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2019-2020学年牛津译林版八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Travelling 单元测试卷(含答案)

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Unit 2 单元测试卷

第一卷 (选择题 共60分)

一、听力部分(共20小题;每小题1分,计20分) I.听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 II.你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。请选出你认为最合适的答案。

听下面一段对话,回答第11至12小题。 11. How long did Kitty live in Sydney? A. For 5 years. B. For 4 years. C. For7 years. 12. What does Kitty's father sell? 1.What place of interest does he want to visit?

A. B. C.

2. How did the woman go to have the meeting?




3.Who waved (挥手) to the woman in the parade?

A. B.


4.When will the woman meet her brother at the airport?

A. B. C.

5. What does the man use the computer to do?

A. To search for information. B. To play chess. C. To chat with her friends. 6. Where does the girl's father work now? A. Germany. B. America. C. Australia. 7. Why hasn’t Helen finished her Maths homework? A. She isn’t able to do it. B. She is too busy. C. She has forgotten to do it. 8. When will the plane take off? A. 7:00. B. 7:15. C. 7:30. 9. What are the two people talking about? A. Going walking B. Having dinner C. Shopping together 10. What does the woman mean?

A. Buying some beautiful clothes will make baby smile. B. Dressing babies up like dolls will stop them crying. C. Showing lovely dolls may make babies stop crying.

A. Apples. B. Footballs. C. Computers. 听第一篇短文,回答第13至15小题。选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 Travelling to London Season We think 13 is the best season to visit England. Transport We did most of our sightseeing 14 Food We don’t think the English food is very 15 . 13. A. spring B. summer C. autumn 14. A. on foot B. by bus C. by coach 15. A. delicious B. expensive C. bad 听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。

16. How long has David’s uncle lived in Shanghai?

A. More than two years. B. More than twenty years. C. More than twelve years. 17. What did David’s uncle tell David about?

A. The changes in Shanghai. B. The future plan for Shanghai. C. Travelling in Shanghai. 18. What are the buildings like now in Shanghai?

A. Small but bright. B. Dark and small. C. Tall and bright. 19. How do the people live in Shanghai?

A. Hard. B. Comfortably. C. In a dream. 20. What is the right attitude (态度) towards the past?

A. We should forget it. B. We should remember it. C. We should live in it. 二、单项选择(15分)

( ) 21. --What do you think of ______ article about nature? --I love it. It’s _______ useful one. A. an; a B. an; an C. the; a D. the; an

( ) 22. Millie _______ her homework just now. But I______mine. I shouldn’t watch TV first. A. has finished; haven’t finished B. finished; don’t finish C. finished; haven’t finished D. has finished; didn’t finish

( ) 23. I must return the book to the library. I have _______ it for too long. A. borrowed B. bought C. kept D. had ( ) 24.--_______ has he taught in this school?

--Since 1998.

A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How far

( ) 25. I _______taking photos when I saw Disney characters in Hong Kong Disneyland.

A. can’t stop B. can’t help C. couldn’t wait D. couldn’t stop

( ) 26. --- Where is Tom’s father?

--- He _______ Shanghai for a meeting. He _______ there since last Sunday. A. has gone to; has been to B. has gone to; has been in C. has gone to; has been D. has been to; has been

( ) 27. It _____ ten years since we last ______ in Beijing.

A. was, met B. has been, met C. was, meet D. is, meet ( ) 28.---Have you visited the Little Mermaid?

第1页 共5页

---Yes. I went to _________two years ago.

A. London B. Pisa C. Copenhagen D. New York

( ) 29. Which of the sentences is wrong?

A. He has bought a car since 2007. B. He has had a car since 2007.

C. He hasn’t bought a new car since 2007 D. It’s ten years since he bought a car. ( ) 30. – Have you ________ been to New York?-- No, ________.

A. ever, yet B. ever, never C. never, not D. never ,never

( ) 31. Mike take a bus to the office, but now he walking there. A. is used to, is used to B. used to, used to

C. is used to, used to D. used to, is used to

( ) 32. ---We are going to Jiuzhaigou this summer. --- ________________.

A. Have a good time B. Help yourselves C. I hope so. D. That’s right.

( ) 33.What was Black Beauty’s mother’s advice?

A. Do work well B. Don’t bite or kick. C. Don’t whinny. D. A & B ( ) 34.What happened to George Gordon?

A. He was hurt. B. He died C. He fell off the horse. D. I don’t know. ( ) 35.What did Black Beauty look like?

A. He had one white foot and a pretty white star on his forhead. B. He had one black foot and a pretty white star on his forhead. C. He had two white feet and a pretty white star on his forhead. D. He had two black feet and a pretty white star on his forhead. 三、完形填空(15分)

One hot afternoon, a poor farmer was digging his field. Suddenly, his spade(铲) hit something. It was a big metal 36 , which was big enough to boil rice for more than one hundred people. \not seem to be of any use to me. I will dig 37 . Maybe I will find something else,\farmer. He 38 to dig.

Feeling tired, he threw the spade into the pot and sat under a tree to 39 . When he got up to leave, he could not 40 his eyes. There were one hundred spades in the pot. What a 41 pot! After that, he put a 42 into the pot. Then he found one hundred mangoes in the pot. 43 that pot, he became a rich man. The King came to know of the pot, 44 he was very greedy(贪婪的). “I want to find out the 45 of the magical pot. If it is valuable, it should be 46 ,\

The King 47 the pot and did not know what to do. He thought,\this pot that makes this pot so magical.\滑) and 48 inside the pot. After climbing up out of the magical pot, he was 49 to find that there were one hundred Kings.

All the Kings then 50 among themselves and died. This magical pot has killed the King himself!

36. A. bottle B. bowl C. plate D.pot 37. A. higher B. nearer C. deeper D. earlier 38. A. chose B. decided C. hoped D. continued 39. A. have a rest B. have a meeting C. have fun D. have a try 40. A.fix B. believe C. open D. close 41. A. exciting B. terrible C. magical D. beautiful 42. A. mango B. spade C. king D. man 43. A. In B. With C. Without D. By

44. A. but

45. A. price

46. A. the farmer's 47. A. looked after 48. A. fell 49. A. relaxed 50. A. stayed


B. So B. secret B. mine

B. looked for B. jumped B. excited B. competed C. or D. and C. cost D. wealth C. yours D. his

C. put away D. looked at C. joined D. felt C. shocked D. bored C. discussed D. fought

A There is a town near Suzhou. It is very interesting and beautiful. This is Luxiang, an old town. Luxiang was built in the Southern Song Dynasty(1127-1279). There were many famous people living in the town at that time. There are around 30 old buildings of Ming and Qing(1644-1912) dynasties now. People live a simple life. Six Lanes(巷) in the town go to Taihu lake. Luxiang looks more beautiful in spring, with many tea trees and fruit gardens. This place is famous for the tea called Biluochun. The Egyptian pyramids were built around 2560 B.C The largest of them is the great pyramid of Khufu. The king, Khufu built it as his tomb. The Great Pyramid was considered a unique(独一无二的) building in the 19th century A.D. At that time, it was still the tallest in the world. According to scientific research, Khufu ordered his men to build it stone by stone. The biggest stone was 15 tons, and each stone was fixed so well. The Great Pyramid has four sides and each side is 230.4 meters long and 146.5 meters high. At that time, there were no modern machines or equipment(设备), so how did the ancient Egyptians build it? To this day, it is still a mystery(谜). 51. Luxiang is famous for______. A. fruit gardens B. tea trees. C. Biluochun. D. six lanes. 52. Building the great pyramid is still a mystery now because______. A. each stone was fixed well. B. there were no modern machines or equipment then. C. it was made of stone. D. it was the tallest building in the world. 53.Which of the following is TRUE? A. Each stone of the Great Pyramid is 230.4 meters long and 146.5 meters wide. B. Luxiang is far away from Suzhou. . C. Luxiang looks more beautiful except spring.

D. In the 19th century A.D, the Great Pyramid was special and unusual.

第2页 共5页


Delia was a young pianist. Her husband Joe was a talented young painter. They lived in a small flat in New York.

