A:Brian, a company called me for an interview. A :布莱恩,有公司让我去面试了。 B:Thafs great! You need to prepare for it. B:太好了!你得准备一下。 A: How? A:怎么准备?
B:Get your hair done at a good hair saloon. Tell them you are going for a job interview.
B:去个好发廊做一下头发,告诉他们你是 要去找工作面试的。 A: Okay. A:好的。
B : Buy an expensive suit. B:买一套贵一点的套装。 A:How expensive? A:多贵的?
B:The more expensive, the better. B:越贵越好。
A: I can’t afford too expensive, maybe $ 50 to $ 70? A:我买不起太贵的,50到70美元的怎么 样?
B:Thafll do it. The best way is to find the dressing color code of the company. B:可以了。要是能知道这个公司的穿戴颜色规律就好了。 A: How? A:那怎么能知道?
B: If you know somebody at the company,ask them. If not, dark color will be fine.
B :要是认识什么人在那里工作,可以问问。不然的话,买深色的。 A:Is a white blouse okay? A:白衬衣行吗?
B : Yeah, fine. And dressing shoes. B:行,穿皮鞋。 A: Black? A:黑的?
B : Black is good. B:黑的好。
A : White pantyhose? A:白色裤袜?
B:No. Dark or skin colored. B:不行,深色或肉色的。 A: Jewelry? A:戴首饰吗?
B: Necklace, ring, and earrings are all fine. But don’t wear too many pieces of jewelry.
B:项链,戒指,耳环都可以戴,但不要戴太多。 A:How about make up? A:化妆吗?
B:Not much make up. B:别化太重。 A: Perfume? A:香水?
B:Yes, some. But be aware that different B:可以。但要注意不同的人喜欢不同的气味