【期刊名称】《中国口腔种植学杂志》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)002
【摘要】Objective: To explore the clinical application characteristics of early implant placement and evaluate the clinical results. Methods: 28 patients with 30 teeth missing for 4~8 weeks were treated with 30 Straumman soft tissue level implants,and final prostheses were performed after 3 months.The mean follow-up time was 22 months (6-36months). Clinical examination and X-ray were conducted. Results: No implant was lost or serious complications occurred in observation period. Marginal bone resorption was less than 1mm, there was no significant recession of labial and buccal gingival.Conclusion:Early planting can shorten treatment time, and esthetic outcomes could be achieved.%目的:探讨早期种植临床应用特点,并初步观察临床效果。方法:28例患者30颗牙缺失4-8周后,植入30枚Straumman软组织水平种植体,术后3个月后行永久性修复。随访6~36个月,修复后平均追踪观察时间为22个月,观察方法为临床检查和x线检查。结果:30枚种植体留存率100%,未发生严重并发症。种植体颈部边缘骨吸收均小于1mm,唇颊侧软组织未发生明显退缩。结论:早期种植可以缩短种植修复时间,并取得较好的临床效果。 【总页数】3页(82-84) 【关键词】种植体;早期种植