1 Answer the essay question in no fewer than 200 words in English.(北京外国语大学2008研,考试科目:英汉互译<笔译>)
Susan Bassnett in her book Translation Studies(Third Edition)commented on
equivalence: \sameness, since sameness cannot even exist between two TL versions of the same text, let alone between the SL and TL version\statement? Please give examples to defend your argument.
2 Chinese composition.(北京外国语大学2008研,考试科目:英汉互译<笔译>) 埃德温.根茨勒所著《当代翻译理论》(Contemporary Translation Theories)对北美翻译培训派、多元系统论、解构主义、文化转向、后殖民翻译理论等文学翻译研究的发展进行了全面的扫描。写一篇250字左右的中文作文,选择根茨勒所总结的其中一个流派,说明其对于研究英汉、汉英翻译有何意义。
3 Answer the following question in English in around 300 words, using the ANSWER SHEET provided.
There has been a debate over domesticating and foreignizing as translation strategies. There are arguments for domesticating and there are also arguments for foreignizing. How do you look at the issue in discussion?
4 Read the following two translated versions of Du Fu's 望岳, and comment on them according to the following instructions in at least 400 words.(北京航空航天大学2013研,考试科目:综合英语)
A. Write a passage to compare the two versions of the translation and then state your preference.
B. Analyze your preferred version by using a certain theoretical approach. You should firstly introduce the theory and then use it for your analysis. Chinese version: 《望岳》杜甫
岱宗夫如何?齐鲁青未了。 造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓。
荡胸生层云,决眦入归鸟。 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。
English version 1: Gazing on Mount Tai O peak of peaks, how high it stands!
One boundless green o'erspreads two States A marvel done by Nature's hands, O'er light and shade it dominates.
Clouds rise therefrom and lave my breast: My eyes are strained to see birds fleet. Try to ascend the mountain's crest: It dwarfs all peaks under our feet. (translated by XYC)
English version 2: Gazing at the Sacred Peak For all this, what is the mountain god like? An unending green of lands north and south: from ethereal beauty Creation distills there, yin and yang split dusk and dawn. Swelling clouds sweep by. Returning birds ruin my eyes vanishing. One day soon, at the summit, the other mountains will be small enough to hold, all in a single glance. (translated by D. Hinton)
5 Read the following two versions of translation adopted from\兰亭集序\comment on them according to the following instructions in at least 400 words.(北京航空航天大学2012研,考试科目:综合英语)
A. Write a passage to compare the two versions of translation and then state your preference.
B. Analyze your preferred version by using certain theoretical approach. You should firstly introduce the theory and then use it for your analysis. Chinese version:兰亭集序
虽取舍万殊,静躁不同,当其欣于所遇,暂得于己,快然自足,曾不知老之将至。及其所之既倦,情随事迁,感慨系之矣。向之所欣,俯仰之间,已为陈迹,犹不能不以之兴怀。况修短随化,终期于尽。古人云:“生死亦大矣。”岂不痛哉! English version 1: Preface to the Lanting Collection
With regard to the friendly association of people during their brief life, it might take the form of unbosoming themselves by conversing in a room, or abandoning themselves to things they love, revelling without constraint. The choices are so widely apart, and the temperaments in terms of quiet or boisterous behaviours are most different. When people are glad of their situations and feel contentment with their temporary gains, they are unaware of the approaching old age. But when they are tired of what they pursue as their feelings change with circumstances, then they are filled with melancholy. The things which they used to court with a gay heart become stale in an instant, but not without
stirring up their sentiments. Besides, their spans of life, be they Jong or short, are decided by Providence and converge eventually to a common finish. An ancient said, \death are matters of great magnitude. \English version 2: A Sketch of the Gathering at Orchid Arbour …
For what men have to do with their fellows during their lifetimes, either fetched from their bosoms and discussed with others in certain rooms or taken from their apprehension and cast aboard far beyond their corporeal frames, although what they adopt or reject are multifariously divergent, being variously different in quietude and tumult, —so when they are glad of what they have come across, well-contented with their state of being so far, living happily in their good fortune, without knowing that old age would soon descend upon them: and when they are tired of the past, their feelings undergo a metamorphosis as the result of the changed state of affairs and sentient responses are produced thereof.
What was acclaimed in the past has become during one's looking ahead up and down things of bygone days: yet one could not help being deeply moved in feelings while touching them in reality. What is more, the length and shortness of life depend on Nature's decree: they would sooner or later reach finality. As the ancient saying(by Confucius)has it—momentous is the matter of life and death: how awfully painful it is!
6 Discuss briefly the following in translation studies.(北京航空航天大学2010研,考试科目:综合英语)
Suppose you'll start a research project on literary translation. What will you do to manage your study? Please give a detailed plan.
7 The Chinese famous masterpiece(《红楼梦》)has different translation versions. Only for the translation of the title you can find the following: A Story of the Stone, The Treasured Mirror of Romantic Affairs, A Dream of Red Mansions, The 12 Beauties of Jinling, The Anecdotes of the Romantic Bronze, and even Hong Lou Meng. Among the
above translations, which one do you prefer? You should give at least three reasons to support your choice.
8 Briefly answer the following questions.(北京航空航天大学2010研,考试科目:综合英语)
How do you understand the term \
9 What is \
10 How do you understand the relationship between fidelity and freedom in translating?
11 Are you familiar with any Chinese translation theorists? Describe one of them and his / her contribution to the translation studies.
12 Define the following terms in translation studies.(北京航空航天大学2010研,考试科目:综合英语)
shifts of expression
13 auto-translation
14 receptor language
15 generalizing translation
16 operational norm
17 Discuss the following in translation studies.(北京航空航天大学2009研,考试科目:综合英语)
What is the concept of shifts and why shifts are unavoidable and inevitable in translating?
18 What is function-oriented DTS(descriptive translation studies)concerned with?
19 Explain and give your comments on the following.
The translator's task is precisely to render the source text, the original author's
interpretation of a given theme expressed in a number of variations, accessible to readers not familiar with these variations, by replacing the original author's variation with their equivalents in a different language, time, place and tradition. Particular emphasis must be given to the fact that the translator has to replace all the variations contained in the source text by their equivalents.
20 Briefly answer the following questions.(北京航空航天大学2009研,考试科目:综合英语)
What are the aims of Translation Studies? Please explain from at least three points.