M2: It’s alway s just nice to get out and experience a different culture and different lifestyle.
W4: I get very excited about the thought of going to most countries, any country.
W5: I love to travel to different countries.
M3: Absolutely love traveling. I’ve been traveling for about two and a half years solid now.
W6: I’ve been to Turkey. I’ve been to Egypt. I’ve been to Malta. M4: I work as an expedition leader and so I actually operate in different countries around the world, many places outside the United Kingdom. Part 3
F: What do you like about traveling?
M3: I think you mature a lot when you travel. You, er, you learn … oh, just completely different experiences to what you’re used to at home. W6: I like the airport experience. I love that. M5: I like the arrival more than the traveling.
W5: To see art especially. We love to see theater in other countries. M4: You see some, some of the most beautiful scenery around the world which you wouldn’t experience in other countries.
M2: I just really like getting out there and experiencing a different culture, getting far away from, you know, what we’re used to in Australia, and meeting new people.
W4: The anticipation of being in a new place, of seeing very different things, er, of hearing a different language, (and) of eating different food. Everything that travel has to offer. Part 4
F: What don’t you like? W6: I don’t like long flights.
W3: I suppose plane journeys aren’t always the most exciting of things. W1: Flying. I don’t particularly like flying, but it’s a necessity when you live in Ireland, you know. M2: I suppose the biggest problem I have with traveling is living out of a suitcase.
W4: In all honesty, I actually see the whole travel as an adventure in itself. So, er, when, when I was backpacking, and we all … we ran out of money, or we were in dangerous situations, I actually quite enjoyed that.
M4: You spend a lot of time outside the United Kingdom, and the disadvantage of that is, that you, you tend to miss familie s and friends. I miss out on normal things in life, so … I’ve been outside the United Kingdom for two thirds of the year. I’d say that’s the main disadvantage. W5: The hardest thing for me is that I am handicapped. And so sometimes getting around, especially very old cities, is very difficult. M5: My wife’s usually late for … getting to the airport. It wasn’t until I, I got married I actually started missing flights.
Listening Scripts
One place that I think everyone should have the chance to see is Venice. But the problem is that this beautiful and charming city is slowly sinking. Ever since the 14th century engineers have tried to work out a way to stop the floods in Venice, but so far nobody has managed. Sometimes there are as many as 40 floods per year between March and September, and Venice is actually sinking at a rate of two and a half inches every decade. It’s very possible that your grandchildren, and their grandchildren will never have the chance to see this fragile city. Everyone should have the chance to enjoy the city, to walk across its famous bridges, through its ancient squares. There are no cars in Venice, and many people think it helps this to be one of the most romantic cities in the world. So, can it be saved?
Well, they are trying. Barriers are being put in to try and stop the water getting too high. This is viewed as a temporary measure, although they should last 100 years, so the problem is finding a permanent solution. If you want my advice, go there while you still can, and then together we can put pressure on the government to spend the money it needs to find a permanent way to keep this beautiful and historic city for future generations. We have an opportunity now to save this city, and we must, before it’s too late.
Viewing Scripts
V = V oice-over; M1 = Man 1, etc.; JL = Joanna Lumley; W1 = Woman 1, etc.;
EH = Eamonn Holmes; JJE = Jocelyn Jee Esien; AF = Alex Fraser; JP = John Palmer; MJ = Melanie Jones; LS = Lucy Sassoon; Vs = V oices V: There are so many amazing places to see around the world. Here are some of your favorites.
Welcome to Bangkok! With over six million people, it’s big, it’s busy and you love it! It’s very good for shopping and the nightlife is great, too.
M1: It’s got lots of clubs, bars, shops, food … Everything you need, really.
V: There are 400 temples in Bangkok, so Bangkok is an important place for Buddhists around the world, and tourists love to visit the temples, too.
V: You also love the Masai Mara in Kenya. It’s a fantastic place to watch animals: zebras, elephants, antelope, hippos, and lions. You can see them all. So, why is it so special?
JL: Huge open spaces, fantastic animals, just wide open freedom, warmth, friendliness, and all underneath the great African skies. V: Now a popular, romantic city … the city of lights, Paris.
W1: To me, Paris is elegant, romantic and expensive. W2: Go in the spring and enjoy the art galleries.
V: And enjoy the views of the city from the top of the Eiffel Tower. V: Back to Africa now, South Africa. Yes, it’s Cape Town. And behind Cape Town is the 1,000-meter-high Table Mountain, with its fantastic views.
EH: Cape Town is one of my top three places on earth.
JJE: Friendly people, loads of beaches, and the food is unbelievably cheap.
M2: We went there um, over New Year and it was lovely. I mean, just a lovely, lovely place. EH: Great place, Cape Town.
V: You love the mountains and beaches that make Cape Town so special. And these little guys –the penguins.
V: This is the big moment: the number one place to see before you die. Your favorite is … the Grand Canyon! The Grand Canyon is an amazing place. You can read about the Grand Canyon and you can look at photographs and videos, but nothing can prepare you for the real thing.
AF: There is so much to see that you never stop seeing something new. JP: The colors are just so … amazing.
MJ: With every changing inch of the sunset, the colors in the canyon