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外研版高中英语必修四Book4 Module 2Traffic Jam

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Book4 Module 2 Traffic Jam

第一课时Words and Instruction

What to learn: new words in Module 4

How to learn : by reading, explaining and doing related exercises to practice them How long will be used: about 45 minutes Step I: Words:

1. 与…连接在一起 _______________ ; 与…有联系 / 与…相连接__________________ This bus _______________________________________. (这辆公交车与电线连接在一起) He is __________________________________________.(他和这次事故有关) 2. be/get stuck in 被困在…/ 陷入 / 卡在..

The bus ________________________ ______. (这辆车陷在泥里了) Have you ever _________________________________? (你曾经遇到交通堵塞吗?) 复习:be / get caught in

遇上沙尘暴是一种可怕的经历。译: 3. in no time ______ _____ 类似短语:at once; right now; right away 4. permit n. _____ ____;permission n. __________ permit v. ____ ______; 过去式、过去分词_____ ___ _____ __ 现在分词 _______ ___ As a punishment, ________________________________(不允许他参加学校的任何活动) 5. limit n /v 在未来城市范围内___________________ ; limit the speed ________ limited time __________ be limited to ______________ 6. 印象v. ____________; adj. _________________ ; n. __________________ 给某人留下深刻印象____________________________ ____ 他做了个令人印象深刻的讲演。__________________________________________. 你对他的印象如何?_______________________________________________? 7. under _____________ / ______________ / ________________/_________________ 在建设中/讨论中/考虑中/控制下

8.方便的______________ _____; n. _______________ _____

______________________ I will visit you next Sunday. (如果你方便的话) Step II: Introduction:

1.交通方式_________________ ___ 2.与…相连接 _____________ ____ 3.遇到交通堵塞_______________________ 4.和同伴分享答案_____________________

第二课时 Reading and Vocabulary

Step 1:Revision Step 2:Leading –in

1.If you want to go to Beijing from Zou Ping,which means of transport would you like to take? 2.How will you get around in Beijing?Which means of transport do you prefer? Step 3:Reading (fast reading)

1.Look at the passage and choose who might find the information useful? ( )

A. Tourists to Beijing B. Doctors to hospital C. Peasants to working 2.T or F

1).If you want to go to the suburb, you can take the No. 56 bus. ( ) 2).The 103 bus passes the Forbidden city and Tiananmen Square. ( ) 3).Minibuses have seats for 13 people. ( ) 4).Minibuses follow the same routes as large public buses. ( )

5).You’d better take pedicabs if you want to explore the narrow alleys of old Beijing.

( )

Step 4:Careful Reading

1.Read parts 1 & 2,and answer the four questions:

1).How easy is it to find a taxi in Beijing? 2).What colour are most taxis? 3).What’s the problem with buses? 4).Which is the best bus for tourists? 2.Read parts 3,4 & 5, and design four questions ,using the answers:

(part 3)1. ? Answer:12 people (part4)2. ? Answer:Underground is fast and convenient

(part4)3. ? Answer:Underground closes at 11:00 pm.

(part5)4. ? Answer:The narrow alley(hutong) of old Beijing

3. Fill in the form and retell the text,using these key words: Means transport Taxis Buses Minibuses Under- ground of Working hours Advantages Disadvantages Pedicabs Step 5.Activity3 Step 6. 完成《非常学案》课文概述 Step7.Homework

第三课时 Language points & Cultural Corner

Language Points: Step 1 :Revision

Step 2:Language Points.

1. Simply raise your hand,and a taxi appears in no time.(祈使句+and+陈述句)

例:努力学习,你将会成功。 in no time 意思: 2.You should check the cab has a business permit, and make sure you ask for a receipt. Permit n.【C】通行证;许可证;执照V.许可;允许;准许

Have you got a permit to fish in this lake? 译: permit +n./pron./doing permit sb.to do sth. 我们不允许在图书馆里谈笑。译:

相关词汇复习:allow的用法? 3.Public transport provides a cheap way to get around in Beijing. 问:如何用英语表达“向某人提供某物”(provide, supply, offer)

公司给他提供了一辆小汽车。译: = 4.They can get very crowded. Rush hours can be terrible. Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam? 1)can在句中表示什么意思?

