青春须早为,岂能长少年。 大学英语词汇解析(华中科技大学) 解忧书店 JieYouBookshop
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To spell the past form of the following words when used as verbs, to which one should we first add –K- then -ED? A.pick B.arch C.panic D.lock
正确答案:C你选对了 2 单选(4分)
Guests ______ and screamed when the bomb exploded. A.picnicked B.trafficked C.panicked D.mimicked
正确答案:C你选对了 3 单选(4分)
Of the following words, the underlined part of which one is pronounced differently in American English and in British English? A.school B.scholar C.schedule D. scheme
正确答案:C你选对了 4 单选(4分)
How is the word schedule pronounced in American English? A.[?sked?u:l] B.[?skid?u:l]
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C.[??edju:l] D.[??ed?u:l]
正确答案:A你选对了 5 单选(4分)
The discovery of Penicillin, famously, was a happy ______. A.ending B.hour C.medium D.accident
正确答案:D你选对了 6 单选(4分)
They are looking for a happy ______: a house that is not too big but that has lots of storage space. A.accident B.medium C.ending D.hour
正确答案:B你选对了 7 单选(4分)
I wish you many happy ______ of the day. A.endings B.returns C.accidents D.hours
正确答案:B你选对了 8 单选(4分)
Until his appointment becomes official, Ted is keeping a low ______. A.profit B.voice C.profile D.spirit
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正确答案:C你选对了 9 单选(4分)
A horse ______ but a cow ______. A.roars, barks B.barks, roars C.lows, neighs D.neighs, lows 正确答案:D你选对了 10 单选(4分)
A tiger ______ but a wolf ______. A.roars, howls B.howls, roars C.grunts, croaks D.croaks, grunts 正确答案:A你选对了 11 单选(4分)
To clean the water bottle which has been used for a long time, white vinegar can be used to remove ______ from the inner surface of the bottle. A.scale B.dust C.rubbish D.mud
正确答案:A你选对了 12 单选(4分)
The map is drawn to the standard ______ of 1/100,000 so there is not much detail. A.level B.scope C.scale D.line
正确答案:C你选对了 13
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