【期刊名称】《植物学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2003(045)008
【摘要】The complexity of natural conditions leads to the complexity of vegetation types of Taiwan ofChina, which has both tropical and cold-temperate vegetation types, and could be depicted as the vegeta-tion miniature of China or even for the world. The physiognomic-floristic principle was adopted for thevegetation classification of Taiwan. The units of rank from top to bottom are: class of vegetation-type,order of vegetation-type,
association. The high-rank units(class,order and vegetation-type) are classified by ecological physiognomy, while the median and lowerunits by the species composition of community. At the same time the role of dominant species andcharacter species will also be considered. The dominant species are the major factor concerned with themedian ranks (alliance group,and alliance) because they are the chief components of community, addition-ally their remarkable appearance is easy to identify; the character species (or diagnostic species) are forrelatively low ranks (association) because they will clearly show the interspecies relation-ship and thecharacteristics of community. According to this principle, vegetation of Taiwan is classi-fied into fiveclasses of