小四号宋体、1.5倍行距,仅列两级标题。 目 录
小三号黑体,标题与下面目录内容间空一行。 摘要(中文) ??????????????????????????? Ⅰ 摘要(外文)(使用对应的外语“摘要”如Abstract)??????????? Ⅱ
一、我国对外贸易政策概述 ?????????????????????1(一)改革开放前的对外贸易政策
(二)改革开放后对外贸易政策的主要特征 (三)入世后对外贸易政策的走向 二、当前国际经济环境所确定的政策制约 ???????????????8 (一)美国对华贸易的政治经济动态分析 (二)亚洲金融危机对日本贸易战略的影响 (三)欧盟与发展中国家的合作与竞争 三、未来政策导向的趋势分析 ????????????????????10
(一)??????????? (二)??????????? (三)??????????? 四、我国贸易发展面临的机遇和挑战?????????????????12 五、结论 ????????????????????????????16
参考文献 ????????????????????????????17
附录 外文译文两篇?????????????????????????25
致谢???????????????????????????????30 摘要与下面目录正文间空一行。 附录序号与题目间用1个空格分开。
韩南地区旅游营销策略研究 张同文
小三号黑体,居中。 小三号宋体,上下各空一行。 小三号黑体,与正文间隔一行。 汉南地区拥有多处天然温泉,形成独具特色的温泉旅游。为扩展旅游市场,温泉游憩业者如何依据游客的消费行为,进而拟定适当的营销策略,已成为温泉游憩经营管理之重要课题。因此,本文旨在探讨汉南市温泉游憩区游客之消费行为,以五类游憩行为变量、人口统计变量及心理学变量来进行调查,并通过因素分析及集群分析,以生活型态变量来进行市场区隔。研究结果显示温泉游憩区游客的消费行为可以旅游动机、信息来源、评估准则、活动特性与事后态度等方面给予解释。此外,可将整体温泉旅游之消费群划分为三个相对独立的市场,并对此三个市场研拟有效的营销策略。本研究之结果可为旅游从业人员有益的信息,对旅游主管部门也有一定之参考价值。 关键词:韩南地区 温泉旅游 营销策略 中文摘要正文一般不超过300字。小四号宋体,行距1.25。 关键词不多于三个,与论文题目对应。 2
Travel Marketing Analysis for Hannan
Times New Roman14号,行距1.25。 论文外文摘要,一般为300-350字。标题为Times New Roman16号加重,行距1倍。 Zhang Tongwen
There are a lot of hot spring recreational areas in Hannan. It has long been considered an important issue for the hot spring business to formulate a marketing strategy based on the consumer behavior. The purpose of this study was to investigate the consumer behavior of hot spring recreational areas in Hannan. Five kind variables regarding hot spring users’ behavior, demographic variables, and psychographics variables were examined. Lifestyle variables were employed to segment the consumer after being factor and cluster analyzed. The results revealed that the behavior of hot spring consumers can be explained by motivation, information search, evaluation criteria, attributes of activities, and post-purchase attitudes. Moreover, the entire consumer of hot spring can be partitioned into three segments. Effective marketing strategies were developed specifically to each of the three segments of consumer. It was expected that the findings of this study can provide useful information for the hot spring business as well as the public sector. Keywords: Hannan hot spring tourist marketing strategy