第一部分 交际用语(共计10分.每小J? 2分)
1-5 ? :阅读下面的小对话,判断答塔是否恰当.恰当的选A ( Right) .不恰当的选B (Wrong),并将答案号在答18纸上.
L — Hclloe Xiaoyan< How was the parly? — Hu Jack. 1 met him yesterday. A. Right
2. —Are you ready to order?
—Yes. I'll have A chicken sabd plensr. A. Right
3. — Mow can I book 8 cheap hotel? —If I were you. I'd phone a travel agents A. Right
—1 went to a fashion show las! niRhtt —Who took away rny book? A. Right
5. —Have you been to America?
—rve never been thcre> but I hope to go there in the future. A. Right
第二部分 词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分)
6—20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选顼中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,井在答 J8纸上写出所选的字毋符号a
6. Itf 5 ________ to karn how to play tennis^ A. easily C. lazy
7. _______ I missed the train> I arrived at work on timct A. Because
Although B. easy B. Wrong B. Wrong iB. jWrong 池 Wrong
;B? Wrong
C. If
8. I'm nor helping you. You must wash your socks ____________ ? A. you C. itself
B. younteH
9. Ai What does she _________ ?
Bt ()h, sheS very beautiful with long dark h:nr< A. look like C. like
10. _______ is wrong with the car. It won't 5tarte
B, take after
A. Nothing C. Everything A. will book C. booked
B. Something
1 L 1i you the tickclMe I will do I he parkinge
B. book
I2> Hr ______ mr he wn? Kning lu jApnn next W^dnZny.
A. ?aid C. told 13. You
A. h?vc to C. hove
I L ChmA And ( Anndn nrc
A< nbout C. over
15. Shefs thr periion ___ _ nwirn the rmtnurnnl.
A. who C. whnt
16. Mikr of for rd to help and w
A> datM C. did
I7e Mnry told Liltlr Potn nut _ nil the rnoneya A. upend C. tn ?pcnd
l& Ai Have you finished yaur homework?
Bi ________ . A. No? t didnrt (\\ No> I hnven *1, 19. I le u>ed ti)
A> working C< 20. Hr hns ________ gone out> Ae just (\\ n 第三部分 旬型变涣(共计1》分.耳小赃3分) 21 — 2眼根据括号里的奖求改与句干.并将答*写在答城上. 2L HC you phone me biter* Suwn?\(用心k. . . lo 改句 f ) 22. Hr didn*T run fw. 11( didn't cntch the bm (月I tmeuRh. . . 2 将两句连成一句) 23? Ik disturbed lha burglars.(将句 f 改为被功倡态〉 24. Su^in collected the iickct? th[? nwrning.(用 When 什对划翊部分提问) 25. I went chopping I needed a pntr ol shw.(用 bceai^r 将四句也成一句) B. now B. No. I have. B. Mpent Jnhn. B. i? Be which 一 the sntnr *ixct B. under wear A uniform nt 5chiH)L You c/m wear anything you like H donet have to B. fell very hnrd when he wast young. H. work 第四部分 阅读理解(共计20分.每小蹭4分) 26-30 H:阅读下列短文,从A.H.C三个逃项中选出一个正龄答案.并在答题纸上葛出所选 的字毋符号。 Mnry hg just returned to the USA. after studying in England for ihrcc ycar5. She decided to study at a British university rather than an American one beenuxc her mother h trim England nnd nhe wanted to get to know her molhd family bettrr. She studied English l.neraturc al Goldsmiths' Colleget which is in London. She lived with her grandmother while >he wns studying- The college wns recommended by a friend 1 s brother who hnd studied in Knglnnd for his MBA< Mnry told her friends that she was going to return to Europe io work bcr?u$c she had enjoyed her time in England so much. 26? Mary is now in _______ . A. England C. Frnnrc 27. She studied at __ ____ univcrmty> A. A British C. n Chinese 28. MOM probably, her grundmothcr __________ ? A. worked tn the college C. lived in London 29. Iler frirnd9? brother recommended her to __________ , A. >tudy (or her MBA C work (or his camp?ny 30. Mnry would return to Europe io __________ ? A. utudy Ct work 第五册分HI傅(共计25分.每小Ji 5分) 31-35 fl:英燎汉.椅下列英文句THW成中文,并将答案写在答S8侬上? 31. 1 should hnvc put I he bag nt heme 32. I can*I find the key. I munt have left h m the cur. 33. I camr to London when I wnn 34. They wnlkcd slowly alof)K the rand. 35. I'm in A inectinK until L 00> Jipcnd her holiday H. study in the college B, tludird EngHsih Literature B* m American B? the USA 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考)