【期刊名称】《医学与社会》 【年(卷),期】2011(024)001
【摘要】社会医疗保险机制是保证便携性的前提,便携性是实现人们公平地获得健康权和医疗保险制度可持续发展的基础条件.因此,要实现社会医疗保险便携性,体现社会公平正义,推进城市化建设,保证社会医疗保险制度的可持续发展,需要构建科学合理的社会医疗保险便携性机制.%Social health insurance system is a prerequisite to ensure portabilily portability is to achieve equitable access to people's health and health insurance system for sustainable development.Therefore, to achieve the portability of social health insurance, to achieve social fairness and justice, to promote the construaion of the city, and to ensure the social health insurance system for sustainable development , we need to build a scientific and rational mechanism of portability of social health insurance 【总页数】3页(51-53)
【关键词】社会医疗保险;便携性;投保人;机制 【作者】崔仕臣
【作者单位】温州医学院人文与管理学院,温州,325035 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】F842.61 【相关文献】