【期刊名称】《四川医学》 【年(卷),期】2011(032)002
【摘要】Objective To explore clinical effect and surgical technique of antologous double-deck sclear cover in hydroxyapatite orbital implantation.Methods To perform antologous double-deck sclear with hydroxyapatite orbital implantation for 18 cases patients after enucleating the contents of eyeball, the follow-up time was 6 ~ 12months.Results Except 2 cases have early period conjunetival split, there was no complications, such as infection and hydroxyapatite implants exposure.Cosmetic appearance and mobility of artifical eye were satisfactory.Conclusion This method is simple, effective and has less complication.It's very apply to clinical using.%目的 研究自体双层巩膜覆盖羟基磷灰石义眼台植入术的疗效和注意事项.方法 为18例(因各种原因致眼球功能丧失且影响外观的)患者行眼球内容物剜除及羟基膦灰石义眼台双层巩膜覆盖植入术,随访6-12个月.结果 除2例患者术后早期结膜裂开外,无义眼台暴露、感染,术后外观及义眼台活动良好.结论 自体双层巩膜覆盖羟基磷灰石义眼台植入术是一种简便、有效、并发症少的手术方法,适于临床推广. 【总页数】3页(186-188)
【关键词】羟基磷灰石义眼台;义眼台暴露;双层巩膜覆盖 【作者】沈平;张娣;袁安;杨静