教材名称:《计算机专业英语》 主 编: 来永春 出版时间:
第 26 次课 学时 2 Project Five Beautifying the Online Store Page 授课题目(章,节) Part A Theoretical Learning Skill Two Multimedia Devices 授课类型(请打√) 理论课□√ 研讨课□ 习题课□ 复习课□ 其他□ 教学目的: 1 In this part, our target is to improve the speed of reading professional articles and the comprehension ability of the reader. 2.We have marked specialized vocabulary key words in some paragraphs so that the reader can quickly grasp the main idea of the sentences and paragraphs. 教学方法、手段: 1. By the computer, projector and blackboard-writing 2. By the student-centered learning, using Classroom Teaching Method, Communicative Teaching Method, Task-based Teaching Method and Audio-visual Teaching Method 教学重点、难点: 1.Master the key words and phrases in the text. 2.Analyze the structure of the complex sentences in the text. 3.Translate the text into Chinese with the help of the reference materials. 3.Describe Multimedia Devices 补充内容和教学内容及过程设计 时间分配 教学设计 Step 1. Learning key words and phrases 20 分钟 animation 动画 digital-to-analog 数/模 transfer rate 传输率 expansion 扩展 synthesis 合成 access time 访问时间 coprocessor 协处理器 joystick 操纵杆 sample 采样 voice synthesizer 声音合成器 bandwidth 宽带 algorithm 算法 adapter 适配器 video accelerator board 视频加速卡 video capture board 视频采集卡 graphics accelerator board 图形加速卡 audio capture board 音频采集卡 waveform synthesis 波形合成 appearance n. 出现 high-resolution 高分辨率 in addition 此外 add-on 外加的 analog n. 模拟 FM(Frequency Modulation) 频率调制 FM synthesis FM合成法 waveform synthesis 波形合成法 CD-ROM 只读光盘 binary adj. 二进制的 single-speed 单速 CD-R 可擦写光盘 enhanced adj. 增强的 access vt. 获取,访问 video capture board 视频采集卡 Step 2. Introduction of training target 5分钟
1 In this part, our target is to improve the speed of reading professional articles and the comprehension ability of the reader. 2.We have marked specialized vocabulary key words in some paragraphs so that the reader can quickly grasp the main idea of the sentences and paragraphs. Step 3. Leading in a short introduction to Multimedia Devices 5分钟 Multimedia is the combination of sound,graphics, animation, video and text. It makes the computer play an important role in developing applications. Multimedia PCs can run multimedia applications, normally equipped with a sound card, a CD-ROM drive and a high-resolution color monitor. Step 4. Analyzing the structure of the complex sentences 15分钟 1. Multimedia PCs can run multimedia applications. 2. The sound card is an add-on device that generates analog sound signals from digital data, using either a digital-to-analog converter or an FM synthesis chip. 3. This is the enhanced CD-ROM format developed by Philips, Sony and Microsoft that allows data to be read from the disk at the same time as audio is played back. Step 5. Memorizing and mastering the following key sentences in the text. 45分钟 1. A multimedia PC is used in various aspects. Its appearance is a
revolution in the computer field.
2. It makes the computer play an important role in developing applications.
3. In addition, there are also scanners, digital cameras and so on. 4. The CD serves as multimedia’s chief storage and exchange medium. 5. The sound card is an add-on device that generates analog sound signals from digital data, using either a digital-to-analog converter or an FM synthesis chip.
6. There are three major standards for PC sound cards: AdLib, Sound Blaster, and Windows-compatible.
7. There are two kinds of MIDI sound generations: FM synthesis simulates musical notes by modulating the frequency of a base carrier wave; whereas waveform synthesis uses digitized samples of the notes to produce a more realistic sound. 8. This is the technology that allows a user to write data and read data from a CD-R disk. 9. A CD-R disk can be played in any standard CD-ROM drive but needs a special CD-R drive to write data to the disk. 10. A video capture board is a high speed digital sampling circuit which stores a TV picture in memory so that it can then be processed by a computer. 11. Graphics accelerator board is a specialized expansion board containing a graphics coprocessor as well as all of the other circuitryfound on a video adapter. 12. Transferring most of the graphics processing tasks from the main processor to the graphics accelerator board improves system performance considerably 13. You can see that multimedia is by no means just one of the preceding technologies. 14. The standard defines how audio, images and data are stored on a CD-ROM disk to allow sound and video to be accessed at the same time. 思考题、作业题、讨论题: 1.Review the key words and phrases in the text. 2.Translate the text into Chinese with the help of the reference materials. 3.Complete the exercises involved. 课后总结分析: