2015中白青年论坛:绿色生态与可持续发展的教育 2015 К?тайска-Беларуск? моладзевы форум \ 2015 Chinese-Belarusian Youth Forum \to Green Future\ 会议日程 Agenda 时间:2015年10月23日14:00-17:30 14:00-17:30, Oct. 23, 2015 地点:中国杭州·浙江树人大学学术报告厅 Lecture Hall, Zhejiang Shuren University, Hangzhou, China 主办 Sponsored by 中国浙江树人大学 Zhejiang Shuren University, China 白俄罗斯国立大学 Belarusian State University 中国巨化集团公司 Juhua Group Corporation, China 大会组委会 Organizing Committee 组 长:徐绪卿 浙江树人大学校长 谢尔盖?阿布拉梅科 白俄罗斯国立大学校长 Chairmans: Xu Xuqing, President of Zhejiang Shuren University Sergey Ablameyko, President of the Belarusian State University 副组长:陈新民 浙江树人大学副校长 叶时平 浙江树人大学副校长 亚利?伊瓦什科维奇 白俄罗斯国立大学副校长 Vice Chairmans: Chen Xinmin, Vice President of Zhejiang Shuren University Ye Shiping, Vice President of Zhejiang Shuren University Aleh Ivashkevich, Vice-President of the Belarusian State University 委 员:朱红缨 浙江树人大学科研处处长 王 云 浙江树人大学国际交流与合作处副处长(主持工作) 活 泼 浙江树人大学生物与环境工程学院常务副院长 达兹米特瑞·格林斯潘 白俄罗斯国立大学纤维素及其衍生物研究实验室主任 塔兹安娜·萨维斯卡娅 白俄罗斯国立大学化学系副主任 吴周安 巨化集团公司总工程师 Members: Zhu Hongying, Director of Scientific Research Department Wang Yun, Director of International Exchanges & Cooperation Office Huo Po, Vice Dean of School of Biology and Environment Engineering Dzmitry Hrynshpan, Head of the Laboratory of the Research Institute for Physical and Chemical Problems Tatsiana Savitskaya, Vice-Dean for Science of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Belarusian State University Wu Zhouan, General Engineer of Juhua Group Corporation,China 主持人:叶时平 Presided by Prof. Ye Shiping 14:00-14:30 开幕式 Opening Ceremony 14:00-14:15 浙江树人大学校长徐绪卿致辞 Address from Prof. Xu Xuqing, President of Zhejiang Shuren University 14:15-14:30 白俄罗斯国立大学校长谢尔盖?阿布拉梅科致辞 Address from Academician Ablameyko, President of Belarusian State University 14:30-15:50 学术报告(一) Academic Report I 14:30-14:45 白俄罗斯国立大学化学系副主任塔兹安娜·萨维斯卡娅教授 T.Savitskaya, Professor of Physical Chemistry Department,Vice-dean for Science of Faculty of Chemistry of Belarusian State University ------从绿色科技到绿色3G大学 ------From green technologies to green 3G University 14:45-15:00 白俄罗斯国立大学纤维素及其衍生物研究实验室主任达兹米特瑞·格林斯潘教授、博士 Dr. Hrynshpan, Professor,Head of the Laboratory, Research Institute for Physical and Chemical Problems of Belarusian State University ------创新科技和产品,欧洲、美国和中国丢失了什么 ------New innovative technologies and products, or what is missing in Europe, USA and China 15:00-15:20 巨化集团公司吴周安总工程师 Wu Zhouan, General Engineer of Juhua Group Corporation ------践行现代制造模式,实现产业与环保和谐发展 ------Exploring modern manufacturing pattern to achieve harmonious development between industry and environment. 15:20-15:35 浙江树人大学生物与环境工程学院陆胤副院长、博士、教授 Dr. Lu Yin, Professor and Vice Dean of School of Biology and Environment Engineering ------中国药源植物种质资源保护及可持续利用技术研究——以猫人参(大籽猕猴桃)为例 ------Study on the protection and sustainable utilization of medicinal plant resources in China——take “Cat Ginseng” (Actinidia macrosperma) as an example 15:35-15:45 浙江树人大学家扬书院学生管立 Guan Li, Student of Jiayang Academy ------走向真正绿色的环境:可能吗? ------Towards a Truly Green Environment: Is it possible? 15:50-16:10 茶歇 Coffee Break 16:10-17:30 学术报告(二) Academic Report II 16:10-16:30 白俄罗斯国家科学院化学新材料研究院主任弗拉基米尔?阿加别科夫院士 V.Agabekov, Academician, Director of Institute of Chemistry of New Materials, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus ------白俄罗斯国家科学院新材料化学研究院的创新发展 ------Innovation developments of the Institute of Chemistry of New Materials, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus 16:30-16:45 浙江树人大学高等教育学中青年学科带头人周朝成书记、博士、教授 Dr. Zhou Chaocheng, professor and academic leader of Higher Education of Zhejiang Shuren University ------中国可持续发展教育政策与树大的实践 ------The Policies of ESD in China and Practices in ZJSRU 16:45-17:00 浙江树人大学生物与环境工程学院王楠博士 Dr. Wang Nan, School of Biology and Environment Engineering, Zhejiang Shuren University ------水产动物蛋白资源无废加工技术研究 ------No Waste Process of Aquatic Animal Protein Resources 17:00-17:10 浙江树人大学生物与环境工程学院学生金财 Jin Cai, student from School of Biology and Environment Engineering, Zhejiang Shuren University ------绿色环保与可持续发展 ------Environmental Protection and sustainable development 17:10-17:20 浙江树人大学管理学院学生赵靖 Zhao jing, student from School of Management, Zhejiang Shuren University ------互联网时代下人力资源管理的新思维 ------New Thinking of Human Resource Management in Internet Era 18:00 晚餐 Dinner