【期刊名称】《北京周报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2010(053)028
【摘要】@@ The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Stephen Harper,rnLadies and Gentlemen,rnDear Friends,rnLet me begin by expressing heartfelt thanks to Prime Minister Harper for hosting this grand banquet and delivering warm remarks. rnI also wish to take this opportunity to extend appreciation to the Canada China Business Council (CCBC) and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) for their efforts to organize the Fourth China Canada Business Forum. Over the years, the CCBC and all of you present have made active contributions to deepening mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples and pushing forward relations between our two countries. I wish to extend my heartfelt appreciation to you and, through you, to the people from various sectors of Canada who have cared for and supported the growth of China-Canada friendship. 【总页数】3页(后插6-后插8) 【关键词】 【作者】胡锦涛 【作者单位】
【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_beijing-review_thesis/0201210940886.html 【相关文献】
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