wild China.
美丽中国(Wild China)第六集 潮汐更迭 Tides of Change 双语对照文本字幕 从东端的长城起 From the eastern end of the Great Wall, 中国的海岸跨度14,500公里 China's coast spans 14,500 kilometres 并且拥有五千多年的历史 and more than 5,000 years of history.
在这个方面显示了 This is the area which shows the greatest contrast
中国的过去和未来之间的差距 between China's past and its future. 如今中国的东海岸线 Today China's eastern seaboard 有七亿人口 is home to 700 million people, 居住在科技高速发展的沿海城市
packed into some of the most dazzling hi-tech cities on earth.
Yet these crowded shores remain hugely important for a wealth of wildlife.
现在 古老的传统渐渐被新的气息所侵蚀
Now, as ancient traditions mingle with new aspirations,
is there any room at all for wildlife on China's crowded shores?
谨以此献给我们多灾多难但美丽依旧的祖国 For our troubled but drop-dead beautiful motherland
在中国北方的扎龙自然保护区 In northern China's Zhalong Nature Reserve,
a pair of red-crowned cranes have staked out their nesting territory
在一个商业管理的芦苇床残株里 in the stubble of a commercially managed reed bed.
数百年来 For centuries,cranes have been revered in China
鹤被中国人视为长寿的象征而备受尊崇 as symbols of longevity.
它们的雕像被放在皇帝的宝座旁 Their statues were placed next to the Emperor's throne.
鹤因此而受到赞扬 The cranes have cause to celebrate.
幼鹤在困难时刻就象征着希望 This chick is a sign of hope in difficult times.
Red-crowned cranes are one of the world's most endangered species.
在过去的一个世纪 Over the last century,
中国失去了近一半的沿海湿地 China has lost nearly half of its coastal wetlands
and most of what remains is managed for the benefit of people, not wildlife.
从现在起的数个月 A few months from now, 幼鹤和它的家人将面临一场往南方的大迁徙
this chick and its parents will face a long migration south
来躲避北方的严冬 to escape the harsh northern winter. 它们将沿着海岸向前 Their route will take them along a coast 然而这些海岸已经受到人类活动的巨大影响
which has been greatly affected by human activity.
在它们的征途上 Along their journey, the cranes will be joined
将有成千上万其他鸟类加入迁徙大军 by many thousands of other migrating birds.
它们迁徙的方向横跨南渤海湾 All heading south across the Bohai Gulf 沿海岸的黄海和中国东海 and along the shores of the Yellow and East China Seas,
最远甚至抵达中国南海 some even reaching as far as the South China Sea
寻找一个安全的冬季避难所 in search of a safe winter haven. 每年候鸟迁徙已持续了数千年之久
The annual bird migration has been going on for thousands of years.
在中国东北海岸的锦屏山 Here at Mount Jinping on China's northeast coast,
存留着人类 there is surprising evidence
曾长期居住过的惊人遗迹 that people have lived here almost as long. 七千年前 Seven thousand years ago, 少昊部落的成员雕刻下的神奇符号
members of the Shao Hao tribe carved magical symbols
representing significant elements of their daily lives.
The petroglyphs show wheat sheaves connected by lines to human figures,
中国第一个有记录的耕种遗址 the first known recordings of cultivation in China.
因为常年目睹群鸟迁徙的奇观 Familiar with the spectacle of yearly bird migrations,
the Shao Hao people chose a symbol of a bird as their totem.
锦屏山位于山东半岛附近 Mount Jinping lies near the Shandong peninsula,
是候鸟的一个重要越冬场所 an important wintering site for migrant birds,
即使在今天 仍然有鸟群沿着这条海岸线前进
and even today there are still communities along this coastline
并且和当地的鸟群保持着密切关系 who retain a special affinity with their local birdlife.
烟墩礁 Yandun Jiao village,
位于半岛的东北岸 on the north-eastern shore of the peninsula, 以其传统特色的海藻覆顶建筑闻名于世 is famous for its traditional seaweed-thatched cottages.
在早春料峭的清晨 On a chilly morning in early spring, 屈夫妇在破晓时刻出来碰运气 Mr and Mrs Qu venture out at first light 带着海民的传统工具——桶和小铲
armed with the traditional seaside accessories of bucket and spade.
当屈家人朝着港湾前进 As the Qus head down into the harbour, 一群被当地人 a flock of whooper swans, 亲切称为“冬日天使”的大天鹅 known affectionately here as \在海湾醒来 are waking out in the bay.
