【期刊名称】《中国科技纵横》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)020
【摘要】 With the deepening of foundation pit excavation depth and more complicated of surrounding environment, the commonly used single retaining structure form for the foundation pit has been difficult to meet the economic and reasonable purpose of the engineer, therefore, the united use of a variety of the retaining structure form is needed. This main purpose of this text through a project example is to introduce the joint use of the soil nailed wal and row pile+pul anchor bracing structure in complex foundation pit, which accumulate some practical experience for this type of foundation project.% 随着基坑开挖深度的加深及其周边环境日益复杂化,基坑围护采用常用的单一支护结构形式已难以满足工程的经济、合理的要求,为此,需采用多种支护结构形式进行联合使用。本文主要通过一个工程实例,介绍土钉墙与排桩+拉锚支护结构在复杂基坑围护中的联合使用,为该类型基坑工程积累一定的实践经验。 【总页数】2页(99-100)
【关键词】基坑围护;支护结构;联合使用 【作者】张保会;李厚雄
【作者单位】浙江工业大学建筑规划设计研究院有限公司 浙江杭州 310014;浙江工业大学建筑规划设计研究院有限公司 浙江杭州 310014