生活必备医学英语会话 :手脚毛病
1)His both hands and feet ache all over. 他两手两脚都很酸痛。
2)He has pain on the sole of his feet. 他脚底很痛。
3)There is a wart-like lump on the sole of right foot. 我右脚底有个像肉疣般的硬块。
4)His ankles look puffy and they pit when he presses them with his finger.
他的足踝好象肿了,用手按,就有小坑痕。 pit = small dent form 句里的 they 和 them 都是指 ankles.
5)The pain in his left foot is accompanied by redness and swelling.
6)The joints near his fingernails and knuckles look swollen. 指头和指节旁边的关节,似乎有肿大。
7)He has numbness and tingling in his hands and fingers. 他的手和指头感到麻木和刺痛。
8)His legs become painful following strenuous exercise. 激烈运动后,他的腿就痛。
9)His knee is misshapen or unable to move.
10)There are some swellings in his armpit. 他的腋窝肿大。
11)He is troubled with painful muscles and joints. 他的筋骨和关节都痛。
12)She is troubled by the pains in the back and shoulders. 她的后背和肩膀都痛。
13)His knee has been bothering him for some time. 他的膝盖不舒服,已有一段时间了。
生活必备医学英语会话 :手脚毛病