屈家和他们的邻居在潮落的泥浆中 The Qus and their neighbours search for tube holes
寻找管状的孔 in the mud at low tide,
那里意味着有扇贝或竹蛏深藏在泥底 the sign of cockles and razor shells hidden deep below.
收集贝克是颇为流行的消遣 While gathering shellfish is a popular pastime,
当地人以出海为主要营生 the main business of Yandun Jiao happens further out at sea.
当老屈站在启程船只的甲板上 As the boats set out,with Mr Qu on board, 天鹅并肩掠过 the swans set a parallel course.
整个海湾是一个巨型海藻农场 The whole of the bay is a gigantic seaweed farm.
人们整天忙于清理和照料海藻叶 The men work all day cleaning and tending the kelp fronds
that are grown on ropes linked to a vast armada of buoys.
天鹅只吃长在绳子表面的本地海藻 The swans eat native seaweeds growing on the surface ropes
而非更有价值的产物 rather than the valuable crop of kelp,
所以它们无损经济作物的生长 so they do no harm to the commercial operation.
下午 当风在海上生起 In the afternoon, as the wind picks up out at sea,
工人和天鹅退回岸边 the workers and swans return to shore.
当追求与自然和谐的文化 While the culture of seeking balance with nature
历经远路回归中国的时候 goes back a long way in China, 在中国拥挤的海岸线很难看到如此和谐的人地关系
it is rare to see such harmonious relationships on China's crowded coast.
当夜晚降临 As evening draws on,
屈家人准备了扇贝 the Qu family prepare their evening meal of cockles,
馒头和海藻做为晚膳 steamed bread and seaweed. 孩子们谈话声 (KIDS CHATTERING)
剩菜被村里的孩子们用来喂天鹅 Leftovers are given to the village children to feed the swans.
这给孩子和村民带来许多乐趣 It's fun for the kids and provides 并未鸟儿们度过寒夜提供了能量补给
an extra energy boost for the birds as they face another cold night.
天鹅已经利用这个庇护港 The swans have been using this sheltered bay
作为冬天的过冬地 at as a winter refuge for many generations. 只要敬重自然的传统还在 As long as the tradition of respect for nature persists,
this remarkable association between the Yandun Jiao community
奇妙友谊就会持续下去 and their winter angels looks set to continue. 在渤海湾 天鹅村的最东北处 Out in the Bohai Gulf, northeast of the swan village,
a small rocky island provides a quiet resting spot for migrating birds.
但是蛇岛亦潜伏着危险 But Shedao Island has hidden dangers.
由于海平面上升 蝮蛇已被困在这座岛上6000余年
Pallas' pit vipers trapped here 6,000 years ago by rising sea levels
这已演化成一种险恶的生存方式 have evolved a sinister lifestyle. 每年有10个月 For 10 months of the year
岛上没有任何食物 there is nothing substantial to eat on the island,
so the reptiles conserve their energy by barely moving at all.
当阳光使它们的岩石家园变暖 As the sun warms their rocky home,
这些蛇便爬进灌木树丛 the snakes climb up into the bushes and trees.
但是它们不是来这晒日光浴的 But they aren't here to sunbathe. 越来越多的毒蛇出现了 More and more vipers appear
事实上毒蛇占据了几乎所有栖息地 until virtually every perch where a bird might land
等着鸟们上钩 has been booby-trapped.
“守猎”游戏开始了 Then the waiting game begins.
蛇隐藏得很好 The serpents' camouflage is remarkable, 但是蛇攻击鸟的时候 but so are the birds' reactions, 鸟的反应同样迅速 as this high-speed shot reveals.
鸟群只在岛上停留几周 The birds will only stay on the island for a couple of weeks.
但是尽管蛇已经饿了几个月了 But although the snakes have been starving for months,
但是它们实现饱餐一顿心愿的途径 their only hope of bagging a meal is to be patient
只能是潜藏起来耐心等待 and sit tight.
即便最微小的失误 The slightest miscalculation
也会导致狩猎的失败 and the snake is left with a mouthful of feathers.
蛇只能通过嗅觉寻找失去的美味 The dropped meal is tracked down mainly by smell,
毒蛇用分叉的舌头 the viper using its forked tongue
分辨空气来靠近追逐的猎物 to taste the air until it is close enough to see its quarry.
The final challenge is to swallow a meal that's twice the size of its head.
It does so by dislocating its jaws and positioning its prey