【期刊名称】《现代肿瘤医学》 【年(卷),期】2011(019)002
【摘要】目的:探讨RNAi技术沉默卵巢癌细胞A2780细胞内hPTTG1表达对其侵袭性的影响及调控机制.方法: 利用阳离子转染试剂将hPTTG1 siRNA转染A2780细胞,荧光实时定量PCR检测hPTTG1及bFGF表达水平;MTT基质黏附实验检测细胞黏附能力;细胞侵袭重建基底膜实验测定细胞体外侵袭能力;划痕实验检测细胞迁移能力;Western blot检测bFGF蛋白表达水平.结果: hPTTG1siRNA转染组hPTTG1mRNA表达下降,抑制率为(76.8±4.1)%;转染hPTTG1siRNA后细胞黏附、侵袭和迁移能力降低;hPTTG1干扰后bFGF mRNA及蛋白表达下降.结论: hPTTG1siRNA能够抑制A2780细胞侵袭,可能是通过下调bFGF表达实现的.%Objective:To investigate the role of hPTTG1siRNA on the invasiveness of ovanan cancer A2780 and the molecular mechanism .Methods : hPTTG1siRNA was transfected into A2780 by lipofectamine.The expression level of hPTTG1 , bFGF mRNA were examined by fluorescent real - time quantitative PCR.The ability of cell adhesion , invasion and migration were analyzed by MTT adhension assay , transwell chamber experiment and scratch assay.The expression level of bFGF protein was detected hy Western blot.Results : The expression of hPTTG1mRNA was inhibited by hPTTG1 siRNA and