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为给您2018考研英语复习助力,小编为大家整理了一些考研英语的长难句资料参考,英语的复习像盖楼应该从基础开始复习,希望大家平时抽出一点时间读一读记一记。 Grand trade deals, never very high on governments’ agendas, have in recent
decades aimed more at locking in existing practice than at winning important new
concessions. The TFA reflects curtailed ambition, after plans for agreements in
areas such as intellectual property and trade in services were abandoned. 长难句解析:
Grand trade deals, never very high on governments’ agendas, have in recent
decades aimed more at locking in existing practice than at winning important new
词汇突破:1. Concessions 让步
2. Grand trade deals 大规模的贸易协定
3. high on governments’ agendas 政府议程的重点 4. existing practice 现行惯例 5. new concessions 新的让步
长难句解析:Grand trade deals have aimed more at A than at B. 大规模的贸易协议更关注A不是B A= locking in existing practice
B= winning important new concessions
切分成分:never very high on governments’ agendas 定语 in recent decades 状语
The TFA reflects curtailed ambition, after plans for agreements in areas
such as intellectual property and trade in services were abandoned. 词汇突破:1.curtail 限制,减缩,缩短
Spending on books has been severely curtailed. 购书的开支已经被大大削减 2. curtailed ambition
被削减的雄心 (壮志难酬) 3. intellectual property 知识产权
长难句解析: The TFA reflects curtailed ambition 直接翻译:TFA反映了缩减的雄心
切分成分: after plans for agreements in areas such as intellectual property and
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trade in services were abandoned. 状语从句
Plans for agreements were abandoned. 状语从句的主干
in areas such as intellectual property and trade in services 状语从句中 的定语 参考译文:在知识产权和服务业贸易等领域的协议计划被放弃之后,《贸易便利化协议》正是壮志难酬的体现。 重点背景介绍:
世界贸易组织(WTO)由于无法有效制约各成员国一直广受诟病,被媒体讥讽为 停下来喝咖啡说大话的地方 (a coffee stop for
meaningless big
talk)。22日卢旺达、阿曼、乍得和约旦4国向世界贸易组织递交了《贸易便利化协定》批准文件。至此,批准《协定》的成员已达112个(ratified by
112 member
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