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幼儿园大班英语优质教案《lion’s birthday》

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lion??s birthday 狮子的生日 character: lion ra it a ra it b teddy bear a teddy bear b

l: hello, everyone. i??m lion. today is my birthday. i??m very ha y. i dre ed beautiful. i prepared a delicious cake for my friends. i??m busy.

r: hello, everyone. i??m ra it. today is

lion??s birthday. let??s go lion??s home. (song: walking, walking, walking, walking, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, now let??s go, now let??s go.)

场景一:门铃响了,狮子去开门。 l: who?

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r: i??m ra it.

l: good morning, ra its.

r: good morning, lion. how are you? l: i??m fine, thank you. e in please. r: thank you.

r: ha y birthday. (把礼物给狮子)here you are. we hope you like.

l: thank you. sit down please. please, please(拿出一些吃的请小兔子们吃)

r: thank you.

teddy bear : hello, everyone. i??m teddy bear. today is lion??s birthday.

we prepared a present for him. let??s go lion??s home. (song: teddy bear, teddy bear, walk, walk, walk. teddy bear, teddy bear, hop, hop, hop, teddy bear, teddy bear, run, run, run, teddy bear, teddy bear, jump, jump, jump. )

场景二:门铃响了,狮子再次去开门。 l: who?

b: i??m teddy bear.

l: good morning, teddy bears.

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b: good morning, lion. how are you? l: i??m fine, thank you. e in please.

b: thank you. ha y birthday. (把礼物给狮子)here you are.

l: thank you. sit down please. please, please. (拿出一些吃的请小熊吃)

l: time is up. let??s enjoy the birthday cake, ok?

b,r,l: (最后齐唱生日快乐歌)song: ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you.

teddy bears, ra its: ha y birthday lion.

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幼儿园大班英语优质教案《lion’s birthday》