复习句子:在厦门夏天相当热,相当潮湿,可是冬天有时会很冷。译: 2)get+过去分词

get 受伤;get 迷路;get 结婚;get 喝醉

5.Buses numbered 1 to 100 (局限于)travel with in the city centre. 6.You’ll (饱览)of the rapidly changing city.

7.Minibuses with seats for 12 passengers offer an alternative to expensive taxis and crowded public transport in some areas.

alternative的意思及词性 8.Trains are fast and (方便的), but rush hours can be terrible. 1)It is/was for sb to do sth对某人来说做…方便 2) be convenient to/for 对某人来说…是方便的

我们家到孩子们的学校近而方便。译: 9.Tricycles are worth using (值得用)if you want to explore the narrow alley(hutong)of old Beijing.

值得做…1)be worth


Cultural Corner

Step I read the text and finish the following:

1. What is a congestion charge? 2. What’s the main idea of the first paragraph ?

__________________________________________________________ _ 3. Which sentence can be replaced by the following one?

When the cars enter the city centre, cameras will store the information of the registration numbers and they will check whether the drivers have paid their charge.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Translations:

(1) 在世界的任何一个地方你都可能遇到交通堵塞。

__________________________________________________________ (2) A survey carried out at the end of 2003 suggests it does.

__________________________________________________________ 5. What’s your opinion about traffic jam?

Step 2 underline the following phrases and remember.

1. get stuck in the traffic jam译: 2. be built with the motor car in mind 译: 3. in queues 译:

4. face a fine of £80译:

5. be happy with = be satisfied with 译: 6. Does the congestion charge work?译: 7. traffic coming into central London 译: 8. what’s more 译:

9. limit their freedom 译:

第四课时Listening;Everyday English; Writing


Step1 : First listening. Do Activity 1 and 2.. Step2 : Second Listening .Do Activity3 and 4 .

Step3: Post-listening. Listening again and then fill in the blanks. Tapescript:

Speaking 1

On my way home a few days ago , I got 1____ __ again in the traffic . While I was waiting , I saw a group of taxi drivers in front of me getting out of their cars . They seemed to know each other. They had coffee cups and one of them carried a thermos flask and poured out some hot water to make tea . It was quite funny ! But even after the tea party was over, the traffic was still 2___ __ and we still couldn’t move. Speaker 2

A few weeks ago I had to catch a plane to Sichuan Province . The plane took off at 5:30 pm so I set off at 2:30 pm to 3___ ___ plenty of time to get to the airport . But it wasn’t enough time. At 5 pm I was still only at the third ring road . It was just 4_____ ___! There was no way I was going to catch the plane , so I told the taxi driver to turn back and go home. Speaker3

It’s only 7 kilometres from my home to my place of work . But every day, it is almost certain there will be a 5___ __ ____ __ as I get near the west fourth ring road . it’s so annoying ! It takes at least 15 to 20 minutes to get trough it . I think the traffic jams are usually caused by people disobeying traffic rules . To get to the front of the line, they often take the bicycle lane. It’s the 6__ ___ with pedestrians and cyclists . They don’t wait for the green light to pass. Speaker4

Beijing traffic seems to have got noticeably worse recently . The causes seem to be roadworks as the city prepares for the Olympics , and a huge 7___ ___ in new car owners and new drivers .Whatever the cause, it’s enough to drive you mad ! Why not limit the number of cars , build more underground lines of follow Shanghai and build roads in the sky ? These days I only g go out in my car at night after 9 pm. That way I 8___ ___ the worst of the traffic. Speaker5

Going to the Summer Palace the other evening there was a big traffic jam at a narrow bridge. One lane in either direction. So obviously there were lots of cars 9__ ___ on the wrong side of the road which then came to a complete stop when a car came in the other direction . Result : no one was able to move for 10 minutes ! As soon as it cleared the same thing happened again . It’s 10_____ __ ! Step4:P18 Everyday English Step5:P18 Writing Activity1 &2.

第五课时Grammar and Test

Part 1 Words

执照 许可证 收据

目的地_______________ 解答 答案 心情 心境 拥塞 堆积_____________ 执照 登记 展示 陈列

外研版高中英语必修四Book4 Module 2Traffic Jam


