任务型写作是 “有法可依 ”的,只要了解和掌握其写作框架,就能 保证不离题, 从而获得比较高的分数。 下面就议论文写作模式或框架 谈谈具体的操作方法。 一、确定标题
不管好坏,一定要有标题,标题是文章的点睛之处。根据所给材 料和所规定的论题或要点确立自己论述的内容或观点后进行命题。 命 题要体现整篇文章议论的中心。如: Opinions towards fast food; Is Failure a Bad Thing? Learn
From Mistakes 等。
概括文章要点,要语言要精炼,概括要全面,行文连贯,表达准 确。议论文则用自己的话表达论点、论据和结论。 概括时常用的句式有:
1. This article deals with / discusses / analyzes/ strongly emphasizes …
2. This article not only describes 3. This article compares
…but also suggests
… and summarizes key findings …
4. This article gives an account of / provides an analysis of / provides a
method of
5. This article reports the news on
6. The problem of sth. is discussed in the passage. Most people think that ... , but
7. This article shows / tells us t hat … 8. The author finds it n ecessary to 9. The author holds the idea that who…(观点+例证)
10. The author strongly emphasizes the benefits of doing, such as…观点:什么的什么+例证)
… , giving it an example of sb.
写完概括后,用句恰当的过渡语引出自己的观点(反对或赞成)。 过渡语起承上启下的作用,使文章显得自然、连贯。 常用的过渡句式有:
1. The story is so instructive that after reading it I can't help beginning to think more ( about...). 2. In some way, I agree with
… , but …
3. This idea/point ( about...) sounds right, but I think that it is more important to do somrthing than... 4. However, I think …