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7B Unit5 同步课时训练4



call share stay shop wait miss cry follow carry stop enjoy invite study jump chat look cost know make teach have am/is are leave 二、动词填空

1. The students (visit) the Funny World Museum last Sunday. 2. Millie, you (have) a good time at yesterday’s party?

3. I (go) swimming last Sunday, but I (not do) the shopping later that day. 4. We spent some time (buy) cards of dodos in the small shop inside the museum. 5. Just now the men (carry) the heavy box full of books to the office. 6. Girls, what you (chat) about two minutes ago?

7. Something was wrong with my washing machine, so I (wash) clothes with my hands. 8. It’s fun (talk) about funny birds with others. 9. Mr Liu (teach) us geography last term. 10. Simon (like) eating fish very much before, but now he (not like) eating it any more. 三、完成句子

1. 孩子们在学校门口发现了什么奇怪的东西?

What things the children at the school gate? 2. -----西蒙,你爸今天早上为什么没有像往常一样开车送你去上学? -----因为他醒来晚了。

-----Simon, why your father school

this morning? ------Because he late. 3. 渡渡鸟很久以前生活在地球上。

Dodos a very long time age. 4. 当我们到达博物馆的时候,里面人太多了。

When we got to the museum, there people inside. 5.你在博物馆里还看到了什么?

in the museum. 6. 你们是什么时候回到学校的?

When school. 7.安妮,你刚才上哪儿去了?

Ann, where . 8.他们花了两个小时在动物园里拍了许多动物照片。

They many photos of animals in the zoo. 7B Unit5 同步课时训练5 Integrated skills $ study skills


1. What will you do if you see a (蛇) in front of you? 2. People call (骆驼) “ships of the desert”.

3. Look! A group of (蚂蚁) are carrying a large piece of bread to their home. 4. There is no life (没有) the sun.

5. The teacher wrote the answers on the blackboard with a piece of red (粉笔) .

6. I was (surprise) to know that a special monkey is shorter than my ruler----only 11 centimeters tall.

7. The little dog is very clever and he can play many (amaze) tricks. 8. We are very (interest) in these lovely animals. 三、单项填空

1. The students learned about different things after watching the film. A. lots B. lots of C. a lot D. a lot of 2. Did you the fire in a shopping center last week?

A. hear B. hear of C. listen D. listen to 3. would you like to travel the world, by ship or by plane? A. What; around B. How; / C. How; around D. What; /

4. The man can write with one hand and draw with his other hand at the same time. A. amazing; the B. amazing; / C. amazed; the D. amzaed; / 5. It’s a pity(遗憾) that we can’t see any strange bird dodo. A. is B. calls C. called D. is called 6. ------Lucy, the meat smells .

------But mum, something is wrong wit my nose. I can’t smell . A. nice; well B. well; nice C. well; well D. nice; nice 四、动词填空

1. -----Simon, why didn’t you eat the sandwich this morning? ------Because it (smell) bad.

2. Usually the museum (open) at 9:00 a.m. and (close) at 4:45p.m. 3. The students need (search) for some information about funny animals on the internet. 4. ----- we (go) to Beijing Sunshine Park this weekend? ----- Good idea.

5. Long age there (be) no cars or plans. 6. Andy (stop) (talk) with Amy when he met her in the street.

7. Wendy, like other children, (enjoy) playing volleyball on the beach last summer. 8. The little boy is afraid of (listen) to ghost stories. 五、完成句子 1. ------蛇生活在哪里? ------地面上、树上、水里。

------where a ? ------On the , and in water.

2. 寒冬,蛇吃得很少甚至什么也不吃。

Eat or eat in cold winter. 3.长颈鹿的长脖子里只有七块骨头,大家对此感到很惊奇。

Everyone to know that a has only seven in long neck. 4.很有趣的是,骆驼可以很长时间不用喝水照样生存。

It’s interesting that for a long time. 5. 我们饭后需要立刻把桌子收拾干净,因为蚂蚁嗅觉很灵敏。

We need to clean the table at once because . 6. 你会像那位画家一样用粉笔画立体画吗?

Can you draw like that artist? 7. 有位年轻人骑车浏览了八十多个国家。

A young man by bike. 8. 对不起,博物馆几分钟前闭馆了。

I’m sorry. The museum . 9. 我们计划好了下周末再去那儿。

We next weekend. 10. 苏西现在再也不害怕动物了。

Now Suzy isn’t .

7B Unit5 同步课时训练6



1. ----- do you call this animal? ----- . A. What; Giraffes B. How; Giraffes C. What’s; Giraffe D. how’s; Giraffe 2. It was very late, but the man didn’t want to stop cards.

A. to play B. to playing C. playing D. played 3. Are you any important news?

A. hearing B. hearing to C. listening D. listening to 4. The TV in other shops will be cheaper, but not .

A. as good B. as well C. as better D. as best 5. My grandmother studying animals. She is afraid of them. A. loves B. likes C. dislikes D. dreams 6. ------I had a really good weekend in the museum. ------ . A. It’s a pleasure B. Yes, that’s all right C. Oh, I’m glad to hear that D. Oh, that’s very nice of you 二、完成句子

1. 很久以前有个人很爱打牌,他甚至不想停下来吃饭。

Long a man cards and he didn’t even want to . 2. 这位聪明的年轻人把肉夹在两片面包中间,他把这种食物称为三明治。

The bright young man and called it “sandwich”. 3. 到1960年,没过大约有三千万台电视机投入使用。

By 1960, about 30,000,000 TV sets in the USA . 4.后来,三明治风靡全世界。

Later, sandwiches . 5.如今电视机可大至103英寸。

Now TV can be .

7B Unit5 同步课时训练7



1. 充满令人惊奇的事 2. 鱼睁眼睡觉 3. 从出生时都是相同的大小 4. 从没有停止成长 5. 比地球大一百三十万倍 6. 大象的脚背里没有骨头 7. 和以往一样 8. 转身但是什么也没看到 9. 回应某人/某事 10. 在他们回家的路上 11. (他们)发生了什么 12. 在某地搜寻某人/某物 13. 自言自语 14. 发现在灌木丛你有一只小猫 15.捡起来 16. 做某事感到惊讶 17. 听上去像一声低语 18. 把那只小猫拿到动物中心 19. 11厘米高 20. 了解像渡渡鸟那样奇怪的鸟类 21. 很久以前住在地球上 22. 栖息在非常干燥的地方 23. 嗅觉灵敏 24. 不再,再也不 25. 吃得很少或不吃 26. 没在水活很长时间 27. 需要保持房子清洁 28. 听说 29. 环游80多个国家 30. 用一只手写用另一只手画画 31. 同时 32. 用粉笔画三维立体图片 33. 从一个名叫?得名 34. 打牌 35. 停下来去吃饭 36. 把肉夹在两片面包中间 37. 风靡全世界 38. 到1935年 39. 投入使用 40. 每100个家庭 41. 至少有一台电视 42. 152英寸那样大 二、动词填空

1. -----How (be) your school trip? 2. This camel (look) as strong as that one.

3. Would you please (find) out more about amazing things in this book? 4. Machines can work for a long time without (have) a rest. 5. (ride) a bicycle is much faster than walking.



