it's the place ___ C _ A. where I'd like to visit 2、 He wants to be D A. a great scie ntist as A. then
B. in which I'd like to visit Newton and Einstein.(分数: B. as great a scie ntist as
(分数:1分) 问题反馈
C. I most want to visit 1分)
D. that I want to visit it most
C. as a great scie ntist as D. such a great scie ntist as
3、 No sooner had we set out __B __ a storm began.(分数:1 分)
B. than C. whe n D. and
4、 Ever since the inven tio n of televisi on there has n't bee n anything as begg ing to become a __B__ as the In ternet. A. means B. medium C. material D. media
5、 A good test for this value is to apply __ C ___ I call the \A. that B. which C. what D. whe n
6、 Yesterday Ariel Sharon ordered Israeli tanks to roll back from Palesti nian tow ns in the West Bank in a move A to please the visit ing U.S. vice-preside nt, Dick Chen ey.
A. calculated B. computed C. attempted D. estimated
7、 The work in the office was __B__ by a constant stream of visitors. (分数:1 分) A. con fused B. hampered C. reversed
D. perplexed
A . (分数:1 分)
(分数:1 分)
& It's a very beautiful village where Cindy and Tony live but it's very A. out of the way B. the way C. by the way D. on the way
9、 When people are segregated in ____ B__ workshops, they miss out on the opport un ities of in teract ing, work ing in a meanin gful job and being part of the com mun ity at large. A. shielded
B. sheltered C. hidde n D. con cealed
to this problem is expected to be C. settleme nt
D. soluti on
found before long.
(分数:1 分) 问题反馈
(分数:1 分)
10、 _____ A __ D A. result
B. resp onse
1、 The sign “ NO PHOTO means that you cannAC . A. take pictures B. bring in pictures
C. take photos D. buy any photo E. sell any photo
2、 My father lived in __BC__ for some ten years. A. city Beiji ng B. the city of Beiji ng
C. Beiji ng
D. the Beiji ng E. the Beiji ng city
3、 How many AB__ do you have next term ? A. less ons
B. subjects C. days D. class E. month
4、 Before ___ AC__ the road, please look both sides.
A. cross ing B. crossed C. going across D. across from E. across