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Pallas Athena, Goddess of Wisdom


难度2.5 陈昉 译


Athena, goddess of wisdom and war, was the 1)embodiment of strategy, 2)tactics and reason. Remember the 3)Trojan Horse? Just one of Athena’s great ideas! Handsome, 4)benevolent, fair, and merciful, she won the admiration of all of the gods.

雅典娜,智慧女神及战神, 是策略、战术及理性的化身。特洛伊木马想必大家不陌生吧?这只是雅典娜的妙计之一。她的端庄、仁慈、公正及富于同情心为她赢得了众神的褒扬。

Birth of Athena 雅典娜的降生

Athena was the daughter of Zeus and 5)Metis, the 6)Titaness of wisdom. When Zeus was walking through the gardens on Olympus, he saw the beautiful Metis, and fell in love with her. After their union, Zeus went to consult the Oracle of 7)Delphi, and received word that Metis would bear him two children: first a girl, and then a boy that would overthrow him, just as he did to his father. He feared the consequences and decided to swallow Metis. He challenged her to a game of shape 8)shifting. The two of them assumed many forms, shifting into smaller and smaller forms. Finally, Metis


assumed the form of a small fly, and Zeus opened his mouth and swallowed her

immediately. He was too late: Metis had already 10)conceived a child. Weeks after swallowing Metis, Zeus was suddenly stricken with severe head pains. None of the gods could do anything to heal him. Finally, he called on his son Hephaestus to split his head open with his sledge. Other versions say that inside Zeus’ stomach, Metis immediately began making a helmet and robe for her


fetal daughter. The

hammering as she made the helmet caused Zeus great pain and Hephaestus 12)cleaved Zeus’ head with an axe. Athena leaped from Zeus’ head, fully grown and clad in battle armor with her spear held 13)aloft.



Athena and Athens 雅典守护神

When 14)Athens was first founded and built, the people began to look for a




deity to protect the city from harm. Both Athena and



competed with each other for the honor. They agreed that each would give the Athenians one gift and the Athenians would choose whichever gift they preferred. Poseidon slammed his 18)trident into the ground, and a spring welled up from the earth, providing the town with an inexhaustible source of water. However, the water was from the sea, and the people weren’t able to drink it, or make any use of it whatsoever. Athena planted an olive tree in the centre of the town. It provided the people with wood, oil and a source of food. So, Athena was proclaimed victor and the patron of Athens. From then on, Athena and Poseidon became bitter enemies, and opposed each other. But according to another account, the two deities


compromised at last, and became co-patrons of Athens.

So, Athens got its name from the goddess. And on the hill of the Acropolis the

Athenians built a beautiful temple to Athena called the 20)Parthenon.



Contest between Athena and Arachne 与凡人针线竞技

Athena was also the patron of the art of weaving and other women’s crafts, such as cooking and spinning. One woman named 21)Arachne learned Athena’s craft very well and boasted that she was a superior weaver to Athena. Athena appeared to Arachne, disguised as an old woman, and told Arachne to 22)repent for her pride but Arachne instead challenged Athena to a contest. The old woman threw off her disguise and accepted the challenge. Athena wove a depiction of the conflict with Poseidon over Athens while Arachne wove a 23)depiction of Zeus’ and other gods’ many exploits or scenes of 24)amorous conquests. Athena was furious, particularly since she could find no fault with Arachne’s excellent work and her choice of subject. She tore up the 25)embroidered tapestry and beat Arachne’s face with the shuttle. Grief-stricken, Arachne hanged herself, but Athena took pity and turned her into the first spider, hence the word 26)arachnid. 雅典娜也是编织及其他女子手艺,如烹饪和纺织的守护神。一个名叫阿拉克尼的女子学会了雅典娜的手艺,吹嘘她的手艺胜过雅典娜。于是,雅典娜装扮成一位老妇,出现在阿拉克尼面前,劝说阿拉克尼应该为她的自大忏悔,但是阿拉克尼却向雅典娜发出了挑战。雅典娜现出真身,接受了她的挑战。雅典娜编织了一幅跟波塞冬争夺雅典守护神的图案,而阿拉克尼则编织了一幅宙斯及其他神追求爱情的行为或场景。当雅典娜对阿拉克尼的完美作品和题材的选择找不出任何瑕疵时,她勃然大怒。她撕毁绣花的织锦,并用梭子鞭打阿拉克尼的脸。阿拉克尼在悲伤绝望中上吊自杀。但雅典娜同情她,就把她变成了第一只蜘蛛,蜘蛛这个词就由阿拉克尼而生。 1) embodiment n. 化身 2) tactics n. 战术,策略

3) Trojan Horse 特洛伊木马:一匹巨大的木马,是希腊军留给特洛伊的战利品。然而其中埋伏着希腊军,他们乘夜间攻下城池,结束了长达十年的特洛伊战争。 4) benevolent adj. 慈善的

5) Metis 墨提斯,提坦女神中的智慧神 6) Titaness n. 提坦女神

7) Delphi n. 特尔斐,希腊古都,因 Apollo(太阳神)的神殿而著称。 8) shift v. 转换

9) assume v. 呈现……形式 10) conceive v. 怀孕 11) fetal adj. 胎儿的 12) cleave v. 劈开

13) aloft adv. 在高处, 在上 14) Athens n. 雅典(希腊首都) 15) patron n. 守护神 16) deity n. 神

17) Poseidon n. (海神)波塞冬 18) trident n. 三叉戟 19) compromise v. 妥协 20) Parthenon n. 帕特农神庙

21) Arachne n. 阿拉克尼,因向雅典娜挑战而被变成蜘蛛

22) repent v. 后悔 23) depiction n. 描绘 24) amorous adj. 爱情的 25) embroider v. 绣花

26) arachnid n. (希腊语)蜘蛛