Each of them was taking lessons - Joe with a famous art teacher,and Delia with a great pianist from Germany. They were the best teachers, so lessons were expensive, more than they could really afford,but …when you love your art,nothing’s too much.

But soon, the money began to run out and they couldn’t afford the lessons any more.

Then one day Delia came home and told Joe that she had met a man. The man’s daughter, Sally, wanted to learn the piano — and he was going to pay her $50 an hour.

“Delia,” Joe said, “I’d be much happier if you kept up your lessons. ” Delia said that it didn’t matter. She said, “When I’ve made some money, I’ll start again. When you love your art, nothing’s too much.”

A few days later, Joe came home and proudly took $200 from his pocket. “I met a man from Vermont,” he said, “who bought one of my paintings. And he wants to buy more!”

Then, one day, Joe came home and saw that Delia’s hand was burned. He asked her what had happened. “Oh,” said Delia. “My student, Sally, asked me to pour some coffee for her. So I did - and I dropped the coffee and burned my hand.”

Joe sat down and told Delia to sit down too. “Delia, what have you been doing the last two weeks?” he asked. She took a deep breath and started to cry. “Oh Joe — I couldn’t get any students so I got a job in a coffee shop. And today I burned my hand with hot water. So I can’t work any more. I’m sorry, Joe - but we’ll still have money from the man in Vermont, won’t we?”

Joe looked at her. “There’s no man in Vermont,” he said. “I haven’t sold any paintings. I’ve been working in a drugstore (药店),and today someone came from the coffee shop to buy cream for a woman who’d burned her hand. So when I saw you — well,I guessed.”

They both laughed. “So we’ve told each other lies,” said Joe. “But when you love your art ..,” Delia put her fingers to his lips (嘴唇). “No, Joe,” she said, “just ‘When you love ...’” 54.How did Joe most probably feel when he first knew about Delia’s plan? A. Proud but a bit afraid. B. Excited but a bit angry. C. Curious(好奇的) but a bit sad. D. Cheerful but a bit worried 55.What did Delia want to say in the end?

A. When you love your art, you can’t tell lies. B. When you love someone, you can’t tell lies. C. When you love your art, nothing’s too much. D. When you love someone, nothing’s too much.

56.Which of the following can best describe the coupled life? A. Full of joy B. Full of love. C. Full of lies D. Full of surprise


For his eleventh birthday, Lin was given a gift that would shape his life. On that day his father took him to the Children’s Activity Centre and said he could choose any course that interested him. There was just one requirement(要求): Lin would have to promise to study it for at least one year.

To that point Lin had had many hobbies, but none kept his interest for more than a week or two. His mum once gave him a bag of stamps to encourage stamp collecting. That hobby lasted a week. Then his father got him some paints hoping that Lin's artistic side would shine through. Those paints were now under his bed, still unopened. This time Lin’s parents would let him decide.

Lin's eyes moved down the noticeboard that listed all the courses on offer. He stopped at \He liked the idea of taking beautiful pictures but the notice said that each student

needed their own camera. Although Lin's family weren't poor, they weren’t rich either, and a camera cost a lot of money. He continued(继续) looking.

The next course to catch his eye was \t meant. His father explained that it taught people how to make public speeches(演讲). Lin, a shy boy, could think of nothing worse.

Then he saw it. \sounded like something he'd like to do. It was inexpensive and convenient, it could be done alone and it was also creative(有创造力的).

Based on Lin’s hobby history, his dad had doubts, but he agreed. Much to his parents' surprise, Lin kept his promise(诺言). He studied cooking at the Centre every Saturday, and practised at home, making delicious meals for his family. Everyone looked forward to birthdays, when they could eat his cakes. Lin got great satisfaction(满意) from the pleasure his food brought to others.

The months turned to years but his hobby never changed again.

Now Lin is an adult and runs a successful restaurant. When customers say they enjoy his meal, he still gets the same pleasure he did as a child, and remembers the special gift he received all those years ago.

57. The underlined expression \ ”.

A. make him excited B. cause him surprise C. get his attention D. help him see clearly 58. Which of the following best describes Lin's interest in cooking?

A. It only lasted for a short time. B. It seemed to match his character.

C. It was forced on him by his parents. D. It developed slowly over many months. 59. Why did the father have doubts about Lin's choice of cooking?

A. Lin wasn't good at cooking. B. Cooking wasn't very convenient.

C. He didn’t think Lin would continue. D. Cooking wasn't a good hobby for a boy. 60. What's the best title for the passage?

A. A Strict Father B. A Changeable Boy C. The Fun of Cooking D. The Birthday Gift

第二卷(非选择题 共40分)


A. 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 61. ---How are you going to Beijing tomorrow?

---We’re going to take a _________(直达的)flight.

62. Everyone is here ______________(除了……之外)Linda because she is ill. 63. He has had the car for a ________________ (a few) of days, but it still looks new. 64. ---What do you think of the seafood?

---It’s very ___________. (having a pleasant taste; tasty) 65. ---How long has his grandfather been _____________?

---For about ten years. He lost his life in an accident.

B. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。 travel, busy, forty, beautiful, they 66. Sandy likes places of natural ___________like Mount Huang or Jiuzhaigou. 67. I have many hobbies, such as ____________, playing ball games and so on.

68. My dad has gone to Shanghai on _______________. He will come back tomorrow. 69. ---Did they have a great time yesterday?

---Yes, they enjoyed ____________.

第3页 共5页

70. We organized a lot of activities to celebrate our school's ___________ birthday last month. C. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。 teach, visit, go, write, marry 71.---Do you have any plans for the May Day holiday, Amy? ---Yes. I____________Guilin with my parents.

72. I can still speak some French now, for I___________ Chinese in France for several years. 73. She has lived here since Linda _____________Mike in 1999. 74. ---Liu Ming, is that our head teacher Miss Chen over there?

---It can’t be her. She ____________to Nanjing for a meeting. 75. ---Has your father finished the report yet?

---Sorry, I don’t know. He ____________ it this morning. 六、句型转换 (5分)

76. The film started 10 minutes ago. (同义句)

The film has ________ ________ for ten minutes. 77. I have been to Shanghai twice.(对划线部分提问)

_________ ________ times have you been to Shanghai? 78. He went to school in a hurry without breakfast. (同义句)

He _______ ________school without having breakfast. 79. She’s already returned from the USA. (改为一般疑问句)

______ she returned from the USA __________? 80. The trip is very exciting. (改为感叹句)

______ _______ exciting trip it is!

七、根据课文内容或首字母提示填空 (每小题0.5分,共5分)

A) Kitty and her parents visited Hong Kong Disneyland. They had a 81 time there. They went there by underground. Space Mountain moved at high 82 . The best part of the day was the 83 of Disney characters. Next, they watched a 4-D film. It was like 84 because they could smell the apple pie and feel the wind.

81._________82. ___________83. ____________84. ____________

B) Early in May a man took me to Squire Gordon’s home, near the village of Birtwick. My new stable was large and c 85 . There was a little fat grey pony next to me. “How do you do? What’s your name?” I said. He said, “My name is Merrylegs. I hope you are good-tempered. I don’t like h 86 that bite.”

He looked over at a tall chestnut horse. In the afternoon, when she went out, Merrylegs told me about her.

“That’s Ginger,” he said. “She bites. One day she bit James, the groom(马夫). She says no one was k 87 to her before. But James and John Manly, our grooms, are very good to us, and Squire Gordon doesn’t whip his horses, s 88 I think she’s going to like it here.”

The next morning, John t 89 me for a ride.

On the way back we met the Squire and Mrs. Gordon.

The Squire asked John, “Well, John, what’s the new horse like?”And John a 90 , “Excellent, sir.” Mrs. Gordon said, “He is a beauty. Let’s call him Black Beauty.”

85. ___________86._________87. __________88. ___________89. ___________90. ___________ 八、阅读与回答问题(每小题1分,共5分)

It’s helpful to think about the following before you take a trip.

