GY457 Applied Urban and Regional EconomicsUK Planning SystemChristine Whitehead
Land Use Planning
?Goes under many names: Planning, zoning, regulation… and takes many forms ?Can be rationalised as policy to offset for market failures in land markets:
?Provision of amenities (local public goods); ?Reduction of negative externalities resulting from interdependence of land uses.
?Land use planning –non-price allocation of land for urban uses
?So (may) determine –at least influence -supply and reduce elasticity of supply(Barker Report, 2003)
Land Use Planning
?Impact -institutional context and form of planning critical;?US –zoning + rationing of house + lot bundles e.g. New England
?So even if it increases house prices may reduce price of housing land
?+ minimum lot size, power to incorporate and
leapfrogging, low density development; (Graves 2003)?now ‘growth boundaries’ or ‘smart growth’ esp. West Coast
?UK –Development control, ‘containment’ + Green Belts: high density + leapfrogging
?Continental Europe –Master Plan: but impact/usage varies -e.g France cf. Netherlands
?Europe –EU & OECD: ‘sustainable cities’; ‘densification’
UK Land-Use Planning System
?1947 Nationalisationof Development Rights –cross party acceptance until now?Set out framework but planning
permission for individual sites required?Requires identification of land
requirements by estimating housing requirements for both market and affordable housing
?1990s Introduction of S106 –capacity to require (through negotiation) developers to provide for local
infrastructure and affordable housing?Local plan must identify the need for affordable housing and indicate mix between market and affordable (and possibly withinaffordable between
social housing and intermediate market housing)
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