Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis引起的海水鱼阿米巴鳃
【期刊名称】《动物学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2005(051)004
【摘要】海水养殖的鲑鱼及鲽鱼(Scophthalmus maximus)的阿米巴鳃病是由Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis引起的.在西班牙,该病对鲑鱼的海水养殖造成巨大损失,同时也正威胁着鲽鱼的养殖.组织病理损伤主要是鱼鳃上皮细胞的增生和肥大.该虫仅寄生在鱼鳃表面.现已有证据证明,非特异免疫参与鱼类抵御该病,但还没有证明特异性免疫在此过程中发挥作用的相似证据.对鲑鱼来说,治疗该病惟一有效的方法就是用淡水浸泡%Amoebic gill disease (AGD) of maricultured salmonids and turbot Scophthalmus maximus is caused by Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis. It causes significant losses mainly in marine-cultured salmonids and is an emerging problem in turbot culture in Spain. Histopathological lesions are mainly hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the gill epithelium. The parasite is confined to the gill surface. There is evidence that non-specific immunity is involved in fish acquiring resistance to AGD and there is no similar evidence for acquisition of a specific immune response. For salmonids, the only effective treatment for AGD is a freshwater bath 【总页数】3页(554-556)
【关键词】Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis;海产鱼;阿米巴鳃病
Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis引起的海水鱼阿米巴鳃病