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1 Define the following terms. Support your definition with one or two appropriate examples. Ambiguity

2 metalanguage

3 minimal pair

4 neologism

5 euphemism


6 The word \





7 By______, it is sometimes meant that the form of a word or sign partially or fully conveys the meaning of the word or sign.



(C)duality of structure



8 Assimilation occurs in the articulation of the word \





9 Deletion occurs in the articulation of all the words below except \





10 The primary stress of the word \





11 All the following words except \






12 The proverb \





13 As a presupposition trigger, \

(A)factive verbs

(B)iterative verbs

(C)implicative verbs

(D)change-of-state verbs

14 The expression \





15 All the following words except \







16 Analyze the structure of the following by means of binary cutting.(12/150) deinstitutionalization

17 The person I met yesterday is my boss.

18 In most cases, a sentence with a prepositional phrase indicating transfer can be naturally transformed into a double-object construction, as in: He gave a book to Mary. →He gave Mary a book.

However, when the following three sentences undergo the same transformation, they sound rather unnatural(possibly for different reasons), as marked by the question mark. Explain why.(15/ 150)

(1)He sent a book to London. →? He sent London a book.

(2)He sang a song to his dead lover. →? He sang his dead lover a song.

(3)He gave a book to the fans who followed him around the world for over three months. →? He gave the fans who followed him around the world for over three months a book.

19 Study the following collection of words carefully. Point out what types of semantic relations are involved among these words. Put the words into different groups according to the different semantic relations involved(Note that some words can be found in more than one group). Add ONE word of your own to each semantic group, wherever possible.(18/ 150)

vessel van deck boat wing subway engine truck metro jet sail vehicle

20 Study the following headlines carefully. Specify the type of rhetorical device used in each and the presupposed information in(1)and(3).(20/150) Mercury. Once Coveted, Now Orphaned

21 U. S. and South Korea Begin Joint Naval Exercises


22 Fashion Goes, Keds Stay.

23 Digital Domain: When the Software Is the Sportswriter

24 In China, Cultivating the Urge to Splurge

25 Domestic Lives; An Empty House Where Time Stands Still

26 Read the following two pairs of sentences. Compare Sentences A and B and answer the following two questions: 1)How are Sentences A and Sentences B different? and 2)Which sentence(Sentence A or Sentence B)in each pair do you prefer to use in academic writing? Why?(15/150)

(1)A. It may be said that the commitment to some of the social and economic concepts was less strong than it is now.

B. The commitment to some of the social and economic concepts was less strong than it is now.

(2)A. Recent work on the religious demography of Northern Ireland seems to show a separating out of protestant and catholic, with the catholic population drifting westwards and vice versa.

B. Recent work on the religious demography of Northern Ireland shows a separating out of protestant and catholic, with the catholic population drifting westwards and vice versa.

27 Below is a questionnaire aimed at investigating the learner autonomy among college EFL learners(i. e. , to what extent can college students take an autonomus role in their English learning). Go over the items in the questionnaire and try to categorize them in the following table. Do you think these categories(or aspects of the learner autonomy)are adequate? If not,add TWO more categories together with specific items.(20/150) 英语学习情况问卷调查请根据下面每个数字所代表的含义,选出其中一个数字填在句子开头的括号里。1.这个句子总是不符合我的情况。2.这个句子通常不符合我的情况。3.这个句子有时符合我的情况。4.这个句子通常符合我的情况。5.这个句子总是符合我的情况。( )1.我能清楚地了解教师的教学目的与要求。( )2.我了解一些有效的听力策略,如利用已有的知识、根据说话者的语气和语调来判断意思等。( )3.除了完成教师布置的学习任务,我有明确的英语学习计划。( )4.在课堂上,我能了解教师采取某项教学活动提高学生语言能力的意图。( )5.我了解一些有效的写作策略,如构思策略、修改策略等。( )6.在英语学习过程中,我能意识到自己所使用的学习方法是否切合实际。( )7.在听力练习中,我有意识地使用一些有效的听力策略。( )8.我能把教师的教学目的转化为自己的学习目的。( )9.我了解一些有效的交际策略,如迂回策略、求助策略、借助于形体语言等。( )10.在


英语学习方面,我能根据自身实际情况确立自己的学习目标。( )11.在阅读练习中,我有意识地使用一些有效的阅读策略。( )12.在英语学习过程中,我能评价自己的学习方法,找出存在的问题和解决办法。( )13.在写作练习中,我有意识地使用一些有效的写作策略。( )14.我在考试后会自觉地找一下差距及存在的问题。( )15.如果发现自己的学习方法不切实际时,我能及时地换用其他更合适的学习方法。( )16.我了解一些有效的阅读策略,如略读、预测、猜测生词意思等。( )17.我清楚自己在英语学习过程中的进步与不足。( )18.在英语学习过程中,我能根据自己具体的学习情况来调整英语学习计划。( )19.在学完一个单元之后我自己找一些题目进行自测,检查自己的学习效果。( )20.在会话练习中,我有意识地使用一些有效的交际策略。



