Lesson 16 Warm and Cool Colours
1、能够以恰当的语气熟练朗读TEXT B对话 2、能用“not to bad”、“be sure to”等短语造句
3、理解限定性定语从句Restructive Attributive Clause 二、教学重点
能用“not to bad”、“be sure to”等短语造句 三、教学难点
理解限定性定语从句Restructive Attributive Clause 四、授课方法:讲解分析法、小组讨论法 五、教学参考及教具 《全国中等职业技术学校通用教材 英语第一册 第二版》、PPT 六、教学时数
2课时 七、教学过程
2、讲解单词,使学生了解其用法并灵活运用。 (1)examination n. 考试
补充:动词形式:exam,它的名词构成形式是特殊形式,需要硬记。 Examination的复数直接加s,Examinations 例句:举行一场考试take a examination He did not pass the examination. (2)paper n.考卷
补充:paper的复数 (3)passage n 文章段落 补充:复数 passages
(4)comprehension n. 理解(理解力)
例句:The problem is beyond my comprehension.
(5)fail vi. 失败,不及格
补充;过去式failed 过去分词failed 现在分词failing
例句:If you expect to fail,You will fail. 如果你预期失败,那你就会失败。 (6)note n. 笔记,便条
例句:If you see him ,give him this note. 如果你看到他,给他这个便条。
例句:I will make a note of our next meeting in my diary. 我将把下次会议的事儿记在我的记事薄上。 (7)page n 页码
例句:Answers are given on the opposite page. 答案在对页上。 (8)that .adv.那么,如此 常用在否定句中。
例句:She is not that fat. 她不是那么胖。
(9)congratulation n. 祝贺,恭喜
例句:He has received many letters in congratulaition of his birthday. 他收到许多祝贺他生日的信件。 也可以单独成句,表示强烈的祝贺之意。 (10) cinema n. 电影院
例句:I go to the cinema every week. 我每周去电影院看电影。 (11)relax vt. 使······放松 及物动词,可以直接带宾语
过去式relaxed 过去分词relaxed 现在分词relaxing 例句:I like to relax me with the populour music. 我喜欢用流行音乐放松自己。 Relax!You are too uptight about it . 放松一下,你对这事儿太紧张了。 3、学生自由朗读两遍,师生齐读单词两遍。 二、讲授新课
1、听录音跟读课文TEXT B 2、自由诵读,教师巡回指导
3、两位同学一组,指名诵读,教师纠正发音和语气 4、小组合作,翻译重点句子。
(1)翻译:The English paper was alse easy for me because two of the passages for Reading Comprehension were taken from the texts.
问题:为什么前面用was 后面用were?Were taken from 怎么翻译?
以用were。Were taken from表示被动,被拿出来,被选出来。
(2)翻译:I guess I failed.
问题:成绩还没出来,为什么fail 用的是过去式? 明确:fail描述的是过去的这场考试的状况。 译文:我想我考砸了。
(3)翻译:If you had read tnem carefully ,it would not have been so difficult , 讲析:前一句是过去完成时,后一句是过去将来完成时。 译文:如果你仔细读过它们,历史考试将不会那么难了。 (4)翻译:How many questions did you finish when the bell rang ? 讲析:rang,是ring的过去式,铃响。
译文:当铃响的时候,你已经做完几道题了? (5)翻译:Twelve of sixteen.。
讲析:结合丄一句的语境,来琢磨这一句的翻译。 译文:十六个做了十二个。 (7)翻译:You are sure to pass it. 讲析:be sure to 一定会······ 译文:你一定会通过考试的。
5、师生诵读对话。教师读Li Ming ,学生集体读Ma Jian。 三、布置作业
1、指名诵读TEXT B单词与词组。 2、指名诵读TEXT B课文。 3、指名翻译TEXT B中的句子。 4、指名诵读TEXT A课文
二、语法学习:限定性定语从句Restrictive Attributive Clause 1、讲解什么是定语。
例如:This is a bike .描述的就很笼统。
This is a white bike.描述的就具体多了。White就是定语。这是形容词
例句:Where is the girl who sells the tickets?
主句是Where is the girl。who sells the tickets跟从在主句后面的句子,
用以说明the girl,所以叫从句。Who,是关系代词,是从句的主语。定语从句必须要有关系代词。
(3)讲解关系代词。 关系代词有两类,根据需要修饰的中心词的不同,关系代词可以分为代
表人的关系代词和代表事物的关系代词。 修饰对象 主格 宾格 所所有格 人 Who Who/whom whose That that 事物 Which Which Of which that that whose (4)修饰人的定语从句 例句:关系代词充当从句的主语
She is the only person that(who) understands me.
The man who/that told me this refused to give me his name. The girls who serve in the shop are the owner’s daughters。
The man (that/whom)you met is an actor.
The man (whom/who) I saw told me to come back today.
The pilot whose plane landed in a field was not hurt . We have a neighbour whose name is Charles Alison. (5)修饰事物的定语从句
例句:关系代词which 或 that 充当句子的主语。
This is the hotel which/that was built last year.
The stairs which/that lead to the cellar are rather slippery.
例句:关系代词which 或 that 充当句子的宾语。关系代词可以省略。
The car (which/that) I hired broke down after five kilometers. Thank you for the help (which/that) you have given me . The book (which/that) you lent me is not very interesting. (6)从句中的谓语动词
例句:The book is about a boy who looks for his mum.
先行词是a boy,所以从句中谓语动词是第三人称单数looks。 (7)修饰时间地点的定语从句:when或where引导
例句:This custom dates from the time when my grandfather was a child. Edith paused in front of a counter where some attractive ties were on display. 三、课堂练习:
操练本课重点语法,完成课本152页Grammar Drills. 四、课后作业:
1、抄写TEXT B 的单词和词组,每个两遍。 2、完成练习册相关练习