Choose where you want to go. When people think to themselves, “I want to take a trip,” usually they have a place in mind. Where is yours? Try to make it a specific (确切的)as possible. “London” is

a lot easier to plan than “England”.

Keep in mind weather conditions, kinds of activity for fun (beaches, culture, shopping”. What clothes are right for you? What is needed there?

Choose when you want to go. This will be decided by a number of things, but mostly your plan. How much time can you take off work?

Do you want to go during the off-season or while tourism is in high season? The off-season will offer discounts(打折), but it will also mean closed doors.

When it comes to weather, do you want to travel in winter or the rainy season? How about when it’s hot?

And there is ticket price---if you’re flying, when is it the cheapest to fly?

Book flights and hotels. Once you’re exactly sure of where, when and how you want to go, book your flight and hotel. For flights, book around two months out. And don't wait till the last minute for your hotels either---you don’t want them to be booked or almost-booked (because then prices rise quickly)

Pack(装进,收拾行李) light. No one has ever said to themselves while on vacation, “I’m so glad I packed all my things.” Leave space for shopping and buying souvenirs. Moreover, travelling with lots of luggage(行李) restricts(限制,约束) your movement and causes discomfort—you’ll be moving around a lot, and it’ll only be cumbersome(笨重的). Only pack what you need. 91.How many tips for travelling are mentioned(提及) in this passage?

92.What should you think about first before you take a trip according to the passage? 93.What should you do if you are sure of where, when and how you want to go? 94.Why should you travel with light luggage?

95.What’s the passage mainly about?(自拟一句作答) 九、书面表达 (10分)

假如你是Kitty,请根据提示给你的朋友Amy写一封邮件,介绍你到扬州的旅行。 要求:意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于80词。 时间 寒假 交通 长途汽车 地点 扬州 车程 两个半小时 人物 我和父母 事件 参观景点 中国园林:个园(Ge Garden)、何园(He Garden)——欣赏美景,拍照,…… 瘦西湖(Slender West Lake)——…… 其它活动 参观博物馆,购物,品尝美食 感受 玩得开心 …… Dear Amy, How are you? We haven’t seen each other for a long time. I miss you so much.

Hope to see you soon. Yours, Kitty

第4页 共5页

Unit 2 单元测试卷答题纸

第Ⅰ卷(选择题60分) 1 16 31 46 2 17 32 47 3 18 33 48 4 19 34 49 五、词汇(15分) 61_____________ 62 63 _____________64___________ 65 ____________ 66_____________ 67 68 _____________69 ___________ 70 ____________ 71____________ 72 73_____________ 74__________ 75 ____________ 六、句型转换(5分) 76.____________ ____________ 77.___________ _____________ 78. _________ ______________ 79. ___________ _____________ 80.___________ ____________ 七、短文填空(5分) 81__________ 82 83 ___________ 84 __________ 85 ____________ 86__________ 87 88 ____________ 89 __________ 90 ____________ 请在规定的答题区域答题

5 20 35 50 6 21 36 51 7 22 37 52 8 23 38 53 9 24 39 54 10 25 40 55 11 26 41 56 12 27 42 57 13 28 43 58 14 29 44 59 15 30 45 60 八、阅读与回答问题(5分) 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 九、书面表达(10分) Dear Amy, How are you? We haven’t seen each other for a long time. I miss you so much.

Hope to see you soon. Yours, Kitty 请在规定的答题区域答题

第II卷(非选择题 共40分)

第5页 共5页


1. W: Which country will you visit? M: Denmark.

2. M: How was the meeting, Sandy?

W: The meeting was good, but the trip wasn’t. I didn’t sleep well on the train. 3. M: Today I saw many dancers in the parade in the street. W: Me too. In the parade I saw Mickey Mouse wave to me.

4. M: Your brother is coming from New York. When will you meet him at the airport? W: At a quarter to three this afternoon.

5. W: Do you play computer games every day?

M: No. I often use my computer to search for information. 6. M: I hear your father works in Paris.

W: No. That was five years ago. Since then he has worked in New York. 7. M: Have you finished your Maths homework, Helen? W: Not yet. I really don’t know how to do it.

