院系名称 姓 名 学 号 专 业 指导教师
信息工程系 姓 名
导师 教授
摘 要
Memory is a \important position . The basic function of memory is stored in binary form of said programs and data . How to design capacity , speed is quick and low cost of memory , is always the key problems in the development of the computer , there is no memory function fully meet the needs of the memory of a computer system. Therefore, the computer system usually equipped with a layered structure of storage system, to satisfy the capacity, speed and cost requirements.
Measure memory has three index : capacity , speed and price/a. Generally speaking , the high speed of memory, every price is high , therefore capacity can not be too big . So memory design constraints capacity , speed and price . There seems to be no limit capacity , no matter how much capacity , the total to develop applications to use . In order to obtain the better performance, the speed of the memory must be able to keep up with the CPU,and that is when the CPU executing instructions , don't want him to stop and wait for instructions or operand. The question of price must also consider, for practical system, memory prices relative to other parts must be is reasonable. So the three indexes to weigh between.
Cache system can ensure cache memory and main memory contents consistency , the directly related to the entire computer system performance . The two parts of the data consistency issues of two reasons : first , because of the CPU cache memory write led to its contents to update the memory and out-of-date contents ; Second , because of I/O processor or multi-processor systems of a processor modified the main memory contents lead to cache content obsolete . According to different reasons , analyzes the strategy of written seven kinds of solutions, and the cache system USES 2 to take off the piece of cache, and the third class to take off the piece of cache structure data consistency problem for a preliminary discussion.
This article through to the memory system Cache ( Cache ) and the concept of main storage describe between consistency and at present there are some problems. And analysis in multiprocessor system , main memory with the processor Cache between the private and private Cache of inconsistency between data. To solve the inconsistency method: surveillance bus agreement, the Cache directory based on consistency agreement, software control method of detailed qualitative analysis , and points out the advantages and disadvantages of each method for designers ; Some software and hardware the method of combining the Cache can effectively resolve the consistency of the problem.
Key Words: Memory , The main memory , Cache , The consistency
目 录
1 引 言 ................................................................... 1 2 研究的背景和意义 ......................................................... 2 2.1 研究的背景 ........................................................... 2 2.1.1 主-辅存存储层次 .................................................. 2 2.1.2 CACHE-主存存储层次 ............................................... 3 2.1.3 存储器分层结构 ................................................... 3 2.2 研究的意义 ........................................................... 5 3 数据一致性问题的提出 ..................................................... 7 4 基于不同原因的写策略解决方案 ............................................. 9 4.1 基于原因1的解决办法 ................................................. 9 4.1.1 写直达 ........................................................... 9 4.1.2 写回发 ........................................................... 9 4.2 基于原因2的解决办法 ................................................. 9 4.2.1 总线监视法 ....................................................... 9 4.2.2 硬件监视法 ...................................................... 10 4.2.3 划出不可高速缓存存储区法 ........................................ 10 4.2.4 CACHE清除法 ..................................................... 10 4.3 基于原因3的解决办法 ................................................ 10 4.4 基于目录的CACHE一致性协议 .......................................... 10 5 数据一致性问题的发展与展望 .............................................. 13 6 结束语 .................................................................. 15 参考文献 .................................................................. 16 致 谢 .................................................................... 18
1 引 言
高速缓冲存储器是存在于主存与CPU之间的一级存储器, 由静态存储芯片(SRAM)组成,容量比较小但速度比主存高得多, 接近于CPU的速度。在计算机存储系统的层次结构中,是介于中央处理器和主存储器之间的高速小容量存储器。它和主存储器一起构成一级的存储器。高速缓冲存储器和主存储器之间信息的调度和传送是由硬件自动进行的。
存储器中的一致性问题,是伴随着存储器结构的概念而提出的,又一直是困扰着计算机设计者的一个重要问题,也是很多从事计算机体系结构研究的人们所共同面对的一个热门研究课题。特别是近年来出现的多处理系统,超并行机系统,超大规模计算机系统等采用DSM(Distributed Shared Memory)-分布式共享存储器技术的大型系统中,都采用了多级Cache的存储器层次结构。在Cache的数据一致性问题上,就更显突出了。如在DSM多处理机系统结构中,相邻层之间和同一层之内可能会出现数据不一致性。通过存储器的共享数据,进程在同一算法下并行工作。为了减少内存访问延时和内存总线的拥塞,要求Cache与每个处理器相关。这样同一数据在不同的Cache中有多个副本。当处理机对共享存储器某个单元在其本地Cache中的拷贝要进行维护时,只要对该单元的本地拷贝进行修改,这就有可能引起存储器的全局不一致性等等。所以如何在维护一致性情况下又保证处理机代价最小是这本论文讨论的主要问题。