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理财师资格认证、职业道德规范和继续教育体系。建立科学的风险管理系统,完善个人理财业务风险管理制度,银行既要建立、健全内部控制制度,增强内控意识,完善风险转移和规避的技术手段,同时又要树立以客户为中心的服务理念,对市场参与者进行系统风险教育。加快业务创新,打造优质理财品牌,品牌效应可以使客户对银行业务的认知程度大大提高,成为吸引消费者注意力和情感偏好的重要手段。总之,本人在继承和总结前人已经取得研究成果的基础上,运用研究生阶段所学的专业知识,对我国商业银行的个人理财业务进行了系统的分析,目的是深入分析我国商业银行的个人理财业务存在的问题和面临的风险,并提出相关的解决办法,在前人的基础上尽量能有所新意。但是鉴于本人学识和研究能力有限,文中一定有不足之处,敬请评审专家及答辩专家批评指正。本人将在今后的学习和工作中更加全面、深入的探索。 更多还原b5E2RGbCAP 【Abstract】 In the past, people used to put their slender wages in banks and never thought how to make money by personal financing management. With the development of China’s economy and the society, the individual wealth is increasing and demonstrating centralization tendency constantly. People’s attitude to individual wealth, idea and the way of handling them have changed greatly compared with the past. The management of personal wealth gradually becomes the focus that people pay close attention to and
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the demand for professional financing is strengthened. Therefore, with the enhancement of fast increase of resident’s wealth and personal investment consciousness, the business of personal financing management of commercial banks of our country is demonstrated enormous. So launch the business of management of personal wealth in a more cost-effective manner, create the new point of growth of profit of bank, narrow the disparity with the western commercial banks of developed country to the greatest extent, have already become the urgent task that the commercial bank of our country has faced with.With the promotion of the reform in banking system of China,
financial industry is opened progressively。 the commercial banks of our country are facing the keen competition of the foreign banks. In the meantime, due to the constant decrease of interest difference between deposit and loan, the earning ratio of the domestic traditional asset-liabilities business of commercial bank drops continuously, the domestic banks must seek new growth point of profit. In order to expand the new profit source, the commercial banks of our country are taking the development experience of the foreign banks for reference. They are expanding
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intermediate business especially personal financing service for customers. The experience of the foreign banks also indicates that the profit contribution rate of personal financing is higher, and it can consolidate and expand the market share. This article attempted to made a in-depth analysis of the development environment of personal financial services,on this basis ,pointed out the main obstacles and risk problem that exist in China’s personal finance business .Stated the business innovation of personal financial services and propose some solutions.This thesis is divided into four parts.Part one, it is a business summary of the business of personal finance. It introduced the meaning of the business of personal finance, main kinds, the characteristic, and the theoretical foundation of the personal finance.Part two introduces the background and current situation of the development of personal financing business, including the necessity of carrying on personal financial services in commercial banks in China, the condition possessed, and some existing problems at present.Part three mainly analyzes the various risks that commercial banks face in personal financing business, mainly including legal risk, market risk,
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operation risk and reputation risk, and takes two kinds of financial products as examples.Part four, on the basis of part two and three, illustrates the aspects of innovating personal finance of our country, and puts forward some suggestions on how to innovate the personal finance of our country. 更多还原 p1EanqFDPw 【关键词】 商业银行; 个人理财; 发展现状; 对策; 【Key words】 commercial banks; personal financing; current situation; tactics; DXDiTa9E3d ?
【网络出版投稿人】 西南财经大学 【网络出版年期】2024年 S2期
【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:2.2024.078135 【分类号】F832.2 【下载频次】435 攻读期成果
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