8. M: Ladies and gentlemen, Flight seven three, three one, to Shanghai will take off in 15 minutes.

Please get on board.

W: Oh, God! It’s already seven o’clock. We must hurry up! 9. M: What about going walking after dinner this evening?

W: Well, I will go with you if you really want to, but I’m a little tired. 10. M: What can I do when my baby is crying? W: A doll with beautiful clothes may help.

第二部分:你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。请选出你认为最合适的答案。 听下面一段对话,回答第11至12小题。 M: Excuse me, Kitty! Where were you born? W: I was born in Sydney.

M: How long did you live there?

W: I lived there until I was four years old. Then my family moved to Beijing. M: What does your father do? W: He sells computers.

M: Which place do you like better, Sydney or Beijing?

W: I can’t remember the life in Sydney very well. I like living in Beijing a lot.

听下面一篇短文,回答第13至第15小题。选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 听第2段材料完成信息记录表。

My friends and I spent a few weeks in London last year. We went in autumn. We think it’s the best season to visit England. The weather is usually quite good and there aren’t too many visitors in October. We did most of our sightseeing on foot. We went to look at the places that all visitors see. What we liked most was going to the theatre. We don’t have the chance to see such wonderful plays at home. A lot of people say English food is very bad. We didn’t think so. It’s true that most of the restaurants are French, Italian or Chinese, but we had some very good meals.


Hi! I’m David. My uncle has been working in Shanghai for more than 20 years. I visited him during the holiday. He has seen the city’s changes. He told me that twenty years ago, the buildings were small and dark. People lived in small rooms and didn’t have enough to eat. But China has developed

quickly in recent years. The new buildings are tall and bright. More and more ring roads have appeared. Many people have moved into modern flats. The traffic is much better than before. Shanghai has successfully hosted the two thousand and ten World Expo. People are living more comfortably. China has made such great progress. I think it is very important to remember the past, live in the present and dream about the future.

Unit 2参考答案:

一、听力1-5 CCBCA 6-10 BABAC 11-15 BCCAC 16-20 BACBB 二、单项选择21-25 CCCBD 26-30 CBCAB 31-35 DADBA 三、完形填空36-40 DCDAB 41-45 CABDB 46-50 BDACD 四、阅读理解51-53 CBD 54-56 CDB 57-60 CBCD 五、词汇

61-65 direct, except, couple, delicious, dead

66-70 beauty, travelling/traveling, business, themselves, fortieth

71-75 am going to visit/will visit, taught, married, has gone, was writing 六、句型转换76-80 been on, How many, hurried to, Has yet, What an 七、短文填空

81-84 fantastic, speed, parade, magic 85-90 comfortable horses kind so took answered 八、阅读与回答问题 91. Five.

92. I should choose what I want to go. 93. I should book my flight and hotel.

94. Because travelling with heavy luggage restricts my movement and causes discomfort. 95. How to plan a trip. /What to do before taking a trip. 九、书面表达 Dear Amy,

How are you? We haven’t seen each other for a long time. I miss you so much.

During the winter holiday, my parents and I paid a visit to Yangzhou/travelled to Yangzhou. It took us two and a half hours to get there by coach/take a coach there. There are lots of places of interest to visit in Yangzhou, especially Chinese gardens. The next day, we visited Ge Garden and He Garden. In the gardens, we couldn’t stop taking photos when we enjoyed the beautiful views. Moreover, we learned a lot about the history of the gardens by listening to the tour guide. On the third day, we went to Slender West Lake. We rowed boats on the lake and took a lot of photos there. On the fourth day, we visited museums and did some shopping. I bought a lot of presents for my friends and relatives. Later in the afternoon, we tasted some delicious food in the restaurants./we went to a Chinese restaurant and had a delicious meal. The food there is really nice.

We had a fantastic time in Yangzhou. I enjoyed this trip very much. I hope to visit it again some day.

Hope to see you soon. Yours, Kitty

第6页 共5页

2019-2020学年牛津译林版八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Travelling 单元测试卷(含答案)


