I: We brought hundreds of people back and we got them to sit the exact same test that they had sat when they were aged 11. Now, these people are now 79 or 80 years old. We gave the same instructions. We gave the same test. And we gave the same time limit. M2: It was a little stickier than I thought it would be. M3: I walked through it quite happily, quite honestly.
W2: I felt I must have been very bright at 11 if I sat that exam and passed.
N: There were some intriguing results. Almost everyone had a better score at 80 than they did at 11.
But some had gone from being just averagely intelligent to a much higher level.
I: Now, that’s what really drives our research. We’re interested in: Why have those people who’ve gone (people gone) from IQ 100, at age 11, up to 110 or 120? What have they done right?
What can be the recipe for successful aging? We’re finding that the person with more education, even though they had the same IQ in childhood, is doing slightly better in old age, on average. The person who had a more professional job, in old age, is doing slightly better on average than the person who had a manual job, despite the fact that they started at the same level. The people who smoked have got slightly less good mental ability than you would expect.
N: What’s even more remarkable is that the kids who had higher IQ scores at 11 are the very ones still alive today. So it seems high IQ in childhood is good for survival. Speaking for communication Role-play Scripts
A: Ah, OK, so we need to think of the best ideas for taking tests. B: Yep.
A: Er, well, how about this one? It’s a good idea to study with friends at the same time each day. B: Mm, in my opinion, this is a really good idea. You can make it a regular part of your daily life. A: You mean like having breakfast at the same time, lunch at the same time, studying at the same time.
B: Yes. And also I think it helps when you study with friends. A: Yeah, I, I think it’s more motivating.
B: And you can actually talk to someone, not just look at books. I find that if I’m only reading my notes it’s easy to lose concentration. I start thinking about other things. But when you are talking to someone, it really helps you concentrate. So, yes, I agree with this one. A: OK. Another idea is not to eat too much before the exam. B: Oh, really?
A: Mm, when I eat a lot, I get sleepy.
B: Oh, I see. I think it depends. Because if you don’t eat enough, you start to feel hungry in the middle of the exam. A: Mm, that’s true.
B: And then you can’t concentrate. A: Yeah, that’s true.
B: So, I’m not sure about this advice, for me. As I said, I think it depends. I always try to eat a good meal before an exam. I’m so nervous that I never get sleepy.
A: Hm. OK. What other ideas do you have?
B: Well, there’s one thing I always do before an exam. A: What’s that?
B: I go to bed early the night before. A: Right.
B: I always try to sleep for eight hours the night before the exam. Further practice in listening Short conversations Scripts Conversation 1
W: It is the third time my paper has been rejected by journals because of language problems. M: You know, there is a writing center on campus. I had never got a grade better than C for any of my term papers before they helped me out.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation? The woman should seek help from the writing center Conversation 2
M: You said you would choose Spanish as your second foreign language. Why did you finally choose French instead?
W: My grandfather speaks fluent French and he says that French is a language that any truly cultured person must know. Q: Why does the woman choose to learn French? She thinks speaking French is a must for cultured people. Conversation 3
W: You seem to have no problem understanding native speakers now. How about Dr. Brown’s speech last night?
M: Excellent. But it was still too fast for me to follow, especially when Dr. Brown talked about those abstract theories. Q: What did the man do last night? He attended a speech. Conversation 4
M: It seems to me that Melissa is in a bad mood today. What’s wrong with her?
W: Melissa forgot to bring her identification card yesterday and she was not allowed to enter the contest. You know she had prepared for the contest for months.
Q: What made Melissa unhappy?
That she lost her chance to enter the contest. Conversation 5
W: I think my time at school is wasted because it is just studying books and doing tests.
M: But you also learn new ideas and new ways of thinking. And more importantly you meet people and develop your understanding of people at school.
Q: What does the man think of the woman’s opinion? It is one-sided. Long conversation Scripts
M: Miranda, let’s speak about your performance in class. You’re not participating; you’re careless with your assignments and often hand them in late. You don’t want to be here, do you?
W: I’m sorry Dr. Smith. It’s just … I’ve got lots of things to do. I’m studying Web design and I’m
a first-class player on our golf team. It’s hard to see why I need to take a Spanish language class!
M: Well, I’m sorry you feel that way, but learning another language can improve your performance in all of your efforts. And it